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Messages - RickJ

There's always the wayback machine :
- Did you know that you can right click on a variable or function to goto it's definition?
Hmmm,  A keyboard movement module would seem to be generally useful.    Can you guys explain what you have done so far or give me some code examples?  I would like to see what variability there is in operation and think about how to deal with it.  Maybe make it user configurable or at least designer configurable. 
I'm not lazy so I'll take a shot at sumarizing what buloght says is needed:

  • A Good Tutorial

  • Turn-based Battle Module - I don't know what it does exactly?

  • Real-time Battle Module - I don't know what it does exactly?

  • Timer Battle Module - I don't know what it does exactly?

  • A Base Template - I don't know what it does exactly?

  • Loads of Other Modules - I don't know what they are?

    and I guess I'll mine to the list as well ...

  • Extended Charaacter Module - Super class of AGS characters to allow for user defined attributes and composite characters (i.e. to implement weapons, clothes, etc).

    Any others?

I asked because there seems to have been many recent (4-5 months) requests for scripting help relative to RPGs.   I was thinking that a script module(s) that did many of the routine RPG operations would be a useful addition to AGS.  ... 

I would be willing to do most/all of the programming if there were a few people who could help figure out what is actually needed ...

I was thinking about basics on a lower level than a template or engine. 
Apparently identifying what is actually needed is more difficult than I had originally assumed.  Thanks for your replies anyway.
I was thinking about basics on a lower level than a template or engine.   I don't know that much about RPGs so you will have to forgive my ignorance but I believe RPG characters have many more characteristics than normal AGS characters, such as healty, weapons, power, etc. 

So for example it would perhaps be useful to have RpgChar objects (in the OO scripting style) where these traits could be included.    The normal AGS character  properties and functions would be included in the RpgChar.

So you would do something like the followng to create an RPG character named Vandor. 

// Declare character object (same as variable)
RpgChar  Vandor;   

// Let  RPG Vandor character use the AGS  character cVandor from
// now on you would be able to use Vandor the same way you use
// cVandor (more or less, I'm sure there will be some gotchas but
// shouldn't be impossible situation.

// The you would be able to do things like

// Or you could do things like
Vandor.Health = 100;

I suppose there are other aspects of an RPG type game that could be made similarily easier to script.  I hope this is making some sense.

I asked because there seems to have been many recent (4-5 months) requests for scripting help relative to RPGs.   I was thinking that a script module(s) that did many of the routine RPG operations would be a useful addition to AGS.   I would be willing to do most/all of the programming if there were a few people who could help figure out what is actually needed and who would be interested in testing and/or  using such a module(s).   Let me know what you think. Cheers;)

Is there a script module that supports RPG functionality?   If not is there any interst in creating/having one?
Thanks for your reply.  I am looking forward to playing your RPG when it's finished. 

Thanks for your kind offer but you have already helped me ;).  I used the fonts and graphics from your DoTT template to remake the old DemoQuest Lec example.   I couldn't use the DoTT template because it used 16 bit color.   I dumped your GUI sprtes, reduced their color depth, and reincarnated them into a simple mini game example.  You can get it here.


Please feel free to review or make any impovements you wish and I will be happy to include those in with the new DemoQuest version.

I wouldn't say it's typical, as such, of RPG games ...
Do they then just fade from one room to another or do they do something entirely different?

I'm curious myself as to how commercial games with this feature work it
I'm not sure what you're asking but the way I envision the implementation would something like this:  When the new room is loaded the image of the previous room is retained temporarily.   The previous image is scrolled off the screen and the new image is used to fill the void left as the previous image moves off screen.   

I wouldn't use it in my RPG personally,...
Is it because it's currently not possible and/or other implementation issues or is it because of game aesthetics?  I'm just curious?


I could also see this as being useful in doing map or driving type things.

I am also curious as to what other difficulties there are in making RPGs with AGS.  Do you have any thoughts about this?
I am not very familiar with RPGs but I think I tried one recently (God of Thunder or something similar).   Anyway I noticed how this one did room transitions.   If you walk right, for example, when you reach the right edge of the room everything would quickly scroll left until the new room was fully on the screen.  This gives the illusion that it's one continous room.    So I guess  I have 2 questions:

1.  Is this behavior typical of RPG's or did I just get lucky and try out an oddball one?

2.  If AGS supported this kind of room transitions would it be helpful and/or desireable in making RPG type games?

I'm implementing the GUI and Arcade examples as  mini-games.  That is they are one room stand-alone games that are called from the main demo using RunAGSGame() in conjunction with the, not yet released, MiniGame script module.   One of the unused doors in the "Hall of Guis" now has a control panel that lists  any mini-game GUI examples in the demo's Compiled folder and named _DQGxxx-V000.exe (xxx=name, 000=version number). 

It's fairly easy to add additional examples, just import the MiniGame module and add a custom ExitGame() function consisting of about 10 lines of script, give it the proper name (i.e. _DQGxxx-V000.exe) and copy it t the DemoQuest compiled folder.  So, monkey, when you're ready I can show you what to do. 

In the mean time I may try out one of Proskrito's templates to  and see  if I can get the DQ example room to work with it.  If not I'll just strip out the old DQII LEC GUI  and use that.
I'm in the process updating the demo to be V2.7 compliant.  I am about to begin work on the LEC GUI room and I wonder if it would be better to abandon the previous LEC gui example in favor of a template?  Rui has recommended any of Proskritos templates for this purpose.   What do you guy over here think?
Ok, as long as squinky is going to show himself I may as well also.  :P

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