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Messages - Shaque

Thanks for the warm welcome, thanks Nikolas for that complement and thanks to Colossus for moving this to the correct area. I'm glad to see that forum moderators are on the ball here. I've been a member of too many forums that don't know how to run them. I would like to show off some of my music, but I can't even seem to get my avatar woking. Perhaps in time I will.
General Discussion / Big G'day from AU
Sat 28/10/2006 19:20:36
I just wanted to say g'day to everyone here. I'm pushing 40 and I've been a PC geek since I was 13. I have composed music since that time both using the PC and real instruments. I have also helped in the production for a few games in the past, but I have since lost track of where they have gone. (Stupid me for not keeping a proper portfolio.  :-\ ) At the moment, I have been (re)composing music for 2 games. One is a Pipe Mania style game and the other is a retro remake of Moon Patrol. Both can be found at
This is me BTW... sorry if I'm breaking any rules.
Anyway... I've had AGS since around 2.0 and have been updating regularly. I'm not a whiz at scripting, but I know a few things. I've not yet completed a game, although I've started and erased over a dozen projects due to either work commitments or lack of interest. The main reason is because I keep finding other game engines and try to make a game with each one, but I keep coming back to AGS because it's simple, the functions are well organised and the games always worked on every platform I've tried them on. (Also, the engine never crashes like some so-called big commercial engines, which I won't name here.) One of these days I might actually finish one game. I do have one idea for a remake, although a far superior one has been done. I refer to Tex Murphy: Overseer, which waqs a remake of an old point-and-click adventure called Mean Streets. I have the latter PC version which works poorly on Windows XP, but runs okay without sound. It is a fairly crappy game for most people, but I enjoyed it. I wish to ATTEMPT to remake this game using AGS. The scripting was fairly simple and the graphics stunk, so I'm sure I can make it better.
I'm also happy to have joined this forum and I just wanted to give everybody a head's up and share the fact that I am quite a talker and typist. I just hope I don't bother or bore people with that. Now to the main point of the post... g'day.  :)  I don't have mIRC, Yahoo, MSN or ICQ... only Skype, because I use it for conference calls with clients. I run my own Interactive Multimedia business. Anyway... that's way more than I wanted to share in one post, because I would run out of things to say later. Nah... that can never happen...
Here are my PC specs:
AMD Athlon 1.91GHz
1024 DDR RAM 400MHz
128MB ATI Sapphire Radeon Atlantis
5.1 Sound Blaster Live!
512 DSL
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