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Messages - Ryan Timothy B

If only someone would make an AGS game like this:
Thanks Steve and Monkey.  You just saved me from a confusion that never got spotted, probably due to my confusing wording.
I would have been making an incorrect mental note to be showing a peace sign the wrong way.
Wow.  I better make a mental note to always show the back of my hand for a peace sign.
Sometimes I go either way, knuckles in or out. :P  Not anymore.. lol

Woah. Now I'm confused.  According to SteveMcCrea and the Wiki link that Monkey posted, showing the back of the hand is the wrong way to give a peace sign.

QuoteIn the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, the V sign (given with back of the hand towards the recipient) serves a similar purpose, although "the finger" is often used. The characters of the British sitcom Are You Being Served? often use the V sign when agitated with each other. This gesture is also used to a lesser extent in Canada.
QUESTION and story: I walked into the office at my work and gave the secretary the peace sign as I approached her desk (I'm always bugging her :P).  She told me she believes that in England you'll get your face punched in if you have your hand turned to show your knuckles/palm while giving the peace sign, but with your hand turned around is the correct way.

Is this true?  Is this really an insult in England (which she mentioned she believed it was England, or some country in the vicinity).
Dom, those computers look pretty state of the art..... *cough*.. lol :P
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 31/07/2009 23:46:08
Well if it isn't the Boydster's Birthday!

Happy Birthday!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 01/06/2009 04:43:03
oh well. I'm late on this one too. Happy late birthday Bici.
Wow that's a new look for you Babar. :P
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 18/05/2009 17:13:41
Happy birthday TerranRich.

(and to myself.. and oddly enough, to my twin bro Travis) :P
Quote from: Dualnames on Wed 04/03/2009 08:57:10
What's that hottie back there?

That would be a 'girl', Dualnames.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Tue 30/12/2008 18:04:44
Well I... well I... well I say happy... happy birthday there ol' chap, LGM!
Many years back we had a CRT monitor that would black out randomly whenever you wobbled the desk lightly.
I believe it was the connection on either the power cable or the VGA cable that was wiggling loose from the inner parts of the monitor itself.  I imagine it would have required some soldering, but we ended up getting a replacement anyway.
AGS Related:

Why does CTRL+V display version information (while game is playing) even though I disabled the code:
Code: ags

if (keycode==22) Debug(1,0); // Ctrl-V, version

Only curious.
Thanks Bici.
Damn this thread IS useful. :P
Someone here in this thread had mentioned something about someone making around 100 games a year, for some kind of competition or for school perhaps?  But the guys ended up not finishing them.

I've been trying to find the thread that someone had made mention of this.  They also supplied a URL to this persons website.  I'm trying to find that website.
I had bookmarked it back in the day, but I formatted not too long ago and it's gone.  I kept meaning to take a good look at the website and games.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sun 23/11/2008 20:58:06
Happy birthday, Deirdra.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 21/11/2008 00:40:23
Happy birthday CJ.
Alright, that's it.  Time to post a photo of myself.  I'm posing with my    step sister / sister in law  - whatever I feel like calling her (she's the mother of my brothers kid).

It's B&W so you don't have as much to take in with that ugly mug of mine. :P
You got the pirate outfit thing going on there.
---Be warned, this video contains blood and graphic removal of limbs.---
---Be warned, this video contains blood and graphic removal of limbs.---

I was in Stickam and LGM mentioned 'Gabelstapler' German forklift training, so I youtubed the video and watched it 3 times already.
LGM said the video was popular, but I decided to post it anyway just in case someone here hasn't seen it, or wants to see it again.  It has English subtitles.  First 2 minutes are boring.  It's very funny.
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