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Messages - Vincent

Of course its not a serious problem, I think your workaround will work just fine. I just wanted to know if the player appeared in the room not following the story variables but just "jumping over" on it and if that so setting some variables accordingly. The main reason of having this request was avoiding having a custom debug window but this seems a proper way to go ahead or using your workaround will just do all of this
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Wed 25/10/2023 15:21:25If you want to know that player appeared in the room not following the story, but "jumping over", then you could rather use your own "story"-related global variables to find that out.

Okay so I guess the only way is to make a proper custom debug window which handle also the 'story'- related variables, teleporting etc. Thanks everyone for the input

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Wed 25/10/2023 15:21:25speaking of the teleport window result, it's possible to make the Debug function return a true or false value (1 or 0) depending on the player's choice.

You mean it can be done by editing the engine? I think that might could be useful, so maybe if the value is true then it means you teleported
Well yea I thought about this too but there is a problem I think, I mean let's suppose I open the debug window by ctrl+x but then I do 'cancel' instead of teleporting, that variable will stay true because I hitted ctrl+x

:EDIT: yes, you can 'cancel' or 'confirm' the process of teleporting, also it would be interesting to have a feature to check if that specific debug window is visible or not apart from check if you use to teleport into a room or not
If I press ctrl+x, selecting a room and teleport into it, how do I check with a global variable if I used the teleport or not? I mean the pre-defined Ags debug window and not a custom one, is there a way to do that?
Quote from: eri0o on Wed 25/10/2023 13:30:45Erh, you can just set a global variable if you use and then unset it in your check.

I think I dont get what you mean, how do I check if I just used the teleport? I mean the one you show by pressing ctrl+X
One thing I've always liked to have is a feature to know whether the debug window (for teleporting) is being used or not 🙄 what I'd like to do is teleporting to a room and then check inside the script if the player is inside the room by teleport or not something like:

Code: ags
function room_Load()
   if (game.debug_mode)
      if (game.debug_teleported) ... 

or is there a workaround to do this already without having a custom debug window?
Thanks a lot for the documentation, I was misunderstanding that it was something new in Ags instead is part of this plugin
What it means if the objects had Parents if I might ask?
I think all CW opinions exposed are very pleasant and well organized which overall should work everything fine.
On a side note I was thinking of the easiest way for users to play a video as simply as playing an audio file in ags, in my mind I picture it something like this:

Maybe have a separate category for videos:

So you can simply add a video as you do with an audio file:

So every single video has his own properties (Regarding point 4 I think the video should have his own audio type too):

And inside the script we might eventually do something like this:

Code: ags
video = vIntro.Play(audioPriority, repeatStyle, blockingStyle, videoSkipStyle, flags);

     // vIntro.Play(eAudioPriorityNormal, eOnce, eNoBlock, eVideoSkipNotAllowed, 10);
I think that since this engine is mainly based on a certain type of video games (point and click) and since FMV games somehow fall into this category, the function of playing a video should work a bit more broadly, such as running a video without blocks or having more resources in manipulating a video. I think it would be nice if videos can have more resources of manipulation like the audio channels do. For example having something like this for videos too:


But of course also keep the things that it already does because they are useful as VideoSkipStyle and Flags.
Thank you very much for the post I really appreciated!!
Quote from: eri0o on Fri 03/02/2023 12:27:48Can you elaborate what is the use of playing videos in non-blocking? (Like, what's intended to happen simultaneously with the video)

Well all the stuff you can do when the game is not blocking you know? Eg. Like moving the mouse, interacting with buttons etc.
This is kind offtopic but there wont be a chance to change how the default 'playvideo' work? So to allow the video to play also in Noblock mode? Because the main focus of this plugin to me is that you can play a video in Noblock mode. Theoretically if that were the case there would be no need to use a plugin and in my mind an Android game would play the videos just fine with the standard Ags command, is that right?
Quote from: eri0o on Mon 23/01/2023 12:38:21To just run it's simply add the pre-builts of the plugin in the same place where pre-builts of the engine are placed, note there's a directory for each different architecture, so you want to build the plugin for all those individually.

