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Topics - Racoon

AGS Games in Production / Cyberdog 2050
Tue 09/08/2022 21:12:10
Hello to anyone who is interested in this little game!

I made this thread to maybe bring it to peoples attention and to push through a lack of motivation and actually finish this game.

Cyberdog 2050 is a cyberpunk detective story where you play a mechanical dog trying to uncover the truth about a threat to all cyberpets.


First room by day

First room by night

I have more backgrounds done, but I think sharing them could spoil a bit too much, so instead I plan to upload more things like animations or music.


Main character side walk

Another character side walk:

Development Progress:

Story: 90%
Scripting: 75%
Graphics: 90%
Sound/Music: 0%

Wishfull completion date: End of August
More realistic completion date: End of September or October
So I saw this video concerning "Midjourney" an app that can create images from word prompts today:

and was pretty mindblown.

Afterwards I tried it for myself and the thing is really as good as it is shown in the video.

There is a lively discussion about what apps like these mean for the creative industry and it got me thinking about that too. Of course you can not generate the precise idea you have in your head, but I was thinking that if you are looking for something like a book or album cover or an character for your board game, it may be good enough to use this and if you want to, let an artist do some finishing touches.

I am kind of divided between thinking this is a great source of inspiration and it lets the value of art drop.

I would be very interested to know what you think about this topic :-)

By the way, an similar discussion can be applied to music as there are also AI apps being designed to cover that. I tried and created some pretty catchy tunes with it.
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