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Messages - TheVolumeRemote

Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Sat 08/10/2016 18:40:40
Send me a PM with your email address and I'll send you an unsigned IPA of AGS 3.3.0. It works with most games on every device I've tried (iPhone 6+, iPad Pro etc- not sure about iPhone 7). It doesn't seem to work however with large games such as Primordia, Shardlight and Kathy Rain- the prior two I can confirm do work on Android. Also I don't want to violate any rules here or disrespect Janet and Dave so let me know if this is a no-no! Finally and as always please use a Purchased copy of the game to support our wonderful community:)
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Sat 31/10/2015 16:19:09
Thank you Sslax, I'll send Wizard a message! I understand finical backing isn't exactly necessary- as I'm sure the majority here have the tools and knowledge already. However I'm lacking the latter and in respect to everyone's time- I'd offer funds to someone for committing to its completion:)
I wonder if its possible to create a downloadable (system) Profile for iOS that is signed (or not) and has compiled game data or something of the sort. Anyway thanks again
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Tue 29/09/2015 17:46:34
And not to make it weird but I just want to respectfully acknowledge that JJS is the creator and presumed owner of this software, not sure where Janet and Dave come in but I yield to them!! I don't want a penny- just to maybe spend some so we can all enjoy this with minimal skills and knowledge:)
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Tue 29/09/2015 17:44:06
If anyone is further pursuing a commercial version of JJS' amazing port, I'd be interested as a financial backer... I'd love to see this in a neat download with an easy game import coded in from our Archives... Send an email to if you're interested in putting this together, I just don't ha e the technical skills to do it myself!!
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