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Messages - Ryan Timothy B

Excellent video, gameboy. I enjoyed that.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 01/04/2011 02:50:52
Here's some cake for you guys! (but I probably wouldn't have written that on the cake)
Right on. Thanks guys. I'll take a look at them when I haven't been drinking. (I'm normally sober... most of the time :P)

Ahh.. Now I see the light. When creating a new project I have the choice between Visual Basic, C#, C++, etc. Hmm. Which one is the best/easiest format for creating a normal windows based program? I imagine Visual Basic?
Oh, my apologies, I didn't know there were any differences between any of the VS applications.
In the about section the graphical header says Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, Version 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel. And when I created a new application I selected "Windows Forms Application".

Or am I still giving the wrong information? :P
I'm completely new to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, just downloaded the trial version last night. It actually looks pretty simple to grasp with all the subs and such. I'm assuming it's very similar to c#.

Anyway, I'm wondering how to 'correctly' draw a rectangle? I'm trying to do something similar to the drawing surfaces in AGS. Most of the google searches I find say that if you move a form over the drawn rectangle with the method they show, it will erase it. Then they say the correct method is to use the paint approach, but no one seems to like to show that method. Do any of you know the correct method or a tutorial that I can learn from? Thanks!

Just to go a little off topic, I'm in charge of making work schedules now for almost two dozen employees and the program is so unbelievably horrible and frustrating to use that I'd rather just make my own. I can't set it up to notify me if I don't have a cashier between opening and closing. Or to even have it tell me that the person I'm putting on cash doesn't have training for it. Etc. That's one of the many many things I'll be adding.
God you look hot. ;D Put that picture away before Dualnames gets excited.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Tue 08/02/2011 02:48:50
They're European... which means they're odd. Or they're just a day earlier. :P

And HBD to the Icey..
Welcome to the forums.

I also have a secret desire to create the ultimate RPG in AGS. Why? I'm not sure. Maybe I just don't like using the engine to make only Adventure games.  :D
The other reason is more than likely because no one has made a true RPG in AGS with the style of the SNES Final Fantasy games.
This is why you should go to the zoo!

Also great impersonation videos, Eigen.
I have a more important question..

Why is OneDollar spelling it as Tyre? Damn English.  ;D I'm Canadian and I'm not even that bad. ;)

Also... why does Barefoot use a BMP image for his avatar that is almost half a MB. Damn man. Think of the bandwidth and those poor chinese people that have to run that information to my computer... That is how the internet works, right?
Quote from: anian on Fri 10/12/2010 13:24:15
It's a freaking Gameboy, that's part of the history of hardware manufacturing when they still made stuff that lasted.
Yeah tell me about it. I've done the 3 year contract with my cell phone twice now, and BOTH times my phones haven't lasted longer than 2 years. I'll never do a 3 year contract again, it's not worth the punishment of putting up with a phone that crashes once in a while. Very annoying. I've even done a hard reset and it still has issues.
I've had it happen to the OLD black and white Gameboy over 10 years ago and the thing still works. I doubt you'll have any problem. But then again, the B&W Gameboys were the size of a large brick and probably made out of lead and other heavy stuff. :D
It was explained quite well right here with the release of Ponch's amazing pirate game. It was actually quite fun.

The thread that spawned the gay Oceanspirit Dennis was this one. Thanks to Icey Games, Ben and DDQ and Snake; and the rest who've created games with the amazing Oceanspirit Dennis character.
Haha, nah you don't look like Ben Stiller. I was only joking around saying that it was the Blue Steel pose you were doing. :P
But you definitely look similar to LaBeouf (kinda).

Blue Steel?  :=
Quote from: Dualnames on Sun 17/10/2010 14:35:39
I thought you were a chick!!

Duals has the fantasy of every new member being a chick.  ;D
Here's an old thread, but I just accidentally discovered a very handy method of tabbing multiple lines. I wish I knew of it long ago.
It definitely should be added to the tip section on the start page.

To indent multiple lines at once, highlight the desired lines and press TAB to add or SHIFT-TAB to remove indent.
Hey, this is a PHP question.  Let's say for this example, I have a string which is: dude, you're not getting a dell 111506 testing

How could I run through that string so I could check for when numbers start and finish and add a word before and after it? With this example, just pretend I'm adding [number_start] and [number_end]. The value of the numbers is always changing, and there could also be many instances of numbers within the string.

So the modified output would be: dude, you're not getting a dell  [number_start]111506[number_end] testing

I believe I was..
Anyway, I've already written it. Didn't take too long and it's not spaghetti code at all. Very easy to do really.

I was mainly just curious how the others were written.  I may even check out yours later, but for now mine works and I'm happy with it. (plus it keeps Zyndikate off my back... har har. :P joking)
Oh wow, that's a big scrambled mess of spaghetti. I'll definitely stick with the way I planned on doing it.
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