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Messages - Scummbuddy

Don't use the one that comes with AGS, there are many faults with that one.  I've tried many times before to save it, but it just fails.  Go ahead and use the first post in this thread to get directed to Proskritos' GUIs.  They will be what you want.
Reno:  Interact with inventory
currently, because the Interact mode selects the inventory item, this interaction can only be triggered by manually calling the RunInventoryInteraction text script function (ie. you have to use the Handle Inv Clicks in Script option).

Did you make your own LucasArts styled GUI? Or are you using Proskritos template?
SetGlobalInt (int index, int value);

Sets the global variable INDEX to VALUE. You can then retrieve this value from any other script using GetGlobalInt.
There are 500 available global variables, from index 0 to 499.



will set the Global Integer 10 to 1.
See Also: GetGlobalInt
That is the only way you could make it fit the screen, is by changing the resolution of the images...What, are you trying to make a game in 800 by 600?
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