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Messages - dactylopus

Quote from: milkanannan on Thu 09/07/2020 15:00:28
I think this is it. I can access this one:

That's the correct song and artist, but that's an awful recording.  So much crowd noise, you can barely hear the song.  Maybe you can check it on Spotify.  Too bad there aren't more YouTube links available for it.  It's a great album, I'd recommend tracking it down and listening to the whole thing.  Like Elliott Smith with a drum machine.  Both guys were in The Impossibles and The Stereo before this:

The Impossibles - Eightball

The barbershop intro of Cuphead reminds me of Moxy Früvous (as all well harmonized vocals seem to do):

Moxy Früvous - King of Spain

Not the best song on the album (my favorite might be Laika), and not the best example of their vocal harmonies (which might be Fell in Love), but it's a great example of their quirkiness.  Bargainville is a fantastic album.  Anyone else love this band?

The rest of Cuphead is very big band / swingy.  Fitting for the visual style of the game.  Not really my thing, so admittedly I only skimmed through it, but it's definitely well written and performed.

Current jam:

Girlpool - Like I'm Winning It

Quote from: Snarky on Mon 06/07/2020 06:42:35
"Crown Imperial Song" is pretty well known in Norway, but maybe not elsewhere? (YouTube also has a music video of it, but with poorer sound quality.)
Not bad.  It has a kind of late 60's early 70's hippie flower child vibe in my mind.  Something like "Turn! Turn! Turn!" by The Byrds, "Somebody to Love" by Jefferson Airplane, or "California Dreamin'" by The Mamas & the Papas, but definitely a bit more modern.  Fits with the 90's, there was a lot of music in that era that hearkened back to the 60's and 70's.

Quote from: TheFrighter on Mon 06/07/2020 18:13:28
When Ennio Morricone goes rock.
Great track.

Quote from: Snarky on Mon 06/07/2020 19:22:59

Ennio Morricone - Here's to You (feat. Joan Baez)

Quote from: milkanannan on Mon 06/07/2020 06:50:10
Dact, I'm getting an 'unavailable' message when I try to play your track. Weird - maybe it has been removed?
Maybe it's region locked or something.  Try this one:

Quote from: milkanannan on Wed 01/07/2020 05:03:43
Nice tracks, guys~

Had this on in the background yesterday (cheers, @Kyriakos). Mainly reverb-y guitar. It's a game score, so it can be a bit repetitive, but some tracks remind me of Twin Peaks type music:

That's a nice groove.

I'm listening to Slowreader's album.  It's really good stuff.

Slowreader - Sweetest Suffering

Quote from: Laura Hunt on Sat 27/06/2020 19:16:07
Nice! I've been working on my Super Sad Piano Piece all afternoon, and this has been a great palate cleanser. I'm with Cat Power now:
Love it.  Here's a Cat Power song I heard recently that I enjoyed:

Cat Power - He War

Dave Grohl plays the drums on that one, but it's not a stand-out drum track.  I love the guitar in this.

Here's what I'm listening to now:

Elliott - Intro

Now this song has some fantastic drumming.
Quote from: Snarky on Sat 27/06/2020 09:27:50
Thanks for those, Laura!
Indeed.  I've listened to Elephants quite a few times already.  Probably my favorite of their tracks.


Phantogram - When I'm Small

Quote from: Snarky on Thu 25/06/2020 10:32:21
YouTube shuffle just now introduced me to this track:
I heard this one a couple of months ago (actually 2 different tracks) and quite liked it.  Didn't really look much further into the band at the time, though.

Quote from: Laura Hunt on Thu 25/06/2020 11:06:11
Aw I love Warpaint! But not this track, lol. I liked their first couple of albums a lot better, when they were more guitar/bass/drums-centered and they hadn't introduced so many electronic elements in their music:

A couple of friends have told me I look like Theresa (the guitar player) in that last video. Must be the fringe and the black circles under my eyes from not sleeping, because I can't see the resemblance otherwise, hahah.
These tracks are great, and made me look into the band a bit more.  Listened to a few good tracks already.  Thanks for posting!

While listening, I found that they did a really nice cover of a great Duran Duran song.  I'm now listening to another fantastic cover of the same song by a different band:

Deftones - The Chauffeur

Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 18/06/2020 12:22:14
Currently listening to the Wish You Were Here album by Pink Floyd for the second time today... so many great tracks, currently listening to "Welcome to the Machine".  There's something utterly compelling about those plodding harmonics interspersed with the synth breaking out and strangely muted, strained vocals.

