

Scummbuddy Mittens Knight

  • I can help with AGS tutoring
  • I can help with animation
  • I can help with backgrounds
  • I can help with characters
  • I can help with proof reading
  • I can help with scripting
  • I can help with story design
  • I can help with voice acting
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5,225 (0.636 per day)
Personal text:
Give Stylish Confetti to BoZo - Wheee!
Good ol' U S of A
Date registered:
Sun 14/07/2002 00:00:00
Local Time:
Sun 05/01/2025 03:16:34
Last active:
Fri 11/12/2020 01:21:53
I Can Help With:
I can help with AGS tutoring AGS Tutoring
Answer #1:The problem is that you left out a closing brace.
I can help with animation Animation
Realistic and Cartoony - criticism
I can help with backgrounds Backgrounds
Cartoony or Realistic - criticism
I can help with characters Characters
Realistic or Cartoony - criticism
I can help with proof reading Proof Reading
I can turn 'colour' to 'color'. :P
I can help with scripting Scripting
They don't call me 'the man' for 'nothing...
I can help with story design Story Design
Plots, dialog, storylines
I can help with voice acting Voice Acting
Voiced a character for Ben Jordan 1.
I've worked on the following games:
Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator Case 1 Deluxe Winner of Best Use of Sound at the AGS Awards in 2006 
Ranger Rick (Voice)
Pester Quest 
Game Designer, Animation, Character Des
- Oh great, I'm stuck in colonial times, tentacles are taking over the world, and now the toilets backing up.
- No, I mean it's really STUCK. Like adventure-game stuck.
-Hoagie from DOTT
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