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Messages - SarahLiz

I've already bought the game, just waiting (excitedly!) to play it when I have more time.

Should I wait to play it after the patch comes out so I don't die on May Eve like mentioned in the earlier post?  Or will my save game(s) be compatible?  I don't know how the patches work...  Either way I'm pumped to finally play it, as I've been waiting on pins & needles for the release!  The demo was awesome, that much I know.  <3
cute game!  i always like your games though, so no surprise there.  of course, i've grabbed everything that's not nailed down but i'm stuck regardless. (laugh)
Whoa.  I need to play this game.  It looks amazing!!!
As a person who loves to have the walkthrough on hand while I play adventure games (just in case), I really appreciate this post!  I played the demo and really liked it a lot.  And I just saw that the full game is now available, so I'm buying it now!

(And glancing at the walkthrough...looks like it's gonna be a long game, which is exciting!!)
Wow, I had an Atari back in the day but never knew this game even existed!  The remake looks awesome, I can't wait to try it out.  Loving the graphics looks like Grandpa lives in an actual house rather than a dungeon...   :=

About how long is the game, would you say? 
Ok, this was an awesome little game.  Great setting, great sense of humor, great graphics, all greatness.  It's shocking to me that you made it in a month!  More please!! 

The ending was really cute, btw.  Maybe in hindsight I could have guessed something along those lines, but it made me giggle anyhow. 
Enjoyed playing the game!  I kept getting killed so I got frustrated (but that's just me--I like an "easy" or "exploration only" mode when I play adventure games, haha.  But the atmosphere & graphics were nice--I feel like you can't go wrong when you're exploring a house, trying to figure out how to survive.

All in all, a lovely sequel.  I'm trying to find a playthrough online so I can see how it turns out! 
This looks great!  I always love a good mystery game.  Downloading now from Steam...
Woo-Hoo!!  Downloading now!!  (happy dance)  :)
How exciting!  Can't wait for it to be released!!

...and I'll leave it at that.  :)
Looks amazing!  I can't wait--do you guys have a release date yet?  (Sorry, I don't use twitter or instagram, etc., so this is where I'm following your updates...)
Woo hoo!  I just finished playing it.  It's looking really good!  I'm liking all of the characters, (although by the end, I don't trust a one of 'em), and starting to get into the story.  My only teeeeeeeeny criticism is that the main character walks a bit slow.  Not a big deal in this demo, but if he has any large amounts of walking to do during the rest of the game, it might get a little annoying.  But just a little.  Otherwise, I'm loving it so far! 
AGS Games in Production / Re: The Witch House
Thu 29/04/2021 23:00:31
10-20 hours is awesome!!  I can’t wait! 
AGS Games in Production / Re: The Witch House
Wed 28/04/2021 19:33:52
The title screen looks really, really good.  Creepy, but not TOO creepy.  I'm glad you'll have more time coming up to devote to the game so we'll finally be able to play it soon(ish?)...I'm guessing your "early 2021" date no longer applies!   :P

Anywho, I know you've said you can die mid-game or at technically any point if you're not keeping your character's needs met, but assuming you get to the end-end without dying, how long would you estimate that the gameplay is?  I like that you have plenty of "time/days" to complete what you need to, and that you have the ability to pause the game (something I'd definitely require!).  I can't wait to see more as you near the end of development! 
Ooooo...this looks perfectly gloomy/creepy/mysterious, and I am loving it!!
AGS Games in Production / Re: The Witch House
Mon 12/10/2020 22:38:13
Oh, I have been very excited for this one.  I’m sure it’s difficult to decide where/how/if to make it commercial, but I can tell you that I for one, would buy it no matter where you sell or or for what price.  It looks AMAZING.  Keep up the great work!!
I like them both...I can see BarbWire's point about having a lot of character with low-res, but the high-res is really nice too.  I say stay with whichever form you wish to create, because it's going to be amazing to see & experience either way.
AGS Games in Production / Re: The Witch House
Thu 25/06/2020 21:56:47
Whew!  I’m so relieved that you’re still working on this gameâ€"I was getting worried!

Every update/new screenshot looks so, so good!!
Looking good!!
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