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Messages - Sakspapir

Thanks a lot!

This solves my issues.
Hi guys,

In my game, one of the rooms is a lot larger than the Camera Size, so that when the player moves around (Camera.AutoTracking == true) then the camera follows the player.

When the playe moves "up" in the room, the camera still follows, but the camera is positioned in a way that the player is always at the top of the screen.

What I want to do is to make the camera follow the player (as it does) but the player should be positioned "lower" on the screen.

I've tried to put the following code in the room's "Room_RepExec()"-function:

Code: ags
Game.Camera.SetAt(cPlayer.x - 300, cPlayer.y - 200);

This kind of works, but there is a "shaking" in the picture. Im assuming there is an issue with the order of which the drawing functions are called.

Need help, and thanks in advance!
ok, thanks!

That could work nicely I think. Creating an object oThread and then an oThreadHitbox that could be just a black rectangle with transparency set to 100.

Thanks a lot!
Thanks for the reply,

Yeah I could do that, I guess. It would just be a lot simpler if I could manually adjust the objects hitbox.

I have other objects with the same issue as well (although not as severe) and it would be relatively time consuming to add the extra room graphics.

Im currently using the previously mentioned hotspot-technique. It works fine, but it still feels a bit "dirty".
Hi guys,

I have created an object that is simply a loose thread from table cloth. This thread is only one pixel thick (the game is very low res) and its bending and turning.

In this game, the mouse changes to interact mode whenever it is hovering above an object, hotspot or character. Otherwise it changes to walkto mode.

The thing is that when the mouse is hovering above it, the mouse cursor needs to be exactly on top of one of the thread's pixels for the Interact-mode to be activated. This makes the UX pretty bad, because there is much flickering between walkto- and interact mouse cursors.

Is there a good way to solve this? Ive thought of the following:

1) Create a hotspot on top of the thread object (and make it rectangular) and then set the objects Clickable property to false. Then the mouse cursor would change according to the hotspot instead of the object.

2) Create the thread graphic with highly transparent pixels where there are no thread-pixels. I really don't like this idea, though.

What im really hoping for, is some smart way of customizing the "hitbox" of the object, instead of it being defined by its pixels. Does anyone know of a good way to solve this?

Thanks in advance!
Quote from: Snarky on Tue 21/03/2023 11:56:26Even so. There are a lot of benefits to splitting it up and keeping a one-to-one relationship between a line of text dialog and an audio clip. For example, if you were to translate it, you could do so without having to change all the subtitle timings. And you wouldn't have to write a whole bunch of special-purpose code to time the subtitles to the audio. (Though admittedly you would need to write code, or use a pre-written module, to provide queued background speech with voice.) And you would be easily able to vary it more dynamically; so that for example if the player leaves the room and comes back, it resumes at the next line (if you want); or if you try to talk to the person speaking in the background, you can interrupt them, and then they'll be able to resume afterwards with some kind of transition, like "What was I saying? Oh yes..."

Noted. The point with resuming conversations is especially good, I think. However, I could easily get around this by saving the PositionMs of the audio clip. When the player returns, a different clip plays with "What was I..." and then I can resume playing the longer clip from the saved ms position.

Also, if I were to translate the game (which I will) I would have to create all the voice again, divide it into sentences, convert it into separate clips (though an easy feat with e.g. Audacity) and then import all the voice files, make sure they play in the right order etc. I've been down that road, and it felt very tiresome, so I want to try this approach.

I could even make the player click through conversation at his/hers desired pace, if I just stop the audioclip at the predefined ms-values, and the resume at when a mouse click is registered. I can use the same technique to set a typical text speed parameter from the old Lucas Arts games.

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Tue 21/03/2023 10:08:51PositionMs is calculated based on sound data, not timer. The decoder converts every supported input format to a uniform sound wave format, after which the current position may be calculated, roughly speaking, as (DATA_SIZE_PLAYED / DATA_SIZE_PER_SECOND).

Certain lags cannot be avoided completely, as there's a difference in time between audio playing and game updates, but this difference should not accumulate and stay in some range.

Thank you very much, this is exactly what I was hoping would be the case. The lag you mention is neglible, and as long as it doesn't accumulate theres no issue.

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Tue 21/03/2023 10:08:51That said, as eri0o mentioned above, in adventure games the conversations are usually done split into pieces for the convenience of a player. Not every player can understand voice well (if it's not their native language), or read the text as fast as you expected. For that reason it may be more convenient to have a pause in between "sections", where text still stays on screen. This behavior may also be configured: whether a conversation continues automatically or awaits for player's input, how long it waits, and so forth. I thought I'd mention this too just in case.

I completely agree with this. However, the functionality I'm implementing is kind of a "background" thing. It is sort of idle chit-chat that the player can choose to ignore.

Finally, thanks a lot to everyone for taking their time to answer my questions.
Quote from: eri0o on Tue 21/03/2023 08:59:20The sound file doesn't have time data in the way you are mentioning.

Sound plays in it's own thread so it doesn't desync and the timing in MS is correct in my tests.

Ok, this sounds promising. Thank you! Also, I will probably change to OGG, I have no doubt it would be a better choice than mp3 if the variable bitrate won't affect AudioChannel.Seek and AudioChannel.PositionMs.

Quote from: Khris on Tue 21/03/2023 08:59:45Couldn't you simply try it with a, say, two minute audio file? Schedule something for a specific position near the end and see what happens? That should be quicker than us guessing around, and I'd also guess that if the function isn't perfectly reliable, it's not something that can be fixed in the engine code easily because otherwise it would've been implemented like that already.

Looking for solutions or alternatives only makes sense once it's established that the function isn't reliable.

I'm not really looking for guesses, but more of the explicit working of the AudioChannel.PositionMs-functionality. I could run a lot of tests, but then I still won't be completely sure and I wouldn't know anything about how it would work on a different setup (different computer, windows version, etc).
Thanks for the reply!

The Audacity approach you mentioned is exactly what I have been doing. I wanted to avoid doing that, since it results in tons of small audio files. It's a perfectly good way of solving my issue, but if I could reliably use the PositionMs property, I could just note down the timestamps at the start of each sentence. I think this would save me a lot of time and file handling.

Quote from: eri0o on Mon 20/03/2023 23:49:11If I remember correctly ogg files have a fixed bitrate and mp3 files can have a variable bit rate, when the mp3 has a variable bitrate it's length I think can result in a gap

I did some googling, and it seems it's actually the other way around. In the Audacity manual, it says:
QuoteOGG encoding is technically a form of VBR or variable bit rate encoding, as opposed to the CBR or constant bit rate encoding used by default when exporting MP3 files.

I guess the root of my question is how does PositionMs actually work? Is it something like this:

a) AGS starts playing a clip and starts some internal timer mechanism. When PositionMs is read, it checks the timer and returns the value

b) AGS reads out the time data directly from the sound file itself.

For my use, It must function something like alternative b), otherwise the timing might be off.

I'm wondering how reliable the above mentioned function is.

I want to start playing a conversational audio clip and continuously (for every game cycle) read AudioChannel.PositionMs to see how far the clip have played. Based on the return value, I will display subtitles using a gui label. The game is 60fps, so just to be clear: I know that each game cycle is approximately 16 ms. By checking if PositionMs returns an int that is larger than some predefined value, I would have precision no worse than 16ms, which is acceptable.

I'm using mp3 files for the audio.

Anyway, I just want to be sure that, for instance, reading a value of 5000 milliseconds from PositionMs always refers to exactly the same point in the mp3 file. otherwise there might be some accumulating offset between the subtitles and the voices, which is not good enough.

Thanks in advance!
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