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Messages - Volcan

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Thu 03/08/2023 20:25:12

It's windows and you can find it at microsoft store.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sun 16/07/2023 14:42:36
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 28/06/2023 21:42:16
I have this one on my computer. The gameplay is not good.

I noted I don't get alert with new replies with quotes.

I get alert only if someone replies without quotes.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sun 25/06/2023 17:10:42
Garfield: Winter's Tail?
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sat 17/06/2023 23:07:00
Quote from: CaptainD on Sat 17/06/2023 19:46:10Yeah I think I got it by cheating as well,
Bert and the Snake
, but I hate posting an answer when I've had to cheat to get it!!  :grin:

That's right.

Your turn.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Thu 08/06/2023 15:05:59
Here another hint.

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 19/05/2023 00:44:57
My turn

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Mon 01/05/2023 22:01:19
Phantasmagoria of Flower View
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 25/04/2023 16:13:56
You won.

Your turn.
Many entries this time.

Here mine.

Archeologists have found this artifact.

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sun 05/03/2023 21:52:22

Here another screenshot.

I tried with this code.

Code: ags
  object[0].Graphic = 84;

But in the game, in the statusbar at the bottom of the screen still writes Book despites we see there's a coin on the counter not a book.


I guess I need to update my AGS Studio.

Edited: I noted in AGS main page, the last version is 3.5.1 patch 18.

Where can I find 3.6?
I'd like to change description of the object.

I'd like to change description of the object.

Edit: I made mistake here. Please delete it.
I tried it and I got an error. Object.Name is read only.
How to change object description?

I can change sprites from object but not the description.
Is animated gif accepted?
Quote from: Stupot on Fri 24/02/2023 01:01:56As well as not being posted in this thread (yet - there's still time), it seems as though Bowsette's demo was also started considerably before this topic was announced.

I'm inclined not to allow it this time but am open to change my mind if others think that is too harsh.
Quote from: Stupot on Fri 24/02/2023 01:01:56As well as not being posted in this thread (yet - there's still time), it seems as though Bowsette's demo was also started considerably before this topic was announced.

I'm inclined not to allow it this time but am open to change my mind if others think that is too harsh.

MAGS case is selected. Was it for previous MAGS contests?
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