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Messages - ThreeOhFour

Haha yeah, poor Joel. We caught him completely off guard! :=
I know Priest is a terrible film. I don't see how that should stop me from liking it? :D

Ponch: Your dedication to the podcast is most admirable!
Yeah, it's just as pretty as any Lucasarts game, an also very fun to play.
I sure do, Jack!

Andail's post highlights something that games were never afraid to do back in the day: allow the player to explore and learn things for themselves without fear of them getting bored/impatient with a game. It's very rewarding to figure things out on your own, and part of the fun of a game for me is overcoming the challenge of not being good at it and learning how to play it well. Lose that, and you've lost one of the aspects that makes a game an enjoyable experience.
I blew my trousers apart with the power of rock, baby.
Quote from: Armageddon on Sat 12/10/2013 15:02:46
Only one of you did a great Walken impression. I'll let you guys decide which. :P

I don't really do Walken impressions. I merely talk funny. Grundislav, however, used to delight me with his amazing drunken Walken impressions every weekend before his social life turned into staying at home and skyping with me all day.

He also does a sensational Bowie when drunk. He and I teamed up for a Space Oddity duet in a bar on karaoke night and it was sensational.

As for a Doom book, there really is one. Actually, a 4 part series. I actually own one of them. As for Super Meat Boy, one of these fiends is Layabout and the other is me. Can you guess which one!?
Now hang on a minute. Are you telling me, Ponch, that you don't refresh this thread every 5 minutes, all day, every day?

I'm a little shocked and hurt by this revelation.
Haha aw man, did you use the template from Dos ist gut!? I made that myself by butchering two different templates together into some freaky hybrid template that only just works how I want it to. :D
Surely 1 is an echo, though.
Quote from: Andail on Thu 03/10/2013 17:54:30
Quote from: Andail on Sun 22/09/2013 20:49:42
I didn't read Miller's Batman myself, but I remember stumbling upon this article years back:

Oh, Andail, did you bother to dig up an article on that Batman episode that we explicitly asked you, our listeners, to find for us? THANK YOU

I missed this before, but read this now. Wow. Batman has sure got issues in this arc!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 26/07/2013 12:38:29
Happy Birthday Ilyich!

Guess which Lou Gramm song I have stuck in my head now...
I usually try to only say vile things when it's appropriate, and it rarely seems so on the podcast. It's called "Being professional", yeah!
Rubbish! The ability to, in later stages, equip any item no matter class/race/character restrictions means a bard can become a veritable powerhouse! It's actually reasonably common for powergamers to pick Bard class for solo runs of BG because, equipped with the right wands, there's really nothing a Bard can't do!
Young man, I'll have you know that I listen to most of my music on CDs. I'm sure these "Empty Trees" and "Eye Pods" are all well and good, but you'll find me a very happy luddite, thank you very much!

I still play my games from disk, you know. Have you kids even ever seen a floppy disk that's actually floppy!?
Vince: Great minds think alike! Setting Sail, Coming Home is one of the few game songs that I will put on as "normal" music if in company and listening to music, because it's a great song even away from the game. And yep, the whole soundtrack is pretty amazing. Not sure about only game soundtracks in the music collection, though, I'm far too much of a music nerd to even comprehend that.

Ponch: I love the Outlaws sountrack, one of my favourites of all time, but sadly do not have a copy of the game, as I had borrowed it from a friend. I do, however, have two copies of Dark Forces....  :=
To be honest, I did think of doing the project separately from the podcast, but then I remembered how much Grundy likes game soundtracks, told him my idea and it sort of naturally evolved into a podcast episode. It's more of a supplemental thing than a podcast, but it was just easier to incorporate it, basically. Thanks for listening, anyway!
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