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Messages - ThreeOhFour

I started off using the smudge tool. It works, but it's ineffective.
Your feedback makes our podcasting all so worthwhile! Nice to know people are interested in this sort of thing :cheesy:

Don't forget you can tell us anything you'd like us to cover, or any other suggestions. We have plenty we'd like to talk about, but more ideas is always good.

Quote from: Ponch on Sat 16/06/2012 07:08:09
(Although I was a bit disappointed that you failed to refer to me as "The Iron Man of AGS").

You could always write in a letter of complaint that you weren't referred to as this so that I can read it out on the air again for everyone to listen to and take note of...
Something I forgot to mention to Frito Master before: I pick a game of the month each month, which is at the top of the page on the games page. If you'd like I could also mention it in the podcast.

Also, wow, we've already got special guests and behind the scenes episodes being planned for us. We were kinda thinking we'd just do a 2 serious episodes and then from that point just turn it into an audio periodical in which we make strange noises for 40 minutes and then rant in hillbilly voices for 57 seconds at the end.

Which, you must admit, would also be pretty darn good!
We discussed the music and both agree that it needs to stay, we're just going to make it a little quieter :D.

As for frequency we haven't really decided on one yet, although it'd be pretty awesome to do one on a regular basis. Eventually we're bound to run out of informative things to say and it will end up being 45 minutes of us doing stupid segments in stupid voices, because that's easily our favourite thing to do!

Thanks to everyone for the feedback, nice catch on the Rayman Origins music Frito Master, and thanks Khris for the HHH vid. That's brilliant!  :cheesy:
Dirk: Indeed you must!

Azure: Hooray, thanks :D. Heed Francisco's warning: Action stunts can be dangerous to film!
I have pinned a piece of paper to the BlueCupTools corkboard saying "veryweirdguy is our #1 fan" in anticipation of your approval :D
A couple of others have mentioned this, so I will mention it to our producer Grundislav. Thanks for pointing it out :D
Click here to listen and enjoy to your favourite podcast about blue cups:

Episode 1: Animation, The Dig, Metal Dead.

Episode 2: Backgrounds, Project Nomads, Ico.

Episode 3: Remakes, E3, Journey, Botanicula.

Episode 4: Vince Twelve, Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened, inFAMOUS 2.

Episode 5: Designing & Writing, The Walking Dead Episode 1, Br�tal Legend.

Episode 6: Boss Battles, Killzone 2, Rayman Origins.

Episode 7: Introductions, Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, Tiny Bang Story.

Case 8: Releasing Your Game!

Episode? NEIN!: Starting a New Project

Episode 10: 2013! The Morales Paradox! PETER GABRIEL!

Episode 11: Art direction! Full Throttle is good!

Episode 12: Deadlines! OROW! Magic Potions! Friendship!

Episode 13: Top Scores! Game music!

Episode 14: OROW Games! Dialogue! Silliness!

Episode 15: Consequence! Multiple endings! *SPOILERS*!

Episode 16: Companion characters! Friendship and shit like that.

Episode 17: Atmosphere and other environmental concerns.

Episode 18: Grundislav is a cat.

Episode 19: Is this even a podcast?

Episode 19.5: Top Scores 2!

Episode 20: Podcats.

Episode 21: Objectives in games etc

Episode 22: Assorted remakes, hello Joel

Episode 23: Interface discussions, etc

Episode 24: Halloween! Spooooky!

Episode 25: Schedules! Other rambly crap!

Episode 26: Robert A Williams!!! :angry:

Top Scores #3!

Epissode 27: Anatoly.

Epissode 28: Development workflow!

Epissode 29: On game types

THIRTY: BALLS (teamwork)

Episode 31: Dave Gilbert!

Episode 32: Testing & Feedback

Episode 33: ??????????????????

Episode 34: DANE KRAMS

Episode 35: Censorship, privacy, taboos etc

Episode 36: Vegemite and paint flavoured tea

Episode 37: Vince Twelve again!

Episode 38: Work environment.

Episode 39: Cutting the fat.

Episode 40: GDC

Episode 41: Animation #2

Episode 42: Music

Episode 43: Backgrounds again

Episode 44: Andail

Episode 45: Sex Tapes Voice Acting

Episode 46: Beta testing/feedback

Episode 47: I honestly don't even remember it was so long ago D:

Episode 48: Designing a story specifically for a game.

Episode 49: Coding!

Episode 50: Talking Adventure with Richard Cobbett.

Episode 51: It's the fifty first episode, yes it is!

Episode 52: Learning!

Episode 53: Hello again, Dave Gilbert!

Episode 54: The mailbag

Episode 55: Development pitfalls

Episode 56: Regrets & Things we'd do differently

Episode 57: Making games - as a set of skills.

Episode 58: Crisis in games as a plot motivator.

Episode 59: Dave Gilbert returns!

Episode 60: Context.

Episode 61: Pacing in design & writing.

Episode 62: AdventureX


Episode 64: Imposter Syndrome

Episode 65: Remakes

Episode 66: Design without words

Episode 67: Narration and Minigames

Episode 68: GDC 2015

Episode 69: Thinking about other genres

Episode 70: Promoting your game

Episode 71: Changes midway through production

Episode 72: NOW YOU HAVE RUINED IT :angry::angry::angry:

Episode 73: Stepping out

Episode 74: Length and pacing

Episode 75: Endings

Episode 76: Look, are you going to give me a choice here?

