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Messages - Vincent

Ok thanks again for all the support, were do I should get all of this? Do you have any recommended links?
ps: also I think the manual should be a bit revisited in this case because maybe someone will download a new version of Android studio and have my same problem

edit: I've downloaded JetBrains Toolbox and looked for Chipmunk on it but I found nothing
This isn't urgent I just wanted to give it a try to see how it all worked. Basically it just miss the sdk path with the version I have of android studio (which I think is the newest one because I just download it today and I dont feel like installing an old version) however as you saw early I followed the correct path in the editor preferences but it doesn't show the "Found in Config!" for the sdk path. However I hope you can look into it soon.
Well, I think I went through all the 4 steps of the manual. When I went to "Android SDK" I only selected Android 10.0(Q) and clicked ok but it didnt showed this screen:

By the way the Android 10.0(Q) has been installed successfully as they say. I've been met that screen too about licensed and I accepted all (I can't remember if I installed something on that screen but I dont think). I've been trying to use the search bar inside the SDK folder and looking for the sdkmanager but can't find anything...

Idk what should I do next, should I create that empty file and then give that as a path for SDK? or should I try to download JetBrains Toolbox?
Thanks for taking the time to see all of this. What you mean by creating an empty file? Also as you can see in the previous screenshot I dont have these path on the SDK folder:  tools\bin\sdkmanager I'd like to try and see if Ags can compile the same
Quote from: eri0o on Tue 10/01/2023 15:51:38Also, just please, check that is indeed the SDK path that is pointed by Android Studio. The problem I had when making this feature is these weren't matching.

You mean this?

Also regarding this reference "Reference:"
Should I do all of that to make it work?
So if doesn't appear the "Found On Config!" for SDK path I can't try to build it right?

EDIT: ok no problem btw I can't find any of this inside the SDK directory "cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager"

This is what I have inside the SDK folder:

This is strange because I am using that path: C:\Users\Utente\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk but it doesn't show the "Found On Config!"

Yes C:\Users\Utente\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk is there
Ok, now the "Found On Config!" it showed on the JDK path by following this: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre

What about the SDK path?
I downloaded Android Studio from this site which is the first one that pop up on google:

Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 Patch 1
Build #AI-213.7172.25.2113.9123335, built on September 30, 2022
Runtime version: 11.0.13+0-b1751.21-8125866 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
Windows 10 10.0
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
Memory: 1280M
Cores: 4

Is this all correct?
Guys thanks for answering, I'm trying to figure it out how all of this works, thanks for your patience. I think maybe something its missing. I've been trying to search for AppData/Local/JetBrains as it show in your screenshot but can't find any JetBrains. For SDK path I've been trying to follow your screenshot but can't see any "Found On Config!" on both side. In Android studio I've been installing Android 10.0 (Q) should I need anything else?

If I use the cmd.exe and type echo %JAVA_HOME% nothing seems to happen at all

@eri0o thanks for answering, I've been following the manual and installed all the tools required. When I go to the Editor Preferences I left ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME to be default (as you can see in the first screenshot) is that wrong? I had to choose a path or can I leave them to be default? Also suddenly when I click 'generate keystore' I dont get any message and it show that menu you see in the screenshot which I should fill the keystore path. I created a folder for that path but it just allow me to select a .jks file which I dont know where I should get it.
Thanks Khris, I did what you said but it show two errors, maybe I am doing something wrong:
The first sentence say that the value can't be null.

Beginners' Technical Questions / Android Build
Tue 10/01/2023 13:30:59
Hello I am trying for the first time to build a game for Android. I am stuck at the "key store path" and I dont know what I should do exactly.

Thank you very much Crimson for working on this plugin, I really appreciate! 💖
Please note the background you are seeing it's not the one submitted for the chat background. For the chat background here I've submitted an alpha transparency image (it's working fine because the chat background is transparent properly) so the background you are seeing here it's the one used inside a room. But submitting an alpha transparency image for the chat background it get twisted in this way:

Using any other background for example black which doesn't have alpha transparency the chat works fine:

I sense that there's no easy fix for this as Khris said early...
Still, as he suggested, I can use the room background for the chat, crop it and try to make it match with the room background (which atm it doesn't looks so good)
I am in need to have the background of the chat completely transparent, that shouldn't be an issue. Indeed the background of the chat is transparent properly but the issue comes that by doing so the chat is showed twisted for some reason. If I use any kind of other backgrounds works fine even if I don't submit any background (which it show in black) it works fine but when I use a transparent background the chat isn't displayed fine. I don't know if this is just my case or you have the same issue by using a transparent background for the chat? To make the background of the chat to be transparent I just used a white image and imported into Ags with alpha transparency.
That's a bad news...  :(
Well basically what I tried to do was to create a white background in paint and import it into Ags with alpha transparency to have the background of the chat completely transparent but it doesn't seems to work fine. Do you think that resizing the image will work? I've also tried to edit the module to only show the text without the bubble box around but it still get twisted somehow...
Hi Khris sorry for necroposting, I was trying to do something when I encountered something strange. I was trying to use a transparent sprite slot for the chat background but it seems that by doing so the chat isn't displayed properly fine. Since that parameter is optional I've try to not submit anything in this way the background is showed in black but if I use a background with alpha transparency then the chat is showed twisted. I don't know if this is Ags or something that can be fixed within the module. Can you test this by yourself when you have some free time? Thanks in advance.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sun 07/06/2020 09:14:01
Thanks a lot Barbwire and RetroJay for the good wishes, I had a great day!  :)
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