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Quote from: heltenjon on Tue 10/10/2023 18:52:50Online play only
Is it actually possible to download such games nonetheless? Could you download the whole wrapped package an run it locally?
This reminds me of: How many legs does a cow have?

12 - 2 on the front, 2 on the back, 2 on the left, 2 on the right, an one on each corner.
General Discussion / Re: Transparency in gimp
Mon 02/10/2023 09:03:45
I don't understand your question. Could you elaborate what you are trying to do?
Hints & Tips / The Books of Knowledge
Sun 01/10/2023 20:16:44
I got the pillow and gave it to Karl, but how do I get him to make me a costume from it? I have the other two books already.
Since AI learns from texts and pictures and then again creates text and pictures, I wonder when the moment will happen when AIs train mostly on AI generated stuff. What will this result in?
I just have to think of the Habsburgs, interbreeding for generations with a questionable outcome...
I LOVE seeing different views of the same area, like close-ups or different angles. I think this make the world more realistic and immersive.

The question is, what is the overall feeling that you want to achieve? If it's a bit "vast, empty landscape", you can just reuse screens by having a few basic room backgrounds and enriching them with a tree here and a rock there.
If it's the opposite, it might be worth condensing the game design. Some games feel more dense and interesting if rooms are reused for different purposes. So instead of having 5 locations with 6 rooms, you could make 4 locations with 3 rooms, but two close-ups each.

Another idea could be using photographs. This is especially useful for transition screens and you can easily do different perspectives of the same room. Have a look at The Oracle for a great example.
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Thu 28/09/2023 09:11:04
Ah, I understand. I live next to the main road with lots of cars going in both directions. It's quite hard sometimes to find a moment where you can safely cross the road.
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Wed 27/09/2023 09:59:03
To be fair, I think it's a nice thing when car drivers slow down and let you pass. On a pedestrian crossing, they even have to, by law. However, it's often hard to be sure whether they really slow down and let you cross. Some are clever enough and blink or make a gesture, others just slow down a bit and then look annoyed that I don't cross immediately.
When I'm at a crossing and do not want to cross (or wait for them to go first) I usually gesture to indicate that they should go first.
Apparently, AdventureX is going to happen again this year:

It seems there are no more tickets available. Maybe the talks will be recorded and/or streamed?
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Wed 27/09/2023 07:58:19
I have the same the other way round. When I'm going with my bike and see people crossing the road, I want to pass behind them. But when they see me they suddenly stop so I have to navigate around them.
Quote from: Kastchey on Mon 25/09/2023 13:55:34Anywhere I can lobby for bi-MAGS?  ;)
Rather the other way round - I could more likely do an hour game or OROW than work a whole month on a game.
Amazing dystopian story. I liked the game mechanic with typing in the computers.

Sadly, there was no evidence called "lock pick". What happened to tau 1 and tau 2?  ;)
Quote from: Ponch on Mon 25/09/2023 02:22:16I was starting to think this was a terrible theme
No, the theme is fantastic. I just somehow only noticed it yesterday and don't have enough time to come up with something, sadly.
Quote from: ThreeOhFour on Mon 17/07/2023 02:37:24When we read Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier everyone in my book club expressed quite shocked delight at the twist. Completely recontextualises the story and characters in a wonderful way.

Now that I finished reading Rebecca, I wonder which of several events you mean.

Warning - full spoilers ahead:
What I liked about the book, is that most of the major events/revelations are hinted at. It's a bit like solving a jigsaw puzzle. You find bits and pieces of all aspects throughout the story and with each additional information, you get a better picture of the persons and events.
What I didn't expect:
- the proposal at the beginning
- the discovery of the boat
- her illness
- the house burning down. It was clear that there will not be a happy ending. I didn't get that the house was burned down in the beginning. I thought they would escape England fleeing his conviction and end up hiding in exile somewhere in Europe, with the house just decaying due to lack of maintenance.

To me it was clear about halfway through the book that the marriage was not happy and she did not die in an accident. I thought of suicide first, though. I was also quite sure that the found body he identified was not Rebecca (I even considered her being still alive). It also did not surprise me when they found her body on the boat and that he killed her.

I think it is an extremely well crafted book. The pacing, especially during the last quarter, is excellent. Also one scene with the unnamed protagonist and Mrs Danvers was extremly powerful.

Thanks for the recommendation, I fully agree it is worth reading.
Quote from: Snarky on Sat 23/09/2023 09:06:54I play Quordle more, and recently got into Octordle
I also often play Quordle. I tried Octordle once but didn't really like it.
I played Redactle a few times, but only on PC. On mobile, this doesn't work for me at all.
Anyone else still playing?


Quite lucky today #813

If you are looking for classic adventure games, you should definitely include Daedalic. The wikipage about Deponia even has some sales numbers

Quote from: Ali on Thu 07/09/2023 12:30:19Obra Dinn
Interesting that you mention it. I loved the game, the mechanics, the story, but it didn't feel like an adventure game to me. It felt like Cluedo on a ship.
Today I solved Redactle on my 6th guess  8-0

Hydroelectricity - I'm still surprised that I spelled it correctly.
I often start guessing with the word "water". water, chemical, level, plant, power
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