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Messages - Syos Spaniel

Hints & Tips / Re: Sorrow of a furry father
Fri 29/09/2023 00:33:13
Quote from: Wiggy on Thu 28/09/2023 04:27:34Thanks for the help Syos Spaniel, I could not have worked out that locker code in a month of Sundays! I have finished the game in both modes. Thanks for the game, well done.

Thank you for playing all the way through Sorrow of a Furry Father. You have helped me feel glad and encouraged.
Hints & Tips / Re: Sorrow of a furry father
Wed 27/09/2023 00:00:58
Quote from: Wiggy on Mon 25/09/2023 16:05:27Thanks to all for the insight. Man, these puzzles are intricate! I am sooo looking forward to finishing this game while I still have some hair left. Cheers!

EDIT: I've made it through the maze with the batteries, now it's asking for two, two-digit codes at four input points. I realise I never even found the locker codes hidden in the newspaper, had to brute force it. So, first of all, what is the locker code and how was I meant to deduce it, and, the only numbers I've seen are  on the house sign and I can't find any more. Just once I'd like to find a clue before I find a puzzle...

I designed difficult mode to live up to its name. In easy mode, the puzzles are simpler, easier, and fewer in number.

If you look at the newspaper, it says, "The cover story is: Things Get Crazy at 3925 Blueburg Lane" The locker code is 39, 92, 25. All three of those number can be found in 3925.

Once you put the batteries in the clock, it says 12:00 AM. Note that the clock is across from an empty mirror frame. If there was a mirror in the frame, the reflection of the clock would say MA 00:51. This tells you to push the button labeled Mom (ma is another work for mom,) then enter 00, 51.
Hints & Tips / Re: Sorrow of a furry father
Mon 25/09/2023 10:47:46
Quote from: heltenjon on Sun 24/09/2023 21:21:37My turn to be stuck. Difficult mode.

I have reached a sort of computer room where it looks like I need batteries. I don't have any. I am at a loss about what to do next.
I had an idea that I could use the neodym for this, but I lose it after showing it, so I guess it's useless in this mode?

The neodymium doesn't play any role in this puzzle (the puzzle it does play a part in has an extra step in difficult mode.)

If you explore the underground maze, you can find three food items that don't smell or taste quite right. In the room with six puddles, fill the drinking cup with water from the spicy puddle, then pour it on the taco to get a battery. Do the same with the salty puddle and the potato chips, and the sweet puddle and the candy. This will give you three batteries to power the clock.
Hints & Tips / Re: Sorrow of a furry father
Mon 25/09/2023 10:43:40
Quote from: Wiggy on Sun 24/09/2023 10:32:36I have
exchanged the rusty knife for the pick
, but I have no idea where or when or who uses it. Please help.

I see Jon has answered most of your questions (for which I thank him.) As for the pick axe, it isn't used for anything until later. It doesn't play any part in the underground maze.
Hints & Tips / Re: Sorrow of a furry father
Fri 22/09/2023 22:36:59
Quote from: heltenjon on Fri 22/09/2023 19:20:08And I am stuck again.  ???

Phil wants to play tug of war, and I guess I have to beat him. I have two leads, but none have helped me so far.
The Fox thinks about swimming, and there is indeed a message about getting stronger after "swimming" a bit. As this wasn't helping, I went back to a saved game and tried not training until after losing a tug of war, but nope.
Phil mentions that I can challenge him again to make him slip up. Perhaps I can use the mud for this? I have made it runny, but not been able to pick it up.

In addition, when I went back to replay, I noticed something being said about treasure being buried and a special technique to see the xs. Is this possible to do at the stage I am now? And is it necessary, or just a bonus thing?

There are two things to do in order to beat Phil in the tug of war. In easy mode, it's enough to do one of them, but in difficult mode, you must do both. You must get stronger (which you have already done,) and you must use a cup of water to make the floor wet and slippery. Which you do first doesn't matter, and whether or not you have already tried to beat Phil at a tug of war doesn't matter.

As for the X marks, they automatically become visible after Kurt tells you about them (though they are not in the house, so you need to search to find which "rooms" they are in.) Finding the X marks is a necessity.
Hints & Tips / Re: Sorrow of a furry father
Fri 22/09/2023 10:48:09
Sounds like you are playing in difficult mode, which means some of the puzzles have more steps than in easy mode, and there are more puzzles. There shouldn't be any need to go back to a saved game.

In difficult mode, you can't pull out the slingshot until you use it to solve another puzzle. First, walk around the owl in circles to learn a spinning technique. Second, use the spinning technique on the stuck bottle in the clubhouse to get a bottle cap. Third, use the bottle cap on the slingshot to launch it into the shoe in the mud puddle. Fourth, use the electromagnet to pull the bottle cap over to you (which drags the shoe with it.) Once the slingshot has served this purpose, you can use the teeth to pull it out of the ground. The band gets torn off in the process. The torn band is one of the items Phil needs to play pirate. Make sure you also use the teeth on the shoe to get the shoelace. I designed difficult mode to live up to its name, so please feel free to ask for more help if you need it.
A story of family love, reconciliation, and getting transformed into a fox.

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