

Snarky Global Moderator Global Moderator Mittens Lord

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Best Innovation Award Winner 2018, for his numerous additions to the AGS open source ecosystem including the new Awards Ceremony client and modules Best Innovation Award Winner 2018, for his numerous additions to the AGS open source ecosystem including the new Awards Ceremony client and modules

8,709 (1.158 per day)
Personal text:
Private Insultant
Date registered:
Sun 13/06/2004 03:47:12
Local Time:
Fri 17/01/2025 22:38:24
Last active:
Tue 30/07/2024 19:13:26
I've worked on the following games:
English Proofreading
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 
Coding, Production
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 Nominated for Best Non Adventure Game Created with AGS at the AGS Awards in 2019 
Coding, Production
AGS Awards Ceremony 2017 
Coding, 2017 version
AGS Awards Ceremony 2016 
Coding, 2016 version
The Hobbit: Rise of the Dragon King 
Gameboard Movement help.
The Samaritan Paradox Nominated for Best Animation at the AGS Awards in 2014 Nominated for Best Background Art at the AGS Awards in 2014 Nominated for Best Character Art at the AGS Awards in 2014 Nominated for Best Game Created with AGS 2014 at the AGS Awards in 2014 Nominated for Best Gameplay at the AGS Awards in 2014 Nominated for Best Music & Sound at the AGS Awards in 2014 Nominated for Best Programming at the AGS Awards in 2014 Nominated for Best Puzzles at the AGS Awards in 2014 Nominated for Best Voice Work at the AGS Awards in 2014 Nominated for Best Writing at the AGS Awards in 2014 
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator Nominated for Best Animation at the AGS Awards in 2011 Nominated for Best Dialogue Writing at the AGS Awards in 2011 Nominated for Best Non Player Character at the AGS Awards in 2011 Nominated for Best Original Story at the AGS Awards in 2011 Nominated for Best Player Character at the AGS Awards in 2011 Nominated for Best Short Game at the AGS Awards in 2011 Nominated for Best Voice Work at the AGS Awards in 2011 
animation, writing
Frantic Franko: Bergzwerg Gone Berzerk Winner of Best Demo at the AGS Awards in 2009 
proof-reading, play-testing, beta-testing
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