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Messages - Vincent

I'm very much happy to see the emergence of this topic.
To bless this newest thread I have a report to do just now.

Currently the buttons lack about these essential properties :

A) readonly bool Button.Animating
B) int Button.Frame
C) int Button.Loop
Okay CW, it's all working like a charm !!! :D
I really much appreciate for your help, really. :)

Now the file.tra can translate String inside an array as well.
I only had to change :
Code: ags

LabelMsg1.Say(String.Format("%s", MessageToSay[0])); 

to this : (by always keeping the translation in the file text)
Code: ags

String translated_message = GetTranslation(MessageToSay[0]);
LabelMsg1.Say(String.Format("%s", translated_message)); 

Both of the way I run the game (English or not) the String get read just properly fine.

Anyhow, I still have to revisit all of scipts in this way.
But I don't care because I am really much HAPPY that I got it to work, finally. :)
With this approach it will save me a lot of time for sure.

Many thanks again CW :)
Thank you CW for the quickly answer.
I must need to try this further now, then I will be right back here again and let you know. :)
Good evening to all AGSer.

This is much interesting to know.
I didn't knew (since a couple of minute ago) that the file.tra doesn't translate any String inside an array. (roll)
In other hand, I should revisit all of my scripts and to do something like this.

Code: ags

if (Game.TranslationFilename != "English") {MessageToSay[0] = "Ciao, come stai ?";}
else {MessageToSay[0] = "Hello, how are you ?";}

I wish I could ask you for confirmation on this issue before changing further the source code.
Thanks in advance.
I am sorry to review this *old post again.
But I think I had found another small issue.
I can actually keep walking in any direction in diagonal as well.
But when we are running, we can't actually move to the DOWN-RIGHT side (roll)
Can you confirm this kind of issue in your free time ?

Thank you in advance 

My mistake only, it's everything work perfectly.
OH, Khris you did it !
I just saw this fixing right now ! Thank you very much !
well yeah... if i hide the HandleMovement();
it's just like the module is beign cutted off
and not any purpose then
with some trick //
i can join both together very nice..
as example
in room 1 i can trigger a gravity jump
and walking/running the player in diagonal
also while walking in a new high platform.
(with Alt Keyboard Movement is simply Amazing)
(not that's the same from the standard module KeyboardMovement using with the gravity jump)
#region then, are usefull for setting limits to the player
player.IsStandingOnRegion(1) { player.PlaceOnWalkableArea();}
and will not fall to underground
It's actually good stuff together

the description you did it's exactly what i wish for
probably i should give a global timer that animate the idle view taking out from modules
something like
in GlobalScript.ash
#define TIMER_IDLE_VIEW  1
in GlobalScript.asc
function IDLE_VIEW() {
if (!KeyboardMovement.Animating() && was_animating) { SetTimer(TIMER_IDLE_VIEW, 160); }

if (IsTimerExpired(TIMER_IDLE_VIEW))
// animate the idle view avoid Alt KeyboardMovement Loops ,
// if keyboard is animating then, normal view/walking
// How Khris could you do something alike to do the trick ?
// i wish you could help me with this

Well, I'm also using a gravity jump module that it work nice
Maybe cause contrast with it

Code: ags

// Original module 'Platform Movement v0.01a' Author: Bernie 

// Overhauled By VinVin

//This extension is actually more like an experiment 
//and only allows customized controls through direct module code editing. 
//It demonstrates a simple way of coding a platform gravity jump.
//A quick explanation of the module's values:
//if gravity is lower than 0, it makes the character go up. The lower, the faster. 
//If it's greater, the character moves down, the greater, the faster.
//xmove behaves the same way, only on the x axis. 
//below zero is left, above zero is right.

void repeatedly_execute() {
int a;
while ((gravity>0)&&(a < gravity)){ if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x-GetViewportX(),player.y-GetViewportY())==0) {player.y=player.y +1;} 
//1 down if no walkable area found

int b;
while ((gravity<0)&&(b > gravity)){ if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x-GetViewportX(),player.y-GetViewportY())==0) {player.y=player.y -1;} 
//1 up if no walkable area found above

