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Messages - SpeechCenter

Sure, I thought AGS.Types is an API, and it has been working for over 10 years :)
I'll try to enumerate what the code uses so we can see the gaps.
Version 2.2.0 released.

Now when you export the voice script, you will also get in the voice script folder a file called 'data.csv' which includes all the information in tabular form.

Note that this release requires AGS 3.5.0 as a minimum, meaning if there's anyone who still uses 3.4 with the plugin, they should upgrade their AGS version. The reason is that I also updated the plugin to use .net 4 (you'll need .net 4.7.2 as a minimum)
Based on the screenshots this should have worked. Plus, if it magically started to work there's likely a different issue. If you do find a way to reproduce it then let me know.

By the way, will have a new version that exports all the CSV. I expect it's going to be this week.
Hey Dave,

The output format is actually XHTML so it's an XML. However, I can add CSV export relatively easily if this will assist you further.
Hey Dave, I think morganw's solution will solve it, but let me know if this doesn't work
Quote from: Dualnames on Sat 16/01/2021 00:06:31
Newest beta works !!!!

EDIT: It's irrelevant to newest beta, it had to do with my installing redistributables from here
Not sure I understand, the latest I see is which is a release 4 days ago. Can you send me a link to the exact version you were using?
It's possible the runtime you installed is needed for the plugin and not AGS, although I've tried to make sure it's aligned. This also explains why I haven't seen that issue.
Quote from: Dualnames on Mon 04/01/2021 23:26:01
I'm using latest version of AGS and latest version of speech center, and oggs and mp3s dont seem to work, I get "error playing" any thoughts/solutions about that?
There was an issue with 3.5, but I fixed the plugin a year ago so it should work, I'll check.
There is no easy for for this on the plugin (probably creation of an installer would work, but then need to think about multiple AGS destinations and it becomes complicated).
This is a security feature and starting from .net 4, it won't load DLLs that came from another computer (hence the need to unblock the dll). One other option is to add the following to the AGS runtime configuration file:
Code: xml

      <!-- Treat assemblies from network locations as fully trusted. -->
      <loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true" />

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Mon 17/02/2020 13:24:32
Yes, it looks like that Editor does not currently provide an appropriate config for shared "workspace" data. It's hard to tell whether the *user file does work as you expect though, because nothing prevents from copying it between collaborators as well. But it contains more "volatile" data, such as last build configuration (debug/release).
I think most of what's stored in there is data related to the plugin and not per user data. I think I've seen an AGS editor feature request to separate each section to its own XML file, so if that's implemented, and each plugin can store its data in its XML and it's all part of source control integration, then I think it will address the need to store the data and not create a huge project file. Another option is that each section specifies the files, this is more generic, but requires more work/changes. At the moment if I do this without an underlying feature from the editor, then there is no way to tell it that there are additional files that should be part of the project.

Assuming this makes sense then it might be best to see how to do this automatically without breaking the plugin's code, but this is a detail, if not possible we can find ways to have the plugin work with both options.
Plugin updated to address the playback issue with AGS 3.5.0. Please update me if you run into any additional issues.
Another minor feature is that if you use the new AGS 'custom say function in dialogs' capability, then the plugin will detect these functions, therefore there is no need to add these particular functions in the SpeechCenter plugin custom functions configuration.

AGS 3.4 is still supported for now to give people enough time to update to the newer editor version. I'll likely update the minimum version to AGS 3.5 later in the future.
This data is in game.agf since my thought process was that this behavior should be consistent between different collaborators. Specifically, anything that affects the way the voice script is generated and the custom functions that were chosen, as well the checkboxes that were selected/unselected should also be stored and synced between users. Usually a .user file is per specific user preferences and this would mean different users of the same game project would not see the same outcome of the plugin.

Is there a different place to store project-level data (and not per user preferences)?
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Sun 26/01/2020 12:47:40
Is this an AGS issue or SpeechCenter's, that it writes its data into Game.agf even if not used in the particular game project?
What's the expected behavior if AGS loaded the plugin? It's possible it writes an empty node, but not sure what's the issue.
The issue is only with playback, the rest of the functionality should work with 3.5. I believe I'll have a solution within a few weeks, I'll do my best to speed things up.
Yes, that is the reason, but the problem is with my code.
It's not something wrong in your environment. The audio playback works fine with AGS 3.4, so at the moment, the only immediate workaround to use this functionality is to use AGS 3.4. I could release a hacky workaround but I prefer to fix this properly if possible. All other functionality should work fine with AGS 3.5 and I'm hoping people that upgraded are not stuck.
Since AGS 3.5 is already a RC then I'll make sure to address it as soon as possible, but it might be a few weeks until I'll be able to do this properly. In the meantime, if you or anyone else find themselves in a situation that they use AGS 3.5 and need a quick fix for audio playback from the plugin then drop me a note and I'll release that interim solution.
It's using the editor, I understand why it's happening, but it may take some time to fix.
@Gilbert, please let me know if this is time critical, if so I may provide a specific workaround so you don't get stuck.
Okay, that explains it. I might add a note to the installation instructions.
First time I see this issue. Just so I know where to look, is this using the latest AGS 3.4 release or on the 3.5 beta release?
Edit: never mind, I see in the screenshot, this is 3.5, I'll take a look, might be related to the fact it's using a newer .net version than AGS 3.4.
Just released a new version of the plugin that should address the issue. Please check and let me know.!AgDXrcGi1DGgb59otK4Z8fEy_9I
I see the issue and working on a fix. I suspect this bug has been lurking since the first release, thanks for finding and reporting it.

As for the question regarding sort, when you sort by location, the line numbers are automatically sorted in ascending order for all rows that have the same location. So if you have Dialog 1 lines 1 through 5, and you sort by location, you should expect to see lines 1 through 5 of Dialog 1 appear one after the other. I checked the code to confirm that's how it's supposed to work, if you have seen a different behavior, please let me know.
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