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Messages - Tuomas

For your imformation, everyone can see for themselves, I pasted a link to her song there.
Quote from: ManicMatt on Sun 26/08/2007 21:26:07
Tuomas: Finally! Your hairstyle is MUCH better now!

Haha, cheers, I get that all the time nowadays. It seems that I'm the only one who dislikes it :)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sun 26/08/2007 12:38:12
A lot of birthdays :) Happy Birthday to Ildu today!
So here's my new style, yeah, the hair, the beard, it's all gone... for now ¬¬

Anyway, I ran into this Finnish (half portugese I think ???) singer, in fact, she's the 2007 Idols 2nd position singer. erm, here, check it out: that's her new hit song, no video though, just some picture compilation. She's 17 and does R&B, yeah, I know  ::) . Anyway, her first record sold gold the first day, so... hehe, so here we are.

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 24/08/2007 03:05:55
Yeah, Scotch, have a good one, this one's on me :D
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 23/08/2007 18:37:50
happy birthday to you Radiant. Make it a good one :D
The thing is, people want adventure related subjects and I'm bad at that :)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 15/06/2007 01:17:51
also while I'm at it, happy birthday Ginny, in case you visit here anymore :)

EDIT: Thought I'd just edit this, anyway, happy brifday to Disco too!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 13/06/2007 22:17:47
Happy birthday dkh  :D :D Keep the neck up!
Ok mates, I'm going to start resurrecting the writing contest. With the original rules, except only this time, you'll have 2 weeks + additional time if needed, and encouraged poetry contest included, which means you can try all the ways of the art of typewriting. So I want votes, raised hands to be sure people will contribute. The wish is to start it tomorrow, on monday, but if there's not enough people willing to enter, I shall either delay it or hang myself.

Though I got some suggestionsto keeping this a seasonal contest that lasts longer, and is then opened only like 4-5 times a year, and that way could only work with just one host. Well, I volunteer ;D Seriously though, the topic could be discussed together, but it's true, people might find it easier to write if they had more time. And they'd stay interested if it was a seasonal thing, so that there wouldn't be one all the time. Ok, this is choise nr 2 and the one above is choise nr 1. please tell me how you feel.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 23/05/2007 08:40:52
Whoo, it's Vel's birthday! Happy BD to our favourite prog-head/musician :D
So I'm back from my weeklong joyous trip to Berlin! Here I present you our group before a wall that everyone must have a picture of with themselves. If that's enough confusingly put.

Can't quite remember when, but somehow I ended up looking like this.

Must have been after this:

Which basically ended up me twisting really hard:

...And finally losing my shirt:

Anyway, you don't want to see me and a swedish guy running naked...

So comrades, come rally
And the last fight let us face
The Internationale unites the human race.

If you don't know what that means, note that it was the IUSY seminar on equality.

Nevertheless, here's me at a local gay bar trying to find weed to smoke, didn't work:

However we did find this cute bartender :)

However, you don't  want to see pictures of 20 people reading the Council of Europe Framework convention for the protection of national minorities and discussing it, so there's the few pics from the fun I had during our little free time :D

For details, open the pictures
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 20/04/2007 18:18:52
HB Matt! Don't let anything ruin this day for you :D
Hehe, gotta love it, even though I don't know the show you mentioned. But I think the father did this more to amuse himself than his kids, really, they were just an excuse.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 28/03/2007 19:35:39
Haddas, you do know you have the same birthday as my grandpa. Only he's 75 and you're still a teenager! Anyway, happy birthdays to you and others peoples
't was Apocalyptica and all their songs sound the same, so try any.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 23/03/2007 22:11:12
Happy birfday Ishmael, now leave that kid alone and go drink some cake like rael men do \^_^/ !!!!
Oh dear, Apocalyptica. I'm so tired of that video. THey would play that like 5 times a week on tv when it was new. Besides we can do better with raping acoutsic instruments. Here:
Oh my God Haddas! Don't do this to us!Ã,  :'( :'( Can't you see you are smiling? After all these years! I'm disappointed.

Anyways folks. Timosity went around down under, I went to visit my sister in Hungary, so here's some photos from there!

I removed the rest from this to give you a better view. Those plates above the gulass are a part of my gypsy roast that I got for about 7 euros. I've never eaten such a plate :D

We were on a train up in the high hills. This was called the pioneer train, which started during the time of communists as a place for children from 10 to 14 years of age to learn how to work as train cashiers and everything. They still only have workers, like boy/girlscouts actually, but the railway is nowadays called childrens railway instead of pioneers. so that's me and my sister and a forest of oaks behind us (which actually isn't visible because it was 4 pm and there was a cloud around us, that and the angle of a picture. But the forest was awesomely huge!).

So after itÃ,  2pac ->rap<- vs. metal !* 50 cent don't ask me where this comes from but thought I'd do the yo-hand thing them rap people do. Kept my dignity though.

And I saw the Budapest Symphonic orchastra performing Brahms who is my favourite at the famous opera house. We were up high as seen from here, and basically the first 30 minutes I was all dizzy and couldn't look anywhere but behind me. Then listening to the music made me more confident, and eventually I was able to look down at the players despite my fear of heights.

The some natural geographic historical museum or something had a photograph display, and we thought as it was the last day, we'd go see it. here's me and my sister at the sign which indicates the place.

Little did we know of the fact that they would close all the museums for mondays, but this one for tuesdays... now where the hell is the logic in that?

for som reason unknown to me, my sisters boyfriend had to photograph every disease ridden alley cat. This one wouldn't stop to pose, so the pic is shaken :(
Ok, I guess I just wanted to write/enter more than opening the compo myself. But mostly because I don't see myself in the position of plainly changing completely good rules sir Pires made. I was just thinking if we could find a way to bring it back to life, but I'm pretty bad at making actions like that unless I'm drunk and that we don't want. So this is just a request for a new opened compo. Bah, I have to go catch my train, chat with you later!
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