Might have to listen to the Meddle album after I finish this one... then maybe Dark Side of the Moon... it's definitely a Pink Floyd type of day!!
I love it!  Great album.  My favorite is Animals.  I may have to go listen to one of those now...

I've been listening to Sade.  Top of the list are Smooth Operator, By Your Side, and this one:

Sade - No Ordinary Love

If you are a fan, you may enjoy the cover by the Deftones:

Quote from: Snarky on Mon 01/06/2020 13:28:04
(Yeah, that's the same Howard Shore track, dactylopus)

Janelle Monáe with a cheerful little pick-me-up that seems appropriate for the moment:

Janelle Monáe always has some interesting upbeat sounds.  I like Dance Apocalyptic (which I heard in the game Just Dance while getting in some cardio) and Pynk (with Grimes).  That one you posted is fitting now, though.

My current listen:

Clinic - Harmony

Quote from: milkanannan on Fri 29/05/2020 18:17:03
I've had the happy Fez opening track in my head all *@&#ing day. Not complaining, but is just a release to actually hear it.

Favourite game soundtracks? Let's hear them! ....
That's a quality soundtrack.  Disasterpeace is very good.  He also did the excellent Hyper Light Drifter soundtrack, and the music for the movie It Follows (among others).

Disasterpeace - Title (It Follows)

Don't forget about this thread for video game music...

Here's what I'm listening to now:

Khruangbin - Maria También

I've been on a bit of a Khruangbin kick lately.
Quote from: Snarky on Thu 28/05/2020 08:38:17
Great track, dactypolus. Man, why haven't Portishead done another album since P3 (which is apparently called "Third"?)?

I've been playing Lara Croft Go here and there, and the "Maze of Spirits" soundscape made me think of Howard Shore's brilliant, brittle, crystalline soundtrack for Crash (though it's basically just two tracks repeated over and over in different arrangements).
Your link didn't work for me.  Is it the same as this one?

It's unsettling and creepy, but has a very cool, moody atmosphere.

Yeah, I would love Portishead to release another album.  The gap between the self-titled album and Third was 11 years.  It's been 12 since then, so maybe they'll come out with something soon?

Current track:

Radiohead - Down is the New Up

Quote from: milkanannan on Thu 21/05/2020 16:24:44
Bono and Edge are indeed talented:
Yeah, that was damn good.  I like the organ coming in at the end.  He couldn't resist joining the fray.

Here's my current track:

Portishead - The Rip

Quote from: milkanannan on Sun 17/05/2020 16:14:37
Love this thread. (laugh) Great tracks guys, but I got to take issue with:

Quote from: dactylopus on Thu 14/05/2020 04:53:11
Easily the 2 best Duran Duran tracks.

...  :-D best aside from:

(Hungry Like The Wolf)

Well, Hungry Like The Wolf is a fantastic pop song.  So are Rio and Notorious, but Come Undone and Ordinary World are just great, well written songs that break free of the new wave / new romantic / pop conventions.  Even a sub-par pop-punk band does a nice cover of this one:

Fenix TX - Ordinary World

That Duran Duran stuff makes me think of another great band of the era, Tears for Fears.  Most people love Everybody Wants to Rule the World or Shout.  I have an affinity for Sowing the Seeds of Love and it's Beatles-esque vibes, but this one takes the cake for me, and it has such a fantastic video:

Tears for Fears - Head Over Heels

Talk about distinctive voices.  This may not be hard rock, but the voice is awesome.

Quote from: TheFrighter on Sun 17/05/2020 18:47:39
I'd like to ask: what hard rock singers (male or female) have a really notable voice in your opinion?

As for distinctive hard rock vocals, I've always loved Eddie Vedder.  There's also other popular bands like System of a Down (Serj Tankian) and Tool / A Perfect Circle (Maynard James Keenan) that have very talented and distinctive vocalists.

Canadians might agree that Our Lady Peace (Raine Maida) and the Tea Party (Jeff Martin) have distinct vocalists.  Something tells me this is more like what you're looking for:

The Tea Party - Temptation

And because you posted Labyrinth, I'll have to post 2 tracks that brought to mind:

David Bowie - Underground

(Not Magic Dance!)

LSD - Genius

Super sweet animated video.

OK, I have to stop now.
Easily the 2 best Duran Duran tracks.  I like their other stuff, but the mood in these is so much better than Girls On Film, The Reflex, etc.

