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Messages - TheTelephone

Hey all,

I'm super new to this forum, but am eager to meet people serious about collaborating on small-medium-large projects. I'm unfortunately about as technologically savvy as a tree stump, BUT what I lack in techno-wisdom I more than make up for in creativity. I've been screenwriting in my free time for years now, I'm a working professional and am great at working with others and doing my own part for the sake of the team. Really eager to meet people, and really looking forward to tragically failing making my own solo point & click games.

I'm pretty proficient at genre writing, particularly horror, comedy, mystery and adventure.
My absolute best quality is probably dialogue writing and story arcing.
Really easy to work with, not at all a control freak, just looking to gain experience and have good time/work with great people while doing so.
One thing that I have to say is that I have worked with indie game developers in the past; they were kinda huge jerks, and it did leave a bad taste in my mouth. That being said, I really want to give game writing another shot, and really think that there are a lot of seemingly very nice people on these boards.

I'm pretty thorough when it comes to gaming, to the point where people hate watching me play video games. (I like finding Easter Eggs, whatevs)
If there's something glaringly wrong with your game, I could probably find it. If there's something super small, I could probably find that, too.
A Rainman-esque attention to detail.

And yeah, that's really it. My real goal is to work with a team on something from scratch, preferably something horror-themed as that's my bag, but I'm very much adaptable. In the short term, I'd like to try my hand at making my own game before becoming a Creative Director or anything like that, but for the time being I'd love to help out in anyone's game in any way that I can.

Oooooooookay, good talk, see you out there.
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