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Messages - Ryan Timothy B

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 21/05/2013 15:57:39
Quote from: Tramponline on Tue 21/05/2013 14:25:14
"The Laughing Policeman" aka "An Investigation of a Murder" (<-- which kind of moron thought that was a good alternative title for that film!!! :angry:)

Probably because I likely wouldn't ever watch a movie called "The Laughing Policeman". But "An Investigation of a Murder" sounds better (although still sounds a bit cheesy).
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Tue 21/05/2013 10:43:10
So did I. Thank-you.
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Fri 17/05/2013 22:16:08
Thank-you so much! You've just saved me from increasing my blood pressure, each and every time. :-D
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Fri 17/05/2013 19:24:07
I've mentioned this once before when the titlebar was first introduced but I suppose posting an image makes things much clearer.

As it is right now, the link to is linked to the entire DIV instead of just the image. On my computer and especially on my phone, trying to click home, I often click the empty space above sending me to the main site.

I could press the "Adventure Game Studio | Forums" text area, but with the phone I'm often clicking the collapse on AGS Games, or the Unread Posts url.

Also on a side-note, the header image DIV is one pixel too short with Chrome version 26.0.1410.64 m (but displays properly with Firefox).

Quote from: Saltwater Taffy on Fri 10/05/2013 23:50:18
And, I really want some ice cream right now.

....and steak, lots of steak.
Cravings... pregnant?  :-D 

(I'm always starting rumors)

And yes. Welcome, everyone!
Welcome Myinah
I'm generally always available for scripting assistance, or the nice people in the Beginners' or Advanced programming threads.

I look forward to seeing your progress.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sat 13/04/2013 08:05:30
Shoot. I just remembered this. My electricity has been out for over 24 hours. We had a nasty rain storm followed by a cold chill, froze everything. Thousands of houses without power.

I'd post a picture but all I have is my cellphone - which is nearly dead anyway. Someone else can take my turn. The power is expected to come on in another 12 hours or so. And at that time I'll be starting my work shift. Very unlikely I'll get a chance to get to this anytime soon.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 11/04/2013 12:51:47
It looks like the stoner from Cabin in the Woods... but I do not remember a film real in the movie. This is likely not him (too lazy to check IMDB to see what he looks like).
Edit: That's my guess btw.. just in case it happens to be right, which I'm likely not. I did actually check IMDB and he happens to be wearing the same clothing... so who knows.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 08/04/2013 12:56:33
Quote from: Ponch on Sun 07/04/2013 17:38:15
She wants me to tell all the men here that this is a very good movie and you should all watch it with that special woman in your life.
Bah. I watch chick flick movies from time to time (I try to watch almost any movie except for bad movies.. example of bad: the new Dredd movie, or anything of the sort - I can't get over how terrible that movie was).

I actually enjoyed this movie quite a bit. I even watched it again a couple weeks ago just because it was a few years since I last saw it. I even cried at the end. :-D haha
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Sat 23/03/2013 13:40:28
Browsing the forum with my phone and noticed the Moving Thread somehow took its name literally and moved to the RON forum? Lol One of the mods browsing the forum while drunk again? ;)
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Sat 09/03/2013 20:58:51
Quote from: AGA on Wed 06/03/2013 16:39:53
Anyway, I've now got the top image back in at last, and that links to the main site.  I even put the collapse element button back in for anyone who thinks the logo is making their screen too long for comfort.

Can we change the URL to be linked to the image only instead of the whole div? Especially when you want to click the expand/shrink arrow and miss it slightly, or when I just missed the Home button now and it took me to the main page.

Also in Chrome with the compact layout, the bottom pixel of the image covers the blue line above the navigation bar.

Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Sat 02/02/2013 01:02:59
Quote from: Peder Johnsen+ on Fri 01/02/2013 20:50:09
I have this problem too on my computer BUT only in Chrome. Firefox and IE does not show this error.
Hmm. Same for me.
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Fri 01/02/2013 20:28:50
I apparently have the same database error while viewing profiles. Perhaps it has something to do with the Ratings Panel - since it's what we both have in common.

Just in case (it seems to be a forum issue and nothing browser related.. but), I'm using Chrome 24.0.1312.57 m. The only extension running is Chrome to Phone.
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Wed 30/01/2013 23:16:48
I like having that Google location thing, but just out of curiosity and OCD issues, is it possible to have it not show when there is no location set for that person?
Yup. And he also ate the:

Bad riddle indeed. And even worse that they both don't speak English. Meh.

Quote from: Baron on Fri 30/11/2012 03:48:37
Logic dictates that the Ensign in question would perish....
Quote from: Renodox on Thu 29/11/2012 00:59:01Who was the president?  What was the coin?  What was the plea?
The worst thing about this riddle, and most riddles, is it's a play on words.

For some reason it reminds me of that riddle Neelix told Tuvok in Star Trek Voyager. Which actually angered me, not only because it was stupid, but because Neelix is some random alien in the Delta quadrant and Tuvok is Vulcan.. both likely to not know English except for their "translators", but that doesn't allow them to have riddles that play on words in a language neither likely speak. Argh, badly written TV.

Anyway, the riddle went like this (modifying it to fit in today's world; cutting out the Starfleet and space travel bit):

A lone soldier finds himself stranded in a barren desert with no rations. His only possession: a calendar.
When search and rescue finds him twelve months later, he's in perfect health. Why didn't he starve to death?

I keep trying to render an image of something I've modeled in Maya 2013 but it keeps rendering in polygon instead of the smooth surfaces (NURBS? or whatever it's called). Is there a setting I'm missing?

Edit: Bah! I'm an idiot. I didn't realize pressing 3 was any different from Mesh > Smooth. But it worries me there's no turning back once you've smoothed it..
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 05/11/2012 23:22:58
Yep! It was freakin hilarious.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 05/11/2012 20:46:42
Image Hint #2:

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 05/11/2012 06:23:49
I had believed the stripes on his coat combined with the tie would give this away quite easily. This is actually a man, not really a furby creature, he just appears not to be human in this one quick and hilarious scene.

I'll post another hint tomorrow if no one gets it.
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