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Messages - SSH

Yes, the new one gives you standard numbers, so it could be optimised for 2.72...
Err, Scummy, 2.71 hasn't been beta since January  ;)

Anyway, here is my attempt at updating the MI2 template for AGS 2.71. I've also had a go at making it stay working in the 2.72 beta. Please let me know of any problems with it in this thread.

Can a mod please update the first post of the thread with it, too?
Edit by Ashen: Done
Yes, but making a dynamic sprite and getting its height and width:

a) Give you them in standard 320x200 cooords, the GetGameParameter varys by resolution (i.e. returns the REAL numbers
b) Works in 2.71 and 2.72
Happy Birthday to Jake
You like to eat cake
You look like a chav
But your Burberry's fake...

Happy Birthday to Davy
You're covered in gravy
Which will be slowly licked off
by the Argentine Navy
Quote from: Snake on Tue 09/05/2006 03:16:54
SSH, you slap the cat's ass! This is exactly what I needed for my game.

I love you.

Please, the incident with the Cats' protection league is in the past now and I'd like to move on.
Well, anyway, v1.01 is up with 2.71 compatibility in the demo and the module. I think it will run faster in the latest beta, though, given the hoops one has to jump through in older versions to get certain info.
After various people contributed to the thread on pixel-perfect collision detection, I modularised it.

Download PPCollision module here (Requires AGS v2.71 or later!)
Full Documentation here

Simple interface, so I'll just copy the function names here:
// Functions:
//  The module allows you to use pixel-perfect collision detection
//  instead of the default rectangle-based collisions of AGS
//  PPColliding.CWithC(Character *a, Character *b);
//  PPColliding.CWithO(Character *a, Object *b);
//  PPColliding.OWithC(Object *a, Character *b);
//  PPColliding.OWithO(Object *a, Object *b);
//    Check if a and b are colliding, for different types
//  PPColliding.CWithAnything(Character *a);
//  PPColliding.OWithAnything(Object *a);
//    Check if a is colliding with any object or character. Returns
//    the value of GetLocationType for the first collision found, but there
//    may be more than one collision.

With version 1.02, now added extender functions (in AGS 3.0 and up) so that you can use also:

Code: ags


Shooting a storage array. An adfvert, but a cool one nonetheless. Don't try this with your own HDD (or fishtank) at home...
If Microsoft designed the ipod packaging... by Microsoft!

And Sky's live action version of the Simpson titles:
Quote from: dkh on Mon 13/03/2006 16:41:16
Mozarts "40th Symphony" followed by Rachmanninovs "Flight of the Bumblebee":

Rimsky-Korsakov, I think you'll find
It's hard working supporting a family, as the expression on my face here shows...

Quote from: khrismuc on Tue 17/01/2006 13:39:53
Code: ags
if (Maths.Sqrt((player.x-cEnemy.X)^2+(player.y-cEnemy.Y)^2)<=20) {
Ã,  ...

It would be more efficient to square the right-hand-side than to root the left hand side, especially where it is a constant.

Code: ags

if ((player.x-cEnemy.X)*(player.x-cEnemy.X)+(player.y-cEnemy.Y)*(player.y-cEnemy.Y) <= 400) {

The aafiles archive doesn't have the talkie of Hooky McPegLeg, Pirate Postman by gorgeous Grundislav... if anyone can provide it, pleeeese say so!

N.B. TALKIE version.
Lazarus, you should have said that you got your template uploaded to;D

Thanks for the work. Maybe a mod can update the title of the first post now!
Here's me composing for my new game with the helkp of my two musical consultants:

Fans of the Princess Marian games will recognise the ladybird playmat from part II
Tomate un Descanso (on AGS site somewhere)

I should maybe do a translation of some of my games, really, too!
hi my name is Rusalka and I like easy targets for humour
I'd never wear the Royal Stuart (aka shortbread tin) tartan.. I'm in a sept of Buchanan.


Only if he gives his consent, otherwise all you are doing is changing the type of fraud
Quote from: blackman890 on Wed 29/09/2004 19:09:06
but i am just going to lie to buy things, thats not a crime
I really need do get my pass, i mean it is not a crime, and if it is, since when???
also i think you have to be 18 because when you get this pass, you can sell things, so i think thats why you need to be 18, if it is so, then lying about your age to buy one thing, will not be a crime
It is a crime, called "fraud". In the UK, under-18s are not extended any kind of credit (and that includes things that might not seem as credit, such as switch cards that give you 3 days of credit, and paying for phone calls AFTER you make them... I know, I tried to get a BT phone line when I was a 17-year-old student) and the reason is that under-18s as minors are not deemed capable to make an informed decision about their ability to pay back a debt and thus any debts against them are NOT ENFORCABLE. So obviouslt, any lender would be nuts trusting to lend to anyone under 18.

Similarly, contracts with under-18s are not enforcable unless they are made with parental consent. ebay is all about making binding contracts  between buyers and sellers, so once again under-18s can effectively withdraw bids with no repercussions and thus screw up the whole auction system.

Why not persuade an over-18 person you know to bid for you and then pay them the money in cash?
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