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Messages - Slasher

The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Tue 02/10/2018 17:55:48
Being told that the expensive brand is by far the better... not in all cases, and supermarkets grind my gears...

Don't buy that for 99p buy this one, it's better at £1.50 >:(
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 07/09/2018 12:52:47
***Happy Birthday LimpingFish ***!

Have a great one mate ;)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Tue 21/08/2018 20:31:41
Many thanks to all those that wished me a happy 63rd...

Thank you all (nod)

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 10/08/2018 14:01:29
Best wishes AGA

Have a great birthday (nod)
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Thu 09/08/2018 10:48:03
You should have seen/tasted the UK's first commercial frozen pizza's....

Beyond words... YUK springs to mind with the taste of cardboard...(laugh)
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Fri 27/07/2018 15:37:02

some owners treat their pets as humans... I don't like dogs in the house...they should be cared for outside.

And on the bus seats would be a no no...
Snarky: That module is no longer available...
You could make an int and have it Randomize replies..

Here I have it in a function within a module if reply to anything.
Code: ags

function Inv_Random()
 int  Rand=Random(2);
 cBert.Say("Do I look like some kind of pilchard?");    
 else if(Rand==1)
 cBert.Say("Err. That's utterly pointless.");    
 else if(Rand==2)
 cBert.Say("That's daft.");

Call it with 
Code: ags


else just do this for each object/hotspot within a function

Code: ags

 int  Rand=Random(2);
 cBert.Say("Do I look like some kind of pilchard?");    
 else if(Rand==1)
 cBert.Say("Err. That's utterly pointless.");    
 else if(Rand==2)
 cBert.Say("That's daft.");

These are examples only..

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 27/06/2018 04:28:55
***Happy Birthday Gurok***

I'll send you my walking stick as a present (laugh)

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sun 24/06/2018 19:58:09
***Happy birthday, tzachs ***

born to be wild (laugh)
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Sun 10/06/2018 21:06:21
People who plead poverty and say they struggle to get by and yet have numerous cats and dogs...
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sun 06/05/2018 12:13:30
***Happy Birthday Mandle***

Have a great day but don't overdo the shandy (laugh)

Take it easy ;)
I had a thought.... There are some members that are great at drawing, animating etc that to a newbie might be a bit daunting and put them off entering when they look at their own work.

To stop this from happening what if members could only show images/videos/Completed game link in the last week of the contest before voting starts?

I myself am guilty of this...

What do you lot think?
Quote from: TheBitPriest on Sat 21/04/2018 03:24:02

1. Participants could anticipate the scope of the contest ("June is here in a week... I can expect a broad theme. I'm in!")
2. The contest wouldn't be weighted too heavily in one direction or the other.

As it's my topic for May I will be going for a broader topic with scope to interpret as you so wish with no asset use restrictions.
I have several topics for May in which I am deciding which one to pick...


QuotePeople at the bottom of the totem pole at work just don't have the spare hours to participate in a time intensive competition like MAGS
So, the high flyers have time then?

QuoteAnecdotally, there's definitely more participation in the FWC when the rules imply that a short entry is socially acceptable....
Size is not everything but quality is, so I am told (laugh)

If we reset all the boundaries I think it would take away the edge of the whole purpose of Mag... after all, you could not very well ask the sporting committee to shorten the 100m hurdles race to 80m or take away the hurdles just to suit yourself....but you could train more, get better running shoes and learn the track better etc etc

It's a competition, simple as that.... and it's to show us what you can do...

What's more, any game does not need to be long and complicated:  as long as it's playable and fun (nod)

Anyone could win, anyone (nod)


You could keep a game small (maybe 4 or less rooms) and concentrate on quality of puzzles and game play.

It would surely make hitting the deadline easier.

Time management is the key along with enthusiasum, weather it be MAGS or other.

With MAG, as you say time is shorter...

Myself: I generally 'See' a good idea or two where I know what I want to do within minutes...

Then write the basics down.... that's about 20 minutes...

So far all within a day...

Then make/gather most of the assets.... usually within a day or two.

Start piecing them together as per notes made..

This usually takes from 3 to 5 days...

Start scripting my ideas and adding the elements, which may change a little over time...

This may take me up to 12 days allowing for extras stuff to include.

Then another day or so doing the gui's and more scripting.

By the time i get to day 15 i am generally running tests and tweaking.

This could take up until the end of the month, depending.

I find a month more than enough time....if you only do one or two rooms i'd say within two weeks.

A month is generally long enough though I have found it a bit tight on some instances.

Not saying my games would win awards but they are complete and playable.

All the more reasons for people to get down and dirty and start creating.

Long live MAG (nod)

From VampireWombat:
QuoteWhat if there were some MAGS starter packs?
That is a possibility, it would certainly cut the time down..

I totally agree that the lack of MAG entrants is concerning if we are to keep it going.

Some people are either too busy at the time, can't think of a game for the topic, think their games are not any good, try to get above their heads and realise they don't have the knowledge to do the game and so back down.

MAGS and the suchlike is all about having fun...  It's like: 'Let's see what I can make in a month'.....

We of course have our regulars which helps,

Naturally, people with good scripting skills who have the ability to produce quick results helps, whist people with not much experience struggle to get anything done..

Some people can't even make a game in a year that alone a month.... These people need help and reassurance...

Of course it would be good if old hands offered help to newbies and offered a hand with advice etc etc if they needed it or work as a team...

A game-making workshop would be great....a place to hone their skills and learn from experienced people...

I will naturally try to help get more participants.

I will mention this in Slashers Corner...

Let's save MAG (nod)

and Stu ;)

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 12/04/2018 14:20:03
Have a ***Happy Birthday  Atelier***

Be good to yourself at least once a day (laugh)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 31/03/2018 17:20:46
***Happy Birthday Dave Gilbert, Ali, strazer ***

May the lord bring you a great day and a super new year..

Smile til infinity (laugh)

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