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Messages - Tuomas

No, not all of them.
Time for you guys to help me. It's about OpenOffice, so if you know anything, please read further:

I wrote my bachelor's with OO 3.2.1... It's about 6200 words, so it's basically still a draft but anyway, I was supposed to send it to my teacher so that he could fix some grammatical errors. He though does not have OO on his work computer, so I saved as .docx which has always worked just fine.

But he couldn't edit the text file. He was able to paint over words or overline them, but not erase or add anything. Now that he sent ti back to me asking why it was protected, even I can't modify the text. Now I really would not want to write another 6200 words in German, I'd rather just edit what I already have, especially when the table of contents was such a hell to do with this program.

So anyone have an idea, what's wrong with this thing? I'm supposed to fix the errors and present it on wednesday, so I'm pretty much in a hurry. :(
The last photo will never leave the internet :D
Quote from: Andail on Mon 13/09/2010 11:35:04
Wonderful wonderful albums, I have those exact two :)

ah, that made my day

Yeah, I've been looking for them for years, but you can't get either under 50â,¬ in Finland. I also bought some ELO records, one from Barclay James Harvest and one from Alan Parson's Project, but these were the top 2 purchases of the whole trip :D

Tuomas in Berlin!
Haha, man, this still plays on a Dressman - men's clothing commercial on tv all the time. Well, in Finland at least.
Sorry to bug in, but I've got a short little question I was hoping you could help with. I've got a laptop with vista connected to a router wireless. I've got another laptop right next to it with vista as well, but it doesn't find the wireless connection. It does however find all of the other connections in the building. Why?

edit: fixed, not by what GG said, but thanks anyway. Still don't know the reason thoughh:)
A small blues harmonica with 10 holes has just 3 octaves in pentatonic scales, so this one's definately not that, but a larger 16-hole chromatic harmonica, which goes a bit over 4 octaves, I presume.
Sounds like plain guitar + harmonica to me.
Quote from: Oliwerko on Thu 12/08/2010 10:29:37
Anyway, if I recall correctly the rule of thumb is not to update bios if you don't need to.

I'm fairly sure this is however what I need to do. Once I installed my tablet last time, the touchpad driver broke down and wouldn't work, so I had it repaired and they installed the driver anew and updated the bios for the touchpad. This time I found new drivers for the tablet, installed them and got it working finally properly, only it screwed up my touchpad again. I managed to update the driver there too, there's still bios things, afaik. Though I'm afraid the problem might be, that my touchpad and my tablet don't just like to co-exist.

PS. any idea how to find the mobo without opening this shit up. I won't mind, but it's a lot of work :P
So here's a question:

I have this Acer laptop with Vista on it. The Vista came with no Cd, so once I opened this, it installed itself. I know this is a daft question, but I need to access and update my bios. At startup it says F2 for Setup, nothing more. Now I've restared the computer several time, trying out del, F8 and F4 and such. Well, I thought setup would be the place, but I can't find anything concerning my bios or how to update it :/ How to?
So I'm looking for a couple of games again, I get so nostalgic at times since I no longer have my Amiga 1200 :(

The game had a direct sky view, though, kind of like SimCity originally had. I remember the scenery was rather dull. You were what might have been a different planet, setting your base near a lake of black liquid (oil?) that was used as a resource. You were to build your own roads between the buidings you had, and there'd be traffic also, shown on the roads as moving tiny blocks, just as in Sincity 2000. Basically I first thought it was a strategy game, but I can't remember any fighting/wars in it. Just a terribly hard city-building simulator for a kid like me who, at the time, didn't speak English at all. Anyway, this is really vague, but I'd love to see some screenshots again, maybe read about it and play it. I should mention that to my knowledge, this was not a mainstream game, I remember getting it from a collection CD, we had a lot of those.

Another one was a turn based assault kind of game that reminds me of Fallout. You'd have 4 guys going around a place which I never quite figured out (the game was rather hard). The 4 guys would be far apart to begin with, and you'd move each one in a turn. We'd play it with 2 players, just taking turns with my brother. Each character had a name and a weapon or two, and you'd go around this maze-looking building killing bad guys. Nothin original there. This one was also a view from straight above, so the characters would be more like round balls with a gun stiking out of them, showing which way he's looking. I remember this game had a bug in that there was no weight limit to your inventory, so once it got full you could start stuffing backbags inside one another. You pick up keycards and knives and firearms as you went along... I think. :D The scenery was either post-apocalyptic or a space-one!

Man. Thinking of all these games made me thing of a couple of great games I used to play.

Virus was a great game.
Elite was the first game I ever played with my dad and my sister. One would steer, one would shoot and... I guess one would translate the text to others. My dad was a real gamer back in the 80's.
Then there was this one where you'd go about a huge level with a space ship shooting missile bases and stuff. My sometimes you had to land to pick up stuff, so you'd find a smooth spot on the ground and go on with a smaller vehichle, pick it up and return to the space ship. The game was really hard and huge, I never got through it... I wonder what it was :S
And then there was Gravity Force, but we all know that one. Sorry for getting all nostalgic here :D
The chicken.

For an egg chicken to be considered an egg chicken it needs to have an egg inside it but it does *not* have to be laid by an egg.

So the first chicken which could be considered an egg chicken must have been laid *before* the first egg since eggs come from chickens.
Yeah, I mean, I was kind of trying to find out if I could play it on my windows. Also, yes, I know there are emulators, but I can't be bothered.

Downloaded the soundtrack though ^^ par exemple
Quote from: Stupot on Sun 25/04/2010 12:04:27

Apparently you can download the complete game from that page aswell.

Nah, there's no download link.
Yeah! Man this looks awesome!
Hi. I have a question!

I need to find this great game I had once. I can't remember the name though. And I need to find out if I'm able to play it on my computer.

It was a jump 'n' run platformer with a green handless dinosaur. The dino had a huge head and. Oh, and it was an amiga game. The dino was bright green, not a robot, but a cartoony one. And I believe the game a had an awesome soundtrack... And now that I think of it, I believe the dinosaur was somewhat space related. Maybe.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 24/03/2010 08:52:08
Yo Ish, that time of the year again. So happy birthday!
Think of all the juice you get there on the pavement after the rain :D
What I meant, sorry for being hard to  understand :)
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