

CodeJunkie AGSer

  • I can help with backgrounds
  • I can help with play testing
  • I can help with proof reading
  • I can help with scripting
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Personal text:
Formerly known as CodeJunkie
Date registered:
Thu 26/02/2004 22:03:28
Local Time:
Thu 19/09/2024 17:17:44
Last active:
Mon 23/04/2012 22:42:04
I Can Help With:
I can help with backgrounds Backgrounds
^ Pixel preferably
I can help with play testing Play Testing
Tend to find bugs and glitches a lot
I can help with proof reading Proof Reading
I can help with scripting Scripting
Good programming background and a few short AGS games
I've worked on the following games:
ColourWise Winner of Best Innovation at the AGS Awards in 2008 Winner of Best Non Adventure Game Created with AGS at the AGS Awards in 2008 Winner of Best Programming in a Non Adventure at the AGS Awards in 2008 Winner of Best Tutorial or Documentation at the AGS Awards in 2008 
Level Design, Lead Tester
Crash! Evade! Destroy! 
Beta Testing
HELP! the game 
Backgrounds, beta testing
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