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Messages - SSH

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 29/05/2013 21:43:53
Quote from: Ghost on Sun 06/01/2013 17:52:03
A nice and happy birthday, SSH- surely you wrote your own CakeModule by now!

Belated thanks for the birthday wishes... I don't think I've read this thread for 4 years...
Cool air invoice for a channel owned by Disney:

An ABC Air Conditioning Account?

A ABC A/C Acc.
I hereby demand that you start work immediately on the missing case with the interrupting ghosts!
Lighten up, dudes! I'm not offended, I just think some of the "advice" given was a bit silly. Some of it was meant to be, so thats fine.

And for the next year, the Great Wall is cheaper for me...
And how does posting a picture of us on the Great Wall put my kids at risk, exactly?
Princess Marian and family visit the great wall...

I'm only 22 years old... in hex. That's another good reason to use it! Octal was used in the past for similar reasons, but doesn't fit quite so neatly for multiples of 4 binary digits, such as most computer addresses. However, its great for UNIX file permissions:

chmod 754 /somedir

Means: 111 101 100 and since each set of three is Read/Write/eXecute and then the sets are Owner, Group, World it concisely expresses a 9-bit value

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 20/11/2008 12:17:55
Happy birthday to CJ
You live in a zoo
You look like a software developer
and you smell like one too
Quote from: Nacho on Sat 15/11/2008 13:35:53
Is it true that the correct way to wear kilt is without underpants?
We're sworn to secrecy. The only way to find out is by personal investigation ;)
Here I am, kilted up to be best man at my brother's wedding!

Some of these are serious:

Take two bottles in to the shower? I just want to wash and go!

Trouble managing lots of audio files? You could try the media manager editor plugin (LINK)

There's lots of information in the AGS Wiki (LINK) about scripting and AGS topic in general

If you find that MS Paint isn't powerful enough for you, check out the big list of paint programs in the forums (LINK)

Does your artwork need a little help? Check out the tutorials thread (LINK) on the forums

For the latest goings on in AGS and game reviews, check out SSH's AGS blog

Limescale is just calcium that sticks! Cillit Bang and the dirt is gone

Quote from: GarageGothic on Thu 10/07/2008 21:00:26
Edit: If you're using AGS 3.03 beta 1, it fixes a bug in the handling of DynamicSprites as object graphics, so you should be able to uncomment this line which creates problems in older AGS versions:

Code: ags
//if (jigsaw_shadowsprite != null) jigsaw_shadowsprite.Delete();

You could surround that with #ifver 3.03...#endif to make that happen automatically (check the syntax cause that's off the top of my head!)
Congrats! Make sure you name it Donna, Avenger of Blood
Sorry Rui. Modules should always be availbale if you navigate to them on my site, but I've fixed the link now.
I've fixed the baseline issue that SticMann mentioned, and also added extnder functions when using AGS 3.0 and up... new version 1.02 is up.
All those Pakis look the same to me ;)


I mean of course, in Babar's picture, not in general
Watch out Nik, there's a battleship after them!
or even:

Yeah, you used to be more colourful...  :=
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