

Yeppoh AGSer

  • I can help with animation
  • I can help with backgrounds
  • I can help with characters
  • I can help with scripting
  • I can help with story design
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117 (0.020 per day)
Personal text:
Murphy's Ginea Pig
Down the road, left at the turn
Date registered:
Mon 02/03/2009 12:07:45
Local Time:
Wed 15/01/2025 14:09:56
Last active:
Fri 28/04/2023 00:35:53
I Can Help With:
I can help with animation Animation
I like to reproduce what was done in Odin Sphere.
I can help with backgrounds Backgrounds
Need some tips for Background Art?
I can help with characters Characters
Have some cutie Character Designs?
I can help with scripting Scripting
I have my ways and I love math.
I can help with story design Story Design
Nothing's better than a story with depth.
I've worked on the following games:
Downfall (2016) 
Sprites & animations
Nefasto's Misadventure - Meeting Noeroze - Part 1 - DEMO Nominated for Best Demo at the AGS Awards in 2013 
Game Design, Art, Scripting and Sound
My current WIP game Nefasto's Misadventure - Meeting Noeroze - Current forum thread --  Official Facebook Page
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