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Messages - Vince Twelve

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 09/09/2009 17:53:24
Oops!  ;D
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Tue 08/09/2009 19:51:52
Happy Birthday to my soul mate and dirty little secret, Nikolas!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 28/08/2009 20:34:49
Happy Birthday The Ivy!  (Even though you're not on the birthday calendar)
Yeah, Chris, I had one person email me a while back who was playing Linus Bruckman (which is just one big scrolling room in 640x480) who said she could not play the game because the player would keep getting stuck.  She sent me a save file and sure enough, the player character was off the walkable area.  I tried repeatedly to get the player character to do this, but was unsuccessful. But she said it happened every time she played the game.  Even with her telling me exactly where she clicked to cause it, I couldn't get it to happen on my machine and no one else ever complained about it.

Is there something about how certain CPUs calculate or something that could throw off a pathfinding algorithm?

Edit to add: Linus has one walkable area total.  It is very simple -- a paralellogram with a few smaller paralellograms cut out for the pedestals in the room -- and never gets narrower than, at a guess, 30 pixels.
Ooh Cameron, you're so tough!  *swoon*  :-*
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Tue 02/06/2009 14:16:24
Happy Birthday Stu.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Tue 21/04/2009 00:12:47
Happy BDay ManicMatt!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 14/03/2009 20:03:19
Ooh, thanks yall!  And a happy one day late bday to Kinoko!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 01/08/2008 23:59:44
Yay!  Happy B-Day, J!


Chicken Pox!

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Tue 22/04/2008 13:49:09
Happy Bink day!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 15/03/2008 00:26:11
Thanks Limpy!  It's so cold on this side of 25...

But I got the best birthday gift ever!  A coupon for 12 uninterrupted, baby-free, wife-free, hours to work on my game! Weeee!
Actually, I apparently killed that one!  I had only one response to the last photoshop comp which I declared the winner and then... nothing... That would be a good competition to revive with some fresh new idea.  I also really enjoyed that competition!

Edit:  a suggestion for reviving Photoshop Phriday.

-The host (previous winner) provides five or six source images.  Contestants must make an image using at least two or three (or all, I suppose it's up to the host) of the source images and try to make something creative.  This may be more successful since it gives the participants starting images rather than just a theme.

I think the problem with your idea, Mr. Suit, is that, like a lot of the ideas in this thread, it's a subset of an existing competition.  What I mean is, you could win either the Sprite Jam or the Background Blitz and then declare "Draw your favorite [insert item here]" as the topic.  The new competitions that get started are usually wildly different from other competitions out there (but still somehow connected to the skills used for the development of adventure games) or are twists on older competitions that are attempts at reviving dead competitions.  (Like the writing competition was recently revived as a ministory competition, and has now morphed into the chain story.)

Too many same-same competitions end up decreasing the participation across the board, which is why the mods don't approve many new comps.
Go Packers!
I love that my New Year's Family Portrait sparked an international incident.  Going into that photo studio, I knew this was going to be a picture where my wife and daughter look amazing and I look like a total goof.  When they made me take off my glasses (which I look so dumb without) and put on the cheese hat, I knew it would be special!  Isn't Emi perfect though?
I finally got around to doing that whole flickr thing:

I used this automatic iPhoto to flickr export program and they all went in there in the opposite order I wanted them to, so if you're reading the captions and get confused it's because it's a continuation of the previous caption which is now the next caption. :P
More like M. Night Shyamalan...

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 14/03/2007 23:37:52
Ooh, thanks, Puddin'!  And a happy pi day to you!
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