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Messages - Questionable

That could be a real cool comp!
Quote from: Stupot on Wed 24/03/2010 16:15:35
to pad out sounds more natural that just pad.

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 09/04/2010 21:38:34
Quote from: Bulbapuck on Fri 09/04/2010 18:18:10
Happy birthday Domithan :D

F**K you Domithan!

F**k you...

You know what you did.

P.S. Happy birthday, you cunt!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Tue 06/04/2010 03:35:56
F**k You Monkey... F**k You.

He knows what he did.

P.S. Happy 40th!
It's worked in the past! It always seems to draw out the most people...

I did consider the fact that in order to have a decent competition you would need at LEAST 12 people...

It is a proposal so feel free to suggest amendments that would make it feasible!

Personally I would rather work in a 2-3 person team but I was basing the rules off what existed in the past and that was one of the things that changed the least. I also don't think that the teams would get unbalanced. I think a 3 man team could easily beat a 6 man team. They all have different dynamics and different issues to contend with.

MAKE SUGGESTIONS GUYS! Lets mold it until it makes sense...
AGS Team Challenge (ATC)

ATC is a long standing AGS Tradition that has a history of rocky partnerships, missed deadlines and great games. It's been a while but I think it's time to revive it.

ATC is a game competition that mimics the professional game creation environment. Teams consist of individuals with specific roles and milestones to fulfill and achieve. Teamwork, cooperation, pressure and enthusiasm are essential to succeed but when success happens it is a community milestone and almost always a quality product. The competition has been known to kick start relationships, creativity and passion and always be worth watching.

The proposal:
The format I am proposing is based on what information I could get on the previous competitions, opinions of former participants and some personally selected tweaks. It start; The competition begins with a recruiting process of approximately two weeks. Individuals make a post stating their ability to fulfill anyone of several specific roles:

Artist (Includes animation, background, sprite, etc-) - It is recommended to provide bodies of work
Music/Audio (Includes voice acting) - It is recommended to provide bodies of work
Writer/Dialogue - It is recommended to provide bodies of work

During this two week period potential participants post their abilities and are able to recruit and join teams with other members. Teams must have at least 4 members and no more than 6. (I believe allowing variable team numbers increases the chance of all willing participants securing team slots.) If you are not chosen by a team but still interested in competing you may be placed in a pool and teams will be drawn at random from the pool to A.) Create new teams and B.) Fill out existing teams. Anybody not able to be placed will be kept as a reserve to substitute for missing team members.

Once teams are established the topic and deadline is announced and the teams are off! The build length would be approximately 6-8 weeks and along the way the teams would be expected meet specific milestones:

72 Hours: Team Name, Roster with each team member having an established function (the execution of this function will not be enforced,) a team leader (whom will direct team duties, communicate with competition officials, expel team members, recruit substitutes and ensure execution of duties)

1 Week: A Game Description/Synopsis

Midpoint: A Screenshot of in game work

1 Week before deadline: game as it exists so far

Deadline: The completed game, a walkthrough, a list of credits (if not included in game) and a leader assessment of team members.

In order to win the competition a game must receive the majority of votes from the public, whom will vote on certain criteria:
A. How well the game adheres to the original game topic
B. The "playability" of the game (Plot, Puzzles, Immersion, Compelling)
C. Game Design (Characters, GUI, Objects, BGs, Music)
D. X-Factor (Overall Favorite game of the reviewer)

Additionally the teams must be found to have adhered to competition rules:
1. The team did not accept help from ANY outside sources.
2. All materials are original and were created on-the-fly, for the completion, during the competition.
3. Teams may not exchange concepts, ideas, information or knowledge about the games that any other team is creating for the competition.
4. Teams competed in good spirit, had fun and never let the competition overwhelm them!!!

If no games are completed the game deemed closest to completion by the host will be considered the winners!

Ultimately this is all open to discussion! What are the thoughts of others?
Quote from: Rincewind on Mon 01/03/2010 08:47:46
Appreciate the help, everybody, but no, as a Doors-fan I can say that it definitely wasn't "Riders on the Storm" it sampled, even though the lyrics are sort of similar. This sounded more like a cheesy lounge-singer-thingamabob rather than the Lizard King, if you get my drift. I'm pretty sure the lyrics were "[...]I see you riding on a storm[...]", and not "[...]Riders on the storm[...]", and the phrasing was different, too.

The overall mood of it was more that of a cheesy lounge act with a very subtle modern, electronic touch than a techno remix, if you get what I mean... It's really hard to describe it, especially since it was such a long time ago I heard it. Hah.

Haddas: Yeah, goddamnit, you're right! I think we're thinking of the same track, 'cos now that you mention it, I do think there were some cowboys in the video, too... Dancing cowboys, even? Damn, now I'm even more anxious to find this again...

For some reason i'm think of Goldfrapp - ride a white horse...  Though I SERIOUSLY doubt it, I thought i would throw my hat into the pot. Tell us a little bit more about where you heard it/who was singing it/etc-
Quote from: Technocrat on Wed 10/03/2010 13:36:58

This is how I dress at weekends.  =^.^=

Single Greatest Photograph, All Time
Consider the 2010 National Geographic Photography Competition prematurely placed on hiatus...
START IT NOW!!!!!!!!
Quote from: scotch on Tue 10/06/2008 13:40:43
Feel free to run one, I'm a bit busy right now. Whoever does it, I would strongly suggest sticking to similar rules to before. Every time one is run people ask for more restrictions or longer timespans (theme, two weeks etc). I think that's a bad idea personally and I think the reasonable success of the other ones suggests the format works as it is. The only change so far was to allow people to have multiple rooms if they really want. The point was to make people think small, not to make them worry about if an intro counts as a second room.

Actually I may as well run it, it's not much more work than hosting the games and putting up the old vote page again... I'll make a thread.

Anyword on this?
Whatever happened to the voice over competition?
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