//managing movement values and gravity--
if (gravity < 6) {gravity=gravity+1;}
if ((IsKeyPressed(377)==1)&&(xmove<1)) {xmove=xmove+1;}//right
if ((IsKeyPressed(375)==1)&&(xmove>-1)) {xmove=xmove-1;}//left
if ((IsKeyPressed(375)==0)&&(IsKeyPressed(377)==0)&&(xmove<1)) {xmove=xmove+1;}//right
if ((IsKeyPressed(375)==0)&&(IsKeyPressed(377)==0)&&(xmove>-1)) {xmove=xmove-1;}//left
if (((IsKeyPressed(375)==0 && IsKeyPressed(380)==0 && IsKeyPressed(377)==0 && xmove>0 ))) {xmove=xmove-1;}
if (((IsKeyPressed(375)==0 && IsKeyPressed(380)==0 && IsKeyPressed(377)==0 && xmove<0 ))) {xmove=xmove+1;}


//diagonal stuff--
if ((IsKeyPressed(372)==1) || IsKeyPressed(32)==1){ 
if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x-GetViewportX(),player.y-GetViewportY())>0) {player.y=player.y-1;}

if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x-GetViewportX(),player.y-GetViewportY())==1) {gravity=-20;}  // jump

if ((player.View==13 && (IsKeyPressed(372)==1))){
if (IsKeyPressed(372) && IsKeyPressed(eKeyDownArrow)){

//left and right 
//uses the same logic as moving up and down 
//but has additional checks so uneven terrain won't cause problems
int d;

while ((xmove>0)&&(d < xmove)){

if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x-GetViewportX(),player.y-GetViewportY())==0) {player.x=player.x+1;}

//int check=0;

if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x-GetViewportX(),player.y-GetViewportY())>0) {check_gravity=1;}
if ((GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x-GetViewportX(),player.y-GetViewportY())==0)&&(check_gravity==1)) {player.y=player.y+1;}


int c;
while ((xmove<0)&&(c > xmove)){

if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x-GetViewportX(),player.y-GetViewportY())==0) {player.x=player.x-1;}

//int check=0;

if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x-GetViewportX(),player.y-GetViewportY())>0) {check_gravity=1;}
if ((GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x-GetViewportX(),player.y-GetViewportY())==0)&&(check_gravity==1)) {player.y=player.y-1;}



Firstly, Thanks So Much Khris For Your Respond, Very Appreciated !!! :-D

I'm Not So Sure Where I Should Put The KeyboardMovement.SetIdleView(int view, int delay) line...
I Put It In The game_start section firstly...

Code: ags

#sectionstart game_start  // DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE THIS LINE
function game_start() {
player.SetWalkSpeed(5, 5);
cCkid.SetWalkSpeed(7, 7);
cCkid.FaceLocation(1, 192);
KeyboardMovement.SetIdleView(7, 0);
#sectionend game_start  // DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE THIS LINE

Then, I Move It In The Section repeatedly_execute()
or in the repeatedly_execute_always()
He Still Loop The Idle View... 
(Maybe Cause My idleview delay was to 0 ) ?!
When I Put The IdleView Delay To 40... well... nothing will happen ! =(

The Trouble is not when it start the idle view...
But it's that he loop the idle view very very much...
Maybe there is a contrast with The void HandleMovement() ?
I Tried To Hide //HandleMovement() and it work good...
But then the character don't use anymore the walkview...
Just like he Move (as example player.move)
I Love This Module so much !  It Is Pretty Much Perfect ! Thank You Khris For Exist :)

May I should move this topic to beginning area...
I'm Having Hard Times to set the  KeyboardMovement.SetIdleView(int view, int delay);
When I do that, my Player set the idleview for an instant, then, he start to Loop the Idle view...

I'm trying to figure out the latest sentence

Code: ags

void repeatedly_execute() {

  if (Enabled) HandleMovement();

  if (IdleView == 0) IdleView = player.IdleView;
  if (KeyboardMovement.Animating() && !was_animating) player.SetIdleView(-1, 0);
  if (!KeyboardMovement.Animating() && was_animating) player.SetIdleView(IdleView, IdleDelay);
  was_animating = KeyboardMovement.Animating();


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