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Messages - dactylopus

This looks delightfully promising.  Beautiful work!
This game is looking beautiful!  Great work so far.
Hey, congrats on the release, this is a lot of fun!

Great interpretation of a classic.

Thanks for posting!
Been learning to play this song, and really enjoying it.

Elliott Smith - Waltz #2 (XO)

The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Mon 13/12/2021 02:08:48
Quote from: Sinitrena on Sun 12/12/2021 16:14:11
I'd check out "Rolling in the Deep" if interested.  More upbeat and all around better in my opinion.
Wham! - Everything She Wants

The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Fri 10/12/2021 15:15:21
Quote from: Stupot on Fri 10/12/2021 04:46:40
edit: also… I keep getting told by Japanese people that I look like Ed Sheeran and I really don’t. For a start, he’s better looking than me.
Ouch, that's a heinous self-burn.

I didn't mind a few songs like "Shape of You" earlier on, but at this point I've heard them more than they're worth.  It's not bad music, it's just nothing special.

I agree, it's getting a bit annoying seeing him everywhere.  His cameo in 'Yesterday' at least felt appropriate, despite him being a bit of a knob in it.
AGS Games in Production / Re: Zid Journey
Sun 21/11/2021 17:57:06
Really fun looking game, full of charm.  I love the character designs and art style.  Your animations are fantastic!
That was funny!  Thanks for sharing.
Afghan Whigs - Honky's Ladder

Current track...

Joanna Newsom - Peach, Plum, Pear

Working on some art, and this is a fitting soundtrack:

Portishead - Hunter

My wife had a dream and woke up with this song in her head:

Daryl Hall & John Oates - Maneater

The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Sat 19/06/2021 14:33:53
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 02/04/2021 15:56:13
I disagree of course, because that would make changing the calendar on your fridge, a game. But that doesn't matter, since I've already agreed with you about there being multiple definitions. and yours being completely valid in this case.

Dude, you can gamify anything.

So every morning my alarm goes off at 8:05.  It takes me a bit to get out of bed and make my way downstairs.  But if I can tear off yesterday's calendar date by 8:15 every morning, I win for the day.

I just scored a point for myself in my own little game of life by coming up with this reply.
I have been away for quite some time, over a year?  You guys made me open way too many tabs.  I'll look over them all, but this is what I was listening to at the time:

Quote from: Snarky on Fri 24/07/2020 19:54:54
That's one of those 90s one-hit-wonders (I read an FAQ with White Town a while back where he said he'd pretty much given up his music career after this song, though he seems to have made a very minor comeback). I remember with a mix of fondness and cringe. (See also: Fools Garden, "Lemon Tree")

I'd never heard these guys before, but... instant fan:

PS: Radiohead are so effing brilliant!
Nice track by the National.  I've just started getting into them recently.  I found this INXS cover song they did that I enjoy:

The National - Never Tear Us Apart

And apparently the main songwriter just co-wrote and recorded an album with Taylor Swift that's getting good reviews.  There's also an artist called Bartees Strange that has several reinventions of songs by the National, including About Today.  Good stuff to check out.

Quote from: Laura Hunt on Sat 25/07/2020 11:00:20
Current mood: dancing my ass off to these goddamn hippies in my kitchen while making pizza. That klarino!
Cool track, but not what I would think of as hippies!

Quote from: milkanannan on Sun 26/07/2020 08:19:17
(Double Trouble)
Not a bad Europop track, actually.  I've been meaning to watch that movie.

Quote from: Frodo on Sun 26/07/2020 09:53:44
I'm listening to a classic right now - I Wanna Be A Punk Rocker!   :grin:
Good fun!

I'm compelled to post this:

Pat Boone - Enter Sandman

But this is what I was listening to:

Mr. Kitty - After Dark

The vocal delivery of the verse kind of reminds me of Dammit by Blink-182, so that's fun.  Sonically, this is a completely different song.  Love this one lately.
Quote from: TheFrighter on Tue 21/07/2020 20:26:46
I recently hear this song on the radio... and I thought: "Did I really enjoying this crap when I was younger?"
It's a bit simplistic, but that's a good track!  So is this one that I heard the other day, and your pick reminded me for some reason:

White Town - Your Woman

Quote from: milkanannan on Tue 21/07/2020 18:18:17
This song always reminds me of this other one.  Had them back to back on a CD years ago and always loved how they worked together:

Incubus - Aqueous Transmission

Quote from: KyriakosCH on Sat 18/07/2020 18:13:32
Hickallica  :=
That's pretty good stuff right there.
Quote from: Snarky on Fri 17/07/2020 22:44:32
Gotta catch up with some of the recent picks in this thread.

This is a track and an album I keep coming back to:

That speech at the end is of course adapted from the famous rant in Network, written by Paddy Chayefsky. I've never been able to make up my mind whether Badu is appropriating the sentiment ("I'm a human being, damn it! My life has value!" seems to prefigure BLM) or holding it up as a dangerous example of white rage and hysteria.

Fun fact: the contemporary sense of "woke" comes from the next track off this album, "Master Teacher."
Yes, that's a fantastic track.  I was only listening casually and found so much poignancy in her words.  I've loved Erykah Badu since hearing her on the Roots' Things Fall Apart album (You Got Me) and OutKast's Stankonia:

OutKast - Humble Mumble

"You can't discrimi-hate cause you done read a book or two" is one of my favorite lyrics of all time.

Listening to this track now, I absolutely love it:

Tripping Daisy - Waited A Light Year

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