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Messages - Rik_Vargard

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Wed 25/10/2023 21:13:47There's also a small chance that if 3.6.1 has some performance improvements then the game runs somewhat faster and video syncs better.

But to be fair the video playback in AGS lacks proper sync mechanism. I started writing a simple one in the past, but never completed, it was in the midst of various changes and refactor in 3.6.0.
Would be nice to have it implemented anyway.

That would be very nice indeed. (nod)
Hello guys, thank you so much for looking into this.

I don't know you guy's philosophy on being always there ready to help at any time, and I also know this isn't just that beginners' script problem.  :P
All I want to say is that there's no pressure or impatience on my end here, and that I know that one day this will be fixed. (nod)

(still hoping to read about this concerning version 3.61 tho  :P )
(And thx for the mp4 explanation, I went to see the pricing and yes, it's worth waiting for 2027  (laugh) )

I've been thinking on how to do this the AGS way and I think I have that idea where I export the movie without sound.
Then have a separated music and sounds only file.
And then I can put the three in AGS and script the thing.
I guess I'll have to go back and forward editing and exporting until the timings are right but I know it will work.

So! Thank you again and above all, cheers!  :)

@Khris @Crimson Wizard thx for the reply :)

Here's a link to the video : VIDEO LINK

I used this website to convert from mp4 to ogv OGV converter online
Perhaps there's a better one that's used for AGS videos?

The AGS version I use:
AGS Editor .NET (Build
v3.5.1, March 2023

But don't worry about the avi files anymore (because of the latest version I'll have to install after I finish this game)

Little side question: Why can't we use mp4? Files are smaller and quality is better...?

The finish line is in sight!

Things have been epic, lately, with tons and tons of bugs and technical problems. 99% of those have been solved right now.

As I approach the end of my first game here, I will of course have to learn how to create a nice page.
So if some of you have experience with that and want to share, I'd be grateful :)

I can now present to you: the cast!
Some are important characters, some are just passing by, creating the ambient.

I can't wait to be on that "Completed Games" part of the forums. 8-0

And I know I say it a lot, but I don't say it enough:
Thanks a lot to everyone who supported me, the people at the technical forums, those who tested my game, you all inspired me to make that game, that at my level, I didn't thought I could make.
It will still be at my level, tho (laugh)

Cheers and see you soon for more news!

I have that .ogv file that's working fine in any video reader.
But when I launch it in AGS, the video part goes like twice as fast as the music, like they are unlinked.

Here's the code (I've tried it all :

PlayVideo("Music-01.ogv",eVideoSkipNotAllowed, 1);

.avi files work just fine in AGS, but I'd like to know why .ogv ones don't.

Anyone having experience in using videos in AGS?

Hey @Khris  thx for the reply :)
If you need visuals I can do those tomorrow.

Yeah, it's weird... I did draw a couple more walkbehinds in that room 25 and they don't work neither.
Then I tried in another room where nothing really happens and it worked.
And then I tried in yet another room and there it didn't work again!
Like I said I use walkbehind since day 1 and never had this happening.
So there's something strange going on for me here...

Not to mention that in that room 25, the character doesn't stay in the walkable area, there is that spot where the character leaves the walkable area... I just use the walk icon like always but heh, there is something weird in that room 25.


So to be clear I've been adding walkbehinds all over my game.
> Draw the walkbehind area and set a baseline
In later rooms I've been using walkbehinds just fine.
But just not in that one, and that one only.

It's a bit late here to provide visuals, but at this point I'm just curious if some of you had experienced that and if there are circumstances that would make a walkbehind not working as it should?

AAAAhhhh Okay!! Thank you very much for your time! (nod)
Alright! Thank you very much for your explanations  (nod)
Hey @Khris , thanks for replying.

I tried the "true" thing but it didn't work, or maybe I did it wrong.

I tested and realized that the object was the very same height as the room (1080p), so it's on the bottom.
So I remade the room and the object and it's now higher than the bottom and it "works" with "false", but I had to adapt the walkable area...

And now that I re-read your answer, is it so that I shouldn't have put it on true, and on 1, but on 1080 instead then?

Quote from: AGA on Fri 06/10/2023 18:38:56Max avatar size is 120x120px.  The one you're trying is 1024x768 so is 1) far too large, and 2) not a square.
Thank you for your reply @AGA , but I'm a little lost; what image are you reffering to?
I tried to use that little image shown in my post just above here and it's 60*60 and 14kb ...?

EDIT: When I put the link to the pic, it does show just under the box, but I get the error when I click on "change profile"
Here's the problem:

The Object stays in front of the player.
BaselineOverridden = false;

I also tried
Code: ags
 oElevator04.Baseline = player.y - 1;

It only happens in this particular room.

Any ideas?

Completed Game Announcements / Re: D-List Diva
Sat 07/10/2023 21:03:02
That was a very fun little game to play.
The graphics are beautiful and so are the animations.
Great **** dialogs, loved all the characters.
Well done, there! :)
There's so much work going on just in that scene.
I love anything Western, so I'm waiting for this one  ;) 
Wow! That's amazing. I wish we had something like that here in Brussels .
Cool to see this epic looking game moving on! :)
Seems like a big step forward, from what I read!
And looks like you're "almost there" as well.
Keep up the good work there!  :)
That was a fun little game, and I liked the ending. (laugh)
Loved the graphics and the ambiance, the whole atmosphere.
Hints & Tips / Re: The long august longing
Sat 23/09/2023 12:10:39
Hey no problem thank you for the reply  :)

OK so I had to LOOK first before I could INTERACT, didn't think of that one, oops   :P

Thank you very much for the support  (nod)
Quote from: RootBound on Sun 17/09/2023 15:03:12A user reported the windows download as broken, but it seems to work fine for me. Has anyone had any issues with downloading or running the game?
I see that was two days ago so if you get a similar message today, that's me, sorry!  :-[
Thing is that for me visually, those two icons are too close to each other and not very clear visually.  :P


Played the game and wow, I loved it. I am inspired by how you manage to create all those puzzles.
Not a fan of CGA but these graphics were clear and well done.
Kinda stressful also, so that's good, based on the story.  (laugh)
Had a lot of fun playing this one, even if I needed Selmyak's video walktrough (thanks!) at some points. I'm no hardcore puzzler  :-D
Great job!  (nod)
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