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Messages - Wreck

Quote from: Scavenger on Wed 11/05/2011 02:01:51
I didn't want to make a new thread for this, and it seems a little far fetched, but this game has been on my mind for years and I don't know what it is...

I could be wrong as it's been donkeys years since I played them, but this sounds a lot like a mid 90's game called Witchaven, or it's sequel the imaginatively named Witchaven 2 (which both used the Duke Nukem 3d engine).
Quick question regarding resolutions:

What sort of aspect ratio is recommended these days?

I am pondering having a play with ags in my spare time (never used it before), and before I start planning anything it occurred to me that although I will probably go with a fairly low res (640*480) kind of size, is that the right approach to take with monitors these days often being wide screen (my new one is). I don't want to go any higher as I am well aware of the time sink that would create for assets.

Would 640*480 distort horribly on such a screen? or when ags puts the thing into full screen does it maintain aspect ratio and 'block out' the borders, so perhaps something like 640*400 would work better (if that is even a valid resolution).

Any advice apreciated, thanks in advance.
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