The way I find easier to build is to add the plugin in the AGS cmake project and make sure the project is a shared library. Then it should create the additional plugin as a library in each architecture directory.

You can theoretically make your own Makefile, make sure it uses the same sdk and ndk AGS uses and all that but my experience was that keeping that updated with all the changes in Android was a much bigger burden if you want binaries that can actually be approved in Google Play.

Edit: ah, that would be all easier if there was a cmake project already in the plugin directory.

@eri0o do you mind to do a step-by-step walkthough on how to do this? If you dont mind and when you have some free time ofc!
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Mon 23/01/2023 12:05:08I wish I knew myself... Theoretically this may be done under Linux, at least we were building some of the "standard" plugins under Linux previously.

I will have to consult someone about this, like eri0o maybe.

There's no problem really, maybe @eri0o knows how to do that, sorry for mentioning.
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Mon 23/01/2023 11:49:30Of course, because you need to have this plugin compiled for Android too. Each plugin you are using has to be compiled separately for each platform you're building your game for.

I don't remember how do you add plugins for Android though, this has to be clarified.

Hi CW thanks for answering, I didn't know that I am sorry. So this might work on Android but the plugin need to be compiled separately, how to do that?
Hello, I tested this plugin on the new version of Ags. I think this has already been documented but it seems the plugin doesn't work if the game is compiled for android, can you guys confirm this? When I open the game on my phone I get this screen: (Sorry for the giant picture)

In addiction I'd like to say that this plugin is very important to me because I like making FMV games and I would like if one day it could also embed video sound instead of mute because sometimes syncing sound with video is difficult. Also it would be very helpful (for me) if we could have a way to pause the video.
For your consideration:

A gothic mystery set in the 19th Century, Castle Dornstein is a point-and-click adventure game that follows Hemlock, a young scholar hired to translate a mysterious medieval book known as The Devil's Diary.

Written by a monk named Gregorovitz who went mad and renounced his faith, the legendary book was lost for centuries until Lord Fiodor Dornstein discovers it.

Lord Fiodor invites Hemlock, an expert in Medieval Latin, to the Bohemian countryside to stay in the crumbling Castle Dornstein as he translates the book. When the book goes missing on Hemlock's first night at the castle, everyone becomes a suspect and Hemlock must explore a castle where secrets hide in the shadows and a dark history waits to be discovered.

Solve puzzles as you search for clues and explore the many rooms of the castle. Travel to the nearby village of Krkanov, where gossip about the castle points to an ominous past. As your investigation continues, you begin to unravel a mystery much greater and far more disturbing than a stolen book.

Please consider for:

  • Best Demo
  • Best Gameplay
  • Best Background Art
  • Best Animation
  • Best Writing
  • Best Character (Hemlock)
  • Best Music & Sound
  • Best Programming
  • Best Puzzles
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Wed 18/01/2023 10:29:21Please clarify, do you build your game as a proper APK, or running a AGS Player (universal launcher)? Where exactly do you set these options?

I set these options via Default setup inside Ags editor and then I build the game for Windows and Android. Then I run the game on my phone as a proper APK and it seems like I can only perform a left click, even after compiling the game with the option 'Touch to Mouse Emulation' set to Two fingers.

:Edit: I am using AGS-
Hello I am trying to convert a game from Ags to Android, I'm sorry in advance if this question has been asked already. It seems that when I change setting 'Touch To Mouse Emulation' to be 'Two Fingers' nothing change, basically I'd like to perform a 'right click' but there is no way I am able to do that, I've been trying a lot but still nothing. Is this just me or can you perform a right click?

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Tue 27/12/2022 19:44:48EDIT: right, this also happens with "Lock screen orientation" setting. It keeps resetting to default "Portrait".

Also this option 'Rotation Mode' is set to 'Unlocked' which should do both (Portrait and Landscape) but the game is always set to be in a Portrait Mode if you select the 'Unlocked' option (I also made sure the phone option regarding rotation was unlocked) but if you select 'Landscape' then the game run properly in Landscape Mode.
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