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Messages - Tramponline

General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Sat 18/04/2015 10:12:31
Not a Steam key, but I still got this
gift link from our AGS Bake Sale II.

Ogon was kind enough to relinquish his package to me,
when I missed out on the deadline the 1rst time.

But since Ponch gave in to all our whining and did a second round,
I was able to puchase me own copy.

It includes this  sexy  collection of great games:

2034 A.C. II by Ponch
Beer! by Radiant
That Damn Dog by Tzachs
Blue Lobe Inc. by Baron

'You gotta be some frickin' hoser to not want those, eh!?'

Send me your PM already!!
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 25/02/2015 14:02:43
'Elementary! When you have eliminated the impossible,
whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth!

Excellent deduction work on your part, gentlemen! ;)
Crimson paved the way and nihilyst, with dogged pursuit, connected the do...dots.

The Hound it is. In lush Technicolor, a great treat for rainy days. Hammer managed to
gloss over the lack of funds with an impressive amount of atmosphere.
Watch it if you can *coughU-tubecough*!   

Since it was kind of a joint venture, I'll leave it up to you guys to decide who's up next...   
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 25/02/2015 04:56:58
This wasn't supposed to be difficult or obscure at all.
Maybe the next one is more revealing?

  • A rather rare example where a production company garnered somewhat of a cult following.
  • My image on this forum is a clue (..and I'm not talking about me being a drunken lout! :P).
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 15/02/2015 20:21:03

Next up:
(Sorry about the blurriness, it couldn't be helped.)

Edit: Uhh!? 8-0...Not even a wildcard or mock guess?! Not even you, Ponch!!?
A non-mocking Rumpus Room is almost blasphemous! Tss Tss (wrong)(wtf)...

Some hints:

  • The shot is from the prologue of the film (i.e. it's somewhat misleading)

  • Main character is not in the shot

  • Glorious Technicolor!
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 15/02/2015 18:57:40
Is it perhaps Beau Travail (1999)?
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sun 15/06/2014 12:45:16
Happy belated birthday to fellow film afficionado Eric!

And a huge barrel 'o ginger grog for DKH. You know, the kind of acid brew that melts the bottom of blue cups. ;)
That'll get you back on your feet in no time!

Also, best wishes to Stupot, Nemo, bici, SunnyP and everyone else I might've missed in the last couple of weeks being away for work.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 26/05/2014 07:22:12
Happy belated b-day to AprilSkies!

And best wishes to Stuart! Skol! ;-D

...and Wyz, I 'froggot'! Ribbit! :P
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 20/05/2014 04:37:10
Appreciate the gesture. ;-D But since I did cheat & because I'm swamped with work ATM, let's declare it an open
thread, perhaps?

Anyone who always wanted to post one movie or another and wants to take her/his turn,
go for it!
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 18/05/2014 12:39:04
OK. Got it know.
But I cheated. I remembered the actor (left in 1st shot) from several other movies, but had to look up his name & filmography.

Can't even figure out when I watched this one - just remembered the scene where they bend down for some reason.
I think I mistook surrealism for magic somehow! :P
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 18/05/2014 11:14:07
Damn. Good shots! I know that movie, but I can't wrap my head around it.

Is it any way related to witches / witchcraft somehow? (frogs?)
For some reason I seem to have that association in my head.
No clue why though.
Quote from: Gurkenbier on Sat 17/05/2014 20:35:27
The 2nd riddle:
QuoteDu hast wenig Geld und gehst in ein Casino. Beim Spielen konntest du dein Geld verdoppeln.
Dann kaufst du dir für 16 Euro einen Drink. Du spielst weiter und verdoppelst wieder dein Geld.
Und wieder gönnst du dir für 16 Euro einen Drink. Dein Restgeld konntest du beim Weiterspielen wieder verdoppeln.
Und natürlich gibt es danach wieder einen 16 Euro Drink. Dann gehst du völlig pleite aus dem Casino.
Wie viel Geld hattest du bei dir, als du das Casino betreten hast?
and my translation:
QuoteYou 're low of cash and goes to the casino. After playing you were able to double your money.
Then you buy a drink for 16 euro. You keep on playing and double your money again.
You begrudge a drink for 16 euro again. The residue could you double by playing again.
You buy a drink for 16 euro again. Then you go entirely skint out of the casino.
How much money you has owned when you are going in the casino the first time?

Let's do one at a time. I'll go for the second one:

"You're low on cash as you enter a casino. Playing the first round you're able to double your money. You buy a drink for 16 â,¬.
You keep on playing and double your money again. You treat yourself to another 16 â,¬ drink.
You manage to double your remaining money by playing one final round. Naturally, you reward yourself with one last drink for 16 â,¬.
You're broke as you leave the casino.

How much money did you have upon entering (the casino)?"

It might be better to contract the riddle by simply stating that drinks cost 16 â,¬ each.

As far as I know, there's no translation software out there where an automatically generated translation wouldn't need any revision afterwards.
Certainly not with freeware programs at least.
Personally, I wouldn't use any of those as they tend to complicate matters rather than simplifying anything.
Some of the guys around here are professional translators. They might know a program or two, though not at bargain price rate I assume.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 17/05/2014 07:53:37
I second everything that has been mentioned before!

Especially recent 'additions' make my head spin! ;-D YAY!

Also, best wishes to Problem, Blue Angel & hedgefield on this to-day! 
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 14/05/2014 22:42:08
What makes it look wrong? ;-D

It's dead on target! Carpenter's Assault on Precinct 13 it is!

A last shot for some 70s groove & vibe:

That music gives me chills every time. Who'd have thought synthesizer can sound THAT good.
In Carpenter's hands it does (he ususally composes the main themes for his movies).
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 14/05/2014 22:13:50
Thank you sir!
The next one, a sleeper in it's time, an incredible cult-classic in my book.
I re-watch it ever so ofton, it never seems to lose any of it's edge. That's incredibly rare.

Protagonist/s not in the shot... 
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 14/05/2014 21:37:43
Flight of the Navigator

Explorers ...great choice!

Quote from: Ryan Timoothy on Wed 14/05/2014 21:36:13
"What happened to Sully?" "I let him go."
To be honest, that line is funny. I might have to re-watch it at some point...
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 14/05/2014 21:28:55
Quote from: Tramponline on Wed 14/05/2014 20:47:17
Or, 'North Sea Hijack'?  ...that watch looks like made for the ocean and somehow commando-style?
I had it FIRST! :=

...mutter...mumble...did too...:tongue:...nah, OK, didn't...

To be honest, I loath Commando from the bottom of my heart! (nod)

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 14/05/2014 20:47:17
John Carpenter's 'Vampires'? ...wild guess.

Or, 'North Sea Hijack'?  ...that watch looks like made for the ocean and somehow commando-style?   
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 13/05/2014 14:11:39
Quote from: miguel on Tue 13/05/2014 14:01:05
Nope, the movie has few to none sexual or erotic sequences.
Pshaw! My male side revolts, my female side is appeased. I'm very angrisfied with you, miguel. VERY, I tell ya!  :=
[Disclaimer: not seriously gender related - just pure crystalline nonsense]
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 13/05/2014 13:48:16
Jill in teh kinky box.


...sorry, I'm bored. :P
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 12/05/2014 20:42:46
Ah, pseudo-ALF + Adaptation = Timothy Leary-stuff 'enhancements'? ;-D
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