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Messages - Tuomas

I know it's not about the browser settings, I've been through them many times, and the same thing occurs with Firefox, Chrome and Opera.

Wyz. This seems to make a difference, although I'd rather that it changed the search into a Finnish one, when now the results are English, not a bad choise though. And the problem is, google's not the only thing thinking I'm German :D
Thanks a bunch guys.

Sinsin: I am aware of such option, and it's already set for Finland, which is where I am, but it stills thinks I'm German and want to browse German sites. Sigh, I can't even open English versions of the Microsoft sites because my computer thinks I'm German, and won't give me an option.
Hello dear forum,

I turn to you again on a stupid question, mainly because it should be obvious but isn't:

I bought a Dell laptop with a Windows 7 in it, which it installed immediately at startup, and set my location to Germany by default, since that's where I bought it.

I can't change my location, and this makes stuff like googling hell (I can't find any English or Finnish sites).

I heard I'd have to install Windows again anew, but I didn't get an install CD. I'm asking if you knew where I could find a bootable one. Windows 7 lets me return to the last functioning point and set to factory defaults, but all these points are *after* the installation, and what I need is a thorough format.

The MS site offers a solution if I have the CD, but doesn't say how to get it. So if anyone had an .iso or at least an idea or something. It seems all the threads I can find are at least a year old and offer no answers...
I suppose all you'd need is to go to the profile editor, where it tells you the maximum sizes and such of signatures and/or avatars. Other than that I don't think we can require more than common sense in the "content" of whatever you choose as your signature or avatar. About a special place for those rules, I can't help you, sry.

I don't suppose any of you know a good way of finding out (quickly) which of my audio files are corrupt and which ones not? It seems, that when my computer broke down, not only did I lose 30% of my files, but thatthe ones I had backupped seem to be corrupted in one way or another now that I transferred them from my external HD to my new laptop. What happens is that, well, Winamp has a lot of difficulties playing some tracks, all being just plain mp3. The sound it makes is like a cd jumping from one place to another, and playing the same song from random positions. At the same time some songs just don't play.

I'd just like to make some inventory, fixing them is not necessary, although might be nice. After all, I've got everything on CDs, but ripping them on my laptop is such a bore.

Anyway, thanks.
Hey guys.

Any idea how to get an internet radio lag like 2-3 seconds?

I'm trying to watch a video (sports) but the narrator is awful. So there's a free radio stream too, but it's 2-3 seconds ahead. Soo... if you know. Is this kind of thing even possible?

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Fri 04/11/2011 16:14:24
Quote from: ddq on Fri 04/11/2011 15:48:53
The 2010 Gulliver's Travels with Jack Black?

The perfect example of how big someone's ego can get.
Nothing mature about this place really, but at least we'll be the right audience to in fact encourage you to fullfil your dream of releasing something, not the other way around! So welcome :D
Man, there's Finland playing against Sweden, and they're showing it for free, but I still haven't found a way in there, tried some Finnish proxy-lists, but na.

EDIT: apparently using my university VPN works on Mac, but not on my Vista PC. No idea why, anyone?
Not really no. I tried opening this through the site you linked to but it didn't load.

I also tried a vpn connection through my university in Helsinki and should have been this, but it again complained that I have to be in Finland to watch it. Is there no solution?
A question about proxy, might sound dumb, but anyway. I kind of have the idea, that certain websites are only available in certain countries. I also have the idea, that the site will notice where you are because of you IP. Then if I use a proxy, is this not for changing you IP to seem the way you wanted it to?

Like, the national tv of Finland shows the Moomin series on the internet service, but I'm in Berlin, so I can't watch them. Isn't the proxy settings of firefox the way to goof around with it? You know, to seem Finnish again. And the last question: how does this work?
Could be that when making juice, a lot of sugar is added. If your body doesn't like it, it might protest :P Dunno... useless post nr. 1.
He's good, but the composition is dull. Would be ok, if it played with some end credits of a movie or something.
I've grown it back already though.
Playing around with beard and beer


A question about speakers:

My speakers started making a machine gun-like rattle last night. I figured out it was either the cord going from the laptop to the stereosystem or my soundcard on my laptop. This I thought, because after I took the cord away and tried listening to a vinyl, there was no rattle no more.

But at the same time my tv-speakers started making a buzz. I have a digibox, then a flat 32'' screen with speakers and inbuilt digibox, I use the outer one though because it can record. The sound comes from the digibox... But there's an  annoying buzz on the background, like bees in a can. When I mute the digibox, there's only buzz. When I mute the tv, there's nothing. There used to be no buzz.

My guess is, something is interfering with it, but I don't know how and what and why. Also, I don't know if the speaker-rattle is related, but these two occured for the first time within an hour or so. Any ideas?
Sounds like you should go and change your timing belt as quick as possible. Though I'm no mechanic, but I can ask my step bro, he's a professional. :)
Quote from: zabnat on Fri 18/02/2011 21:18:14
Quote from: Tuomas on Fri 18/02/2011 11:52:42
My green audio jack (hole) popped off the motherboard of my laptop...
Open it, check if the jack is fixable, probably not, and then take the whole jack out. If the machine says that plug is connected there might be a short circuit or something. This should be fixed when the whole jack is removed from the motherboard. If not, then the short has caused some damage to the board and the only thing left to do is probably getting that USB-audio.

yeah, I opened the whole thing, but realised the jack was under the motherboard, so I couldn't get to it. Soooo... I took my spike and hammered the thing in. The only problem, my HD connection is just right behind it, so I don't want to mess up the whole 'mputer. Anyway, the green stuff and a metal ring fell out of it, all shattered. Sadly it didn't work. But, at least my laptop still works, though now it's got a hole in the front panel.
I'm going to double post because I have my own question:

My green audio jack (hole) popped off the motherboard of my laptop. It's just loose there, and rattled for a while, but now nothing works. There's a connection failure (no shit), and it claims, that I have a plug connected to it. That's why it sends the sound into imaginary earplugs and not the laptop speakers. I should believe, that it were possible to just go around the green jack and play everything through the speakers.

They're both controlled by the same driver, so uninstalling the earplug driver didn't help. Yes, I know, I should buy an USB-audio card or something, but for that, I'd have to go a long way, there's no electronics stores in the centre, or the ones there are are dead expensive.

Well, nevertheless, any suggestions how to disable the hole in the front and to use the speakers? I realised this silence is killing me, especially when people keep linking me youtube videos.
Good question.

Dutch is in fact very close to German, well, both are Germanic languages. The difference is, that at one point, when the German language developed so, that certain diphthongs, such as ei, eu, äu were pronounced as differently, where as in Dutch most letters are pronounced the way they're written. The Dutch also have only 2 genders, one for he and she, and one for it, whereas German has der, die & das. There are quite a lot of differences between German and Flemish, but they do look the same. The thing is though, I bet most Germans could easily read a text written in Flemish, they couldn't understand it spoken. There's a funny classic story about this written by Johann Peter Hebel from 1808 called Kannitverstan.

In the story, a German man is in Amsterdam(?) for the first time and can't understand anyone. He finds beautiful, gorgeous things and asks people, who does this belong to. People always answer "kannitverstan", which ist the equivalent of the German "kann nicht verstehen", which means "I don't understand". But he doesn't understand it even though the pronounciation is close - he thinks this Kannitverstan is a happy, rich man who own everything.

Ok, I don't speak German as a native language, I just study Germanic languages, so I can't really say if some people find it easy or hard to understand on another. But I know a lot of Dutch people who speak good German.
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