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Messages - SSH

Nacho, I bet you're really embarazada now ;)
Quote from: Nacho on Wed 19/12/2007 07:56:35
Vince, you have a cheese in your head.

I love the understanding of diverse cultures we have here ;)
Here I am near some French electricity pylon or something:

Phillip Pullman looks like a girl, lol!
I didn't know Snarky wrote Trilby's Notes!
It's possible, and I don't think anyone has done it. You'd need to put code like:

if (player==cLucasguy) {
  //Do stuff as in MI2 template
} else {
  // Do stuff from Default game

in each of the global functions like on_mouse_click...
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 20/11/2006 10:08:12
Happy Chrismas!
Code: ags

function GiveInvChronOJohn(InventoryItem *invitem, Character *charid){
  if (ExtensionEx(3,invitem.Name)!='d') {
    SetGraphicalVariable("Used Mode", GIVECHRON);
    GiveInv(invitem, charid);
  else {
  //you could put here different messages or actions for different items when the player
  //tries to give them via the chron-o-john (i.e. the little icons in the GUI)
  //and it doesnt do the default behaviour (giving the item), because the second extension of 
  //that inventory item is 'd'.
    if (invitem.ID==2) Display("The hamster wouldn't survive to a Chron-O-John travel");//if tried to give the hamster
    else Display ("I think i can't put that in the Chron-O-John"); //generic message

ew, this code looks a real mess. I'd rewrite it from scratch... ;)

Code: ags

 function GiveInv(InventoryItem *invitem, Character *charid){


Err, the invname is not actually being used at all so that code is redundant anyway.

and character[GetPlayerCharacter()] can just be replaced by player
We actually managed to get out of the house while the kids were asleep and go to a resteraunt to celebrate out anniversary...

Use my Description module

instructions are in the module header, or search the forums for the thread...
The Rumpus Room / Happy birthday scotch!
Thu 24/08/2006 13:35:47
Happy birthday scotch!

Happy birthday to scotch
He likes programming a lot(ch)
If he ever finishes caverider,
we'll bump him up a notch

I've updated the zip with your change, Lazarus. Thanks again.
The bug is in line 387 of the template's global script, where:

Code: ags

int numframes=Game.GetFrameCountForLoop(CURSOR, 0);

should be

Code: ags

int numframes=Game.GetFrameCountForLoop(CURSOR, 0)-1;

which means the counter resetting happens 1 cycle too late. Thanks again to Lazarus for his debugging hints!

The zip download on my site has been updated with this fix.
I'll have a go at making it work with 2.71 and 2.72 soon
or even...
I've updated the template on my site. Thanks for finding and debuigging this, khrisMUC
Quote from: Lazarus on Mon 12/06/2006 12:30:45
I thought when testing your version you had the same problem, but what I found with your example with the "needles" inventory was that you were missing the unhandled function it should read like:

I also found the interactions for the "voodoo doll" example you show doesn't work if other inventory items are used on it. So it's better to use the above example.
Not sure what you mean by this. I didn't change any interactions from the 2.7 template.

Also you might want to comment out the
Code: ags


Removed entirely

Code: ags

  if (MainInventory.TopItem > 0){     //if invent. can scroll up 
  else //if can not scroll up
  if (MainInventory.TopItem < MainInventory.ItemCount - (MainInventory.RowCount*MainInventory.ItemsPerRow))   //if invent. can scroll down 
  else  // if can not scroll down

Errr... what was this code for? That's the same as what I have.

Anyway, thanks for the testing!
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