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Messages - TheFrighter

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Tue 06/02/2018 07:35:28

Happy birthday to DBoyWheeler!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 01/02/2018 09:47:31

Happy birthday, Horusr!(roll)

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 27/01/2018 07:33:48

Happy birthday, Selmiak!
A picture of myself, yeah? Here's to you:

AGS Games in Production / Re: The Witch House
Thu 11/01/2018 09:06:01
Quote from: rongel on Wed 10/01/2018 18:30:44This is the reading room where you can study for your exams, or study maths and occult (the really powerful occult books are stored in the basement and you need a permission to examine them). You can also study in your own room, but there might be strange disturbances which can break your concentration... At the right edge is the card file, where you can check the location of the books in the library. After you know the book's location, you can go and find it, and borrow it from the librarian. And behind the door is professor Armitage's office. So this is a place you will be spending quite a lot of time.
What about a little side research off the main route?


I am Francesco from Italia, stand-up comedian and comic-strip writer!
I don't know why i love point-and-click games so much, but please keep going fullfill my love.
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