Episode 77: Being "Fun" vs being "Interesting"

Episode 78: I wonder when Francisco will realize the first post has had Comic Sans as the font for months now

Episode 79: DIE

Episode 80: Trappings of the genre

Episode 81: A T 1

Episode 82: A T M O S F E A R
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 04/06/2012 07:11:32
Happy birthday qptain Nemo.

Make me some music :) :kiss:
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 11/05/2012 23:46:48
Happy birthday Steve  :cheesy:
Ilyich: Yeah, I think I get what you mean, although I thought I put enough detail in. Oh well, your point is noted.

Ali + Icey: The code is indeed meant to be solved the way Stupot did it.

Stu: Aye, the more I think about it, the more I imagine I'd like to create a game in a setting like this but more exploration based than escape the room-y (which is how a lot of my puzzles usually are). Not sure if I'd be able to do it in a style that is good or not.

Icey: Thanks :). With regards to the bug you mention, that's actually an issue with the AGS pathfinder and me making too complex walkable areas. Not sure I could fix it, sadly. Thanks for the nice comments :)

Thanks everyone else for the nice comments as well :). I kinda pushed the game out of my mind so I could move on and work on other stuff, but I am glad some of you are enjoying it, that's great to hear.
Oh hello, sorry I haven't replied to lots of people, but I have been doing other things lately  :=

Big GC: I totally understand that, but one thing I really wanted to avoid in this game was one of those post-catastropic/post-apocalyptic settings that looks like Fallout 3  ;D. I have a lot of love for the settings of the Fallout games, but I also think that games like Enslaved have way more interesting settings for a destroyed earth scenario, and so I wanted to do something completely new. Halfway through making it I learned about a game called Bastion and played it and loved it, and realized that the two settings were kinda similar so hooray for being unable to do something original even when you you thought you were  8)

Tabata: Hehe, thank you, ma'am  :D. I agree the music and sounds are great, I was really lucky to have tricked Ken and Nemo into making stuff for the game for me, although I think they both enjoyed it a bit too  :=. Also, yes, about the spoilery bit, all my stories seem to be about that, I guess I am a hopeless romantic, I think the screenshot picture you made is very cute and here is some extra emoticons just for you to show you how jolly it made me:  :D ;D :) := 8)

qptain Nemo: lol what a sellout (just kidding man you know I love you, c'mere sweetie  :-* ;D :-[ )

Ali: Those are some nice things to say! I really agree with the fact that I wrote too much, but I couldn't seem to stop myself and ran out of time at the end to edit stuff out. I totally agree that it would have been nice to have more complex puzzles, but I always seem to require some surreality when I design more complex puzzles, and I didn't want to push this any further in the game because I thought it would be too much. I would love to make a game like this in 3D, with a real focus on jumping between platforms, such a thing could surely be magical to play as you jump around. Sadly I lack the ability to code 3d games and also the ability to do 3d graphics, so I'm pretty much the exact wrong person to make this game  :-\ Maybe I'll try for this one day when I am uber smart and talented and can do 3d things :D

Ilyich: Hello, what a lot of lovely words you have written! I think because Bastion is an action RPG they probably didn't have time to slow down and look at each thing and get the gravelly voiced narrator guy to speak about it all, although I think they still did a reasonably good job at establishing the character of their world. But thank you, I am glad that all the rambling I did onto my keyboard about the game paid off, and happy that it felt ok at least the first time :D. If I may ask, what part about the graphics seemed ramshackly? Was it a specific element, or that the whole thing just felt a bit rough?

Sorry if I have written crazy things, it's a pretty silly hour of the day to be sitting here writing comments, and big thanks to everyone who has played and supported the Bake Sale, you guys are amazing!
Thanks Stu and Tzachs!

I haven't made plans to revisit this world, really. Even though I left a few things unresolved, I didn't really think they actually needed resolving, personally. I won't so that I won't revisit it, but if I do it will probably be a fair time before I do.

Thanks for playing and commenting, I really appreciate it. This game was probably the hardest one to make because I had a lot of trouble feeling satisfied with it, and still don't fully feel satisfied that I did it right, but I am glad people are enjoying it anyway.
Thank you, Ponch and Cooper! Your approval leaves me feeling fulfilled!  :D

When the meteor hit, huge chunks of the earth were launched into the Earth's atmosphere. Now, high above the ground, where the air is thin and gravity weaker, there are whole cities, shattered and orbiting the planet.

Some see opportunity here and fly up in pairs - as one waits for the other in their aircraft, the partner searches through these broken midair wastelands for treasures that can be flown back down to people below, where the world is still recovering from the catastrophe, for a fair profit.

But these airborne cities are desolate and empty, devoid of life, for the air up here is too thin to support mammals without respiration equipment.


Falling Skywards

Also! For those of you who want to watch someone else play the game and hear me discussing various things in the game, you may now find a video of this right here: I sound sleepy and Australian but had a lot of fun doing this with WHAM, so hopefully some others will enjoy it too!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 21/01/2012 09:06:12
Happy birthday Snake. Love you man :)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 19/01/2012 11:00:25






islav grundislav.

To my knowledge, if the circuit was RCD protected it'd just trip the RCD out, meaning all the devices on that circuit would stop getting power. Perhaps just use that as an easy excuse? (unless it's quite an old building, in which case it is unlikely to be RCD protected)

Just for reference, I am not an electrician, but one of the members in my band is and has discussed RCDs with me in the past.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 04/11/2011 05:42:40
Thanks for the birthday wishes, cake and, erm, "dancers"  8)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 03/11/2011 22:18:22
Thanks guys :D
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