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Messages - Trent R

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 01/06/2009 04:28:16
Another late birthday wishing to bicilotti, and happy birthday to the michi!

@below: Happy birthday Stupot!

Hudders, you're wrong about Stupot's original post, although does have tons of subdomains to choose from. (though I have always stuck with plain-old
He's talking about a different service... but I can't recall the name either.

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 18/05/2009 17:27:58
Happy birthday RyanRich and Terran Timothy!

Wait... I got something wrong....

As of this posting, the linked thread is only minutes old. But the question was how to change backgrounds from day to night like Quest For Glory. Since this is a stickied thread, I figured I past the link here so it wouldn't be lost--and because it's super relevent to AGS RPGs.
Colour Cycling of day and night

PS-Bush_monkey, I've only looked at Part 1 so far, and it looks pretty interesting. However, I'd be careful not to quad-post and start editing your posts. Image
PSS-I'm not a mod, just some friendly advice. :)
Indeed. As the first post says, it very possible and we've seen a lot in the past. But if you're not willing to put in the work, RPGMaker is an excellent solution (though to say there's nothing unique is too much. I just started playing Exit Fate, and I love it!)

Also, I'm excited to see your tut bush_monkey. It'd be good to have another one, since newbies seem to gravitate to it like it's the Holy Grail of AGS/RPG Tutorials, despite it being very old and mediocre (but better than nothing)

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sun 05/04/2009 01:10:35
Happy birthday monkey!

You may think you're completely legal... but you still can't rent a car! Muahahaha!

For a limited space, a simple way would be to create a Global var in the Global Variables Pane. (I've called it InventoryCount)

Then in your global script, in the on_event function (if it doesn't exist, type it in--this is one of the few functions you are allowed to simply type in) add the following.
Code: ags
function on_event (EventType event, int data) { //like I said, if you already have it...
  if (event==eEventAddInventory) {
    if (InventoryCount>=10) { //if you want a limit of 10
      player.InventoryQuantity[inv[data]]--; //this is in case you've reached the limit, it manually removes it
    else InventoryCount++;
  if (event==eEventLoseInventory) {

If you read the manual entry of InventoryQuantity, it tells you that you should use AddInventory and LoseInventory, which you should. InventoryQuantity doesn't call the on_event, which is what you need to keep the limit. Therefore, if you need to add large amounts of Inventory (though I don't see why), you would need to use a while loop.

That should work. Another way would be to keep track of an InventoryItem array (I did that in my unreleased RingInv module, which replaces the normal InvWindow control into a SOM style Ring). But it is more complex, so only if you have a good reason.

Zumi, look up 5 posts.

Shame. I saw a new reply to this thread and thought it was something exciting....

Actually, I was going to post some progress of my RPG/Hybrid, to give others ideas. Just have to take the time to do it..

Revan, that reminds me of ChaCha, a US based texting service that does the same thing. Cool thing is that it's free, except for whatever charges your carrier has.

PS-Oooh, just found out they allow calling too!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 19/02/2009 07:16:25
Happy birthday voh. Someday I'll learn your crazy avatar dance...

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 18/02/2009 07:20:54
Happy birthday to Revan too.

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Tue 17/02/2009 07:31:22
Happy Birthday Darth! Truly, the forums would be crowded with useless threads without you.

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 17/01/2009 07:08:48
Happy birthday to all my favs who I've missed: Dualnames, SSH, m0ds, and InC. Also to Revonx and my other bday sharing buddies.

And thank you Dualnames and Revonx.

I recently played DOTT on my Vista laptop using ScummVM, and it worked just fine.

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 19/12/2008 01:21:52
HB to Sylver and Misj!

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 21/11/2008 08:20:24
Ceeeeeeeeeeee Jaaaaaaaaayyyy!!!!!!

Happy birthday (even though I'm technically late saying so)

Sounds like a great idea, but should there be a 'self-moderating rule' that states that you can't immediately change and rebuke someone else's addition?

For example on Apocalyptic's paintover. The logical thing would probably be to add a hook hand, or maybe something random like an umbrella hat. What would be unacceptable would be redoing the legs and cancelling out the previous edit. Granted, once the picture has evolved enough (background, npcs, etc) it would be okay.

Then again, such a thing would probably be done only by trolls, so perhaps it's not needed.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Tue 04/11/2008 18:34:18
Happy birthday Ben!
Did you eat lots of cake?

Quote from: KhrisMUC on Sun 19/10/2008 10:55:16
"Check player.ActiveInventory to find out which inventory item was used."
Good lord, yes!!! I searched the manual for forever before I finally found this...

Another tip idea (to be worded as you please, CJ)
"Got a tip of your own you'd like to share? Post it it the designated thread in the Technical Forum."
Hopefully a 'tip' like that will get more suggestions from people that might normally shy away from the foreboding sounding Technical Forum.

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