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Messages - Stupot

Youch, that's one hell of a task, Grim, but that's what the thread's for.  We accept your challenge ;-)
Quote from: Mati256 on Thu 08/07/2010 04:26:11
If you are running windows just try the "Windows Movie Maker".

Hehe, well I decided to make it in Movie Maker (the reson I never tried befroe was that for some reason I though Youtube didn't accept WMV format... but it does... so I did...

And the end result was okay, but lasted on Youtube for about 10 seconds before being swiftly blocked for breach of copyright... oops, haha.. still, it was a bit of practice.
Ahh that's a cool site Terran.  But actually I stil want to keep the audio of the original video, but just with the extra audio on top of it.

Basically, it's one of my favourite scenes from one of my favourite TV shows, and playing one of my favourite songs while I watched the scene I was amazed at house they slotted together perfectly... uncannily perfect.  So I want to make it into a single video, and show it off.  Haha, god I'm sad...
Okay, easy question, but I'm really ignorant in this department.
What's a good, free, video editing software, that will get me a youtube compatible video at the end of it.

I want to take two videos from youtube, and simply rip the audio from one and put it over the top of the other one.

That literally all I want to acheive, and the end result is going to be beautiful, because I've already acheived it by watching one video with the audio of the other video running in the background, and the result nearly brought me to tears.

Mods, why don't you have a gander here:

It's a kind of similar concept to Kickstarter, but open to more countries, including the UK.

Looks really useful, and there are some cool projects by the look of things.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Tue 22/06/2010 12:49:42
Quote from: Dualnames on Tue 22/06/2010 02:35:38
C to the H to the I to the CKY

I had to explain "to the" to a Japanese friend... It wasn't easy, haha.

Happy B'day Chicky
Quote from: Mods on Tue 22/06/2010 02:17:58
What I'd like to know is why every country is releasing documents on UFO's except the one country that has supposedly formed an alliance with ET's, the USA.

Because they're the only country that really knows that ETs are nowhere near Earth.  Because Roswell was a fabrication to keep the public distracted from other activites...  such as, but not exclusive to, staging the Moon Landings in Area 51...

*dons flame-proof suit and hides*
I'm sure there were other animals that laid eggs long before the chicken was invented.
Haha Tuomas, you just put me in stitches.  ;D
Dom, where did you get that gift-wrapped trophy from?  I used to have a bronze one of them, but it disappeared.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 03/06/2010 04:41:21
Cheers Man.
Was a gooden :-)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 29/05/2010 22:11:24
Happy Bidet Bici and Creed!
May all your Christmasses (or should that be 'Christmi') be white.

Apparently you can download the complete game from that page aswell.
That seems to me exactly what Andail was asking, Babs.

Quote from: Andail on Wed 24/03/2010 16:07:33...make it appear richer and longer, even though you don't really add more useful information...
to pad out sounds more natural that just pad.
Sorry Ryan, I've only confused matters by posting that second bit of code.  The currentstate 'A' is a totally different kind of value than the char 'a'.  Forget the last few posts and go back to my original Q. where I just displayed the main section of my program.

What I'm asking here is simply to be able to put the whole thing in a loop so that whenever the string is rejected it will go back to the start and give the user another chance to type his string without having to keep running the file each time.
If != means 'not equal to' then that's exactly what I mean, but this version of Pascal doesn't seem to liek that, so I used <> instead.  Also it needed a 'do' to go with the 'while'.

Unfortunately, all I end up with is a reccurring loop of:

Input a string consisting of the symbols a, b, c, d, and e: String Rejected :-(
Input a string consisting of the symbols a, b, c, d, and e: String Rejected :-(
Input a string consisting of the symbols a, b, c, d, and e: String Rejected :-(
ad infinitum.

I think that might be because of an earlier element in the 'readstring' process...

Code: ags

{ *** ReadString Procedure *** }

procedure readstring (var string : stringtype;
                      var stringlength : integer);

  i : integer;

  i := 1;  
  while (i <= 12) and (not eoln) do
      read (string [i]);
      i := i + 1;
  stringlength := i - 1;

...which basically tells the program to give the user a chance to input the string before pressing 'enter'... but when we're telling it to go back to the beginning of the program, it's registering that 'enter' has now been pressed, so it is infinitely rejecting empty strings.

Perhaps I can solve this by putting (not eoln) as an initial state... but I don't know how to do that either. :(
Is anyone here familiar with Pascal?
I'm using it for my Computational Linguistics course.  I'm okay with the stuff I've actually been taught and ned to know, but I'm trying to achieve something extra, just for neatness sake.

Basically the program asks the user to input a string of characters and then checks the string against a given 'language' and then accepts or rejects it accordingly.

I've achieved that pretty easily, but the trouble is you have to re-run the program every time you want to try it.  I want the program to keep going back to the beginning whenever the string is rejected, with a message saying 'please try again' or something, and then get the program to stop once the user inputs an acceptable string.

Basically I need the program to keep looping until the currentstate is 'A' (accept).

Sounds like it should be easy, but if tried with IF, WHILE and REPEAT statements, and can't seem to get it to work...

Any ideas?  Below is the 'Main Program' of the script.  I'm pretty sure the commands I need will be inserted here somewhere, but I'm obviously doing something wrong.

Code: ags

{ *** Main Program *** }


  write ('Input a string consisting of the symbols a, b, c, d, and e: ');
  readstring (string, stringlength);
  process (currentsymbol, currentstate, string, stringlength);

  if currentstate = 'A' then
    writeln ('String Accepted :-)');

    writeln ('String Rejected :-(');


If you think it would help to see the whole code, I can provide it, but I'm guessing it's not necessary.

Cheers guys.
Quote from: SSH on Mon 15/03/2010 23:25:13
And how does posting a picture of us on the Great Wall put my kids at risk, exactly?

Hadrian's wall would have ben a lot cheaper ;)
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