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Messages - ThreeOhFour

I am pleased that you find amusement in our podcast, but I think you'll find that those are the giggles of MANLY MAN MEN GUYS.

Just a minor detail I thought you should all be aware of.  :cheesy:
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 11/07/2012 07:48:57
Haha oh man, Ponch, I had no idea you lurked around RT's house as well. Of course, he gave me permission to do so, but hey, I'm still lurking!

We should start a club :D
I completely agree that Contract J.A.C.K. was nothing but a bland, mediocre shooter which didn't do the NOLF universe justice.

Beyond Good and Evil is a favourite of both mine and Grundislav's - we've both finished it twice (and I basically *never* play through games a second time, which shows how much I loved it).
I am curious to know which section your dog enjoys the most. This is important target audience research, you see :D

I also endorse Frito Master's recommendation of Metal Slug. It ranks with the first two Simon the Sorcerer games as having the some of the most amazing pixel work.
That's how ruthlessly efficient the BlueCupToolsâ,,¢ team is.
Interesting to see people's thoughts on the topic - and thanks for that link, anian :)

As for more of our thrilling episodic audio drama?

Of course there is  :cool:
Usually I go with every character in the game running SayBackground("Wow, Ben304, you're the best!");

Most of the time I comment this out of my games before they're released though (which totally ruins the game, imo, but the testers don't seem to like it :\ )
Thanks Vince, always wondered how much could be stuffed into rep_ex_always!

As for using my noodle in the shower, good advice, thank you!

With regards to Particle Illusion, any tutorials you could recommend for our listeners?

(it's like we're podcasting via text and typing!)
We're gonna be mixing it up, alternating between design discussions like those and more general stuff like the last two. Variety is the goal!
Actually, Ponch has shed light on one of my "things I look forward to" happenings of the future: Having a guest with a strong European accent of some description do a Deliver-rant :D

As for a Spaceman in Space game, the idea is to explore the thrilling medium of adventure through the non-interactive linear audio only format. Making a game of it might ruin the artistic credibility of the project, I am afraid.

I wasn't laughing when Vince said he would make an FPS because it is something I support and would actually play. I love Vince's games and I love many FPS games - perfect combination. If he was joking... well, put me down as "heartbroken".

As for the lack of ums, it was probably our superior interviewing skills that made him more comfortable chatting than all of those other lame interviewers! That, or he was focused on being as interesting as possible to try and make us forget about getting him to do a Deliver-rant (which clearly failed miserably - mostly because Deliver-rants is our #1 favourite part of doing the show).

Thanks for listening, guys!  :cheesy:
Well Wednesday is a character in the Addams Family so all we need to see is a new Addams Family series/film and we will totally release #4.

* ThreeOhFour taps foot patiently waiting for this film/series.
Our release schedule is every Wednesday! That means: Soon, veryweirdguy. Very soon.
Ponch: Hopefully we can get Mr Twelve once he has returned from his NY activities! Glad we got the length spot on this time!

TomatoesInTheHead: Grundislav does release games more regularly and consistently than pretty much anybody, you do realize? :D

stepsoversnails: We tried but Grundi's server doesn't support it, sadly :(
* ThreeOhFour approves of this 304%

Just for clarification, the early release of this episode is due to our switching to a midweek release schedule from now on, which suits us more!
vwg: I've been on the phone to your agent. She says you'll be busy all week with the ice-cream sponsorship people. You shouldn't get my hopes up like that :(

Chicken: We're total animation bros/colleagues/comrades now :D

Ponch: Man, I feel so influential now! Everybody wear silly hats!
My band has never recorded a song yet. You can see some demos of stuff I've recently written on my dev journal tumblr thing though.
Do it in a range of silly voices and we'll consider it.  (nod)
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