I'm currently listening to:

Phoebe Bridgers - Kyoto

I just finished listening to this great track:

Neon Indian - Deadbeat Summer

I can hear the similarity.

Here's my current track:

Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Round And Round

Quote from: Babar on Mon 11/05/2020 16:37:33
The 90s WERE rad!

I think I was introduced to "Awesome Tapes from Africa" through Inkoddi here on the forums years ago, but found this song later. Almost everyone I share it with has a negative first reaction to it, but I think it's bangin'!  :=
I was grooving to it until the vocals kicked in.  It just didn't seem to fit the tone.  By a couple of minutes into the track, though, I was back into it.

My current track:

Quote from: Snarky on Wed 06/05/2020 10:44:33
Quote from: Stupot on Wed 06/05/2020 09:46:05
I know the song through American Pie (I checked and that film wasn't released in Norway until December 1999 so there's a chance you didn't see it in the nineties)

I did see it, but probably not in December; it was a pretty busy month for me (military service, university entrance interview, probably visiting my family abroad for Christmas, millennium celebration...). So I'm technically correct! (TBKOC)

Yeah, that soundtrack didn't make any impression on me. I think the only contemporary song off there I was (already) listening to was "Celebrity Skin". I only came to appreciate "Flagpole Sitta" with Peep Show years later.
I liked Flagpole Sitta.  Great catchy track that definitely takes me back to that time.  I also liked Wooly Muffler off that album despite it not being a big pop hit.

As for Hole, I didn't like anything beyond the Live Through This album.  Doll Parts, Miss World, I Think That I Would Die...  Of course, there's also this gem:

Hole - Violet

Still probably one of my favorite songs of the era.  Definitely their best.  Somewhat reminds me of Everlong by the Foo Fighters, but maybe just because it's a clear winner for best track by the band in my mind.

Here are a couple more I'm reminded of:

Hum - The Pod

Of course Stars was the bigger hit, but this song is awesome.  Good album overall.

Fulflej - Microwave

That one takes me back, but it's likely one most haven't heard.

And here's a track I just listened to that kinda fits in:

No Knife - Academy Flight Song

The 90's were pretty rad.
Quote from: KyriakosCH on Tue 05/05/2020 17:05:17
Fantastic.  I love this track, and this band in general.

I'm listening to Canyons by Fractal Man:

Quote from: manannan on Fri 01/05/2020 05:58:51
It's funny you should mention Thru the Eyes of Ruby. I remember a group I hung out with for a while in high school were super into Mellon Collie and found that to be the album defining track. I always really liked it too, the sort of build-up riff (I learned it on guitar; it keeps letting the B string ring open which feels cool while you're playing). Also the effects around the 'breathing underwater, living under glass' part sound so dreamy/watery.
Definitely a great track.  It's a pretty good summation of the album.  I agree that the effects were great in that part.  I always loved how the beginning starts with this dissonant sounding piano, and how the ending basically turns into a completely different song.
Quote from: Snarky on Thu 30/04/2020 11:32:49
In 1997 I was by choice listening to Skunk Anansi, Prodigy, Chemical Brothers... and looking at the charts, they were filled with "Candle in the Wind", Spice Girls, The Verve, White Town, Chumbawamba... It was the height of "Cool Britannia," and apart from the Friends theme I don't think American pop-rock made a huge impact over here at the time (there was a fair bit of US rap and R&B). Oh, I see Smashing Pumpkins did pretty well with their Batman track. I like that one.
I wasn't listening to that stuff much at the time, but my brother was so I was aware of it.  I liked Breathe by Prodigy more than most of the other stuff in the genre back then, but I've gained a new appreciation for Chemical Brothers and such in more recent years.  The closest I came to that was trip-hop like Portishead, which I was very deeply into.  The stuff on the charts I wasn't much into either.  I've never been a big fan of contemporary top 40 pop radio music.  I was very into rock and hard rock throughout the 90's, primarily the Seattle stuff and similar work, but the Smashing Pumpkins started to get me in the mid 90's.  After the Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness album, I went back to the earlier stuff (I had previously thought of them as annoying because of Billy Corgan's voice, but learned to deal with it because the rest of it was fantastic, and his songwriting was awesome).

I love this one:

The Smashing Pumpkins - Thru the Eyes of Ruby

I got really into long, epic rock music for a while because of Pumpkins stuff like this, Porcelina of the Vast Oceans, Starla, and Soma.  There was plenty of influence from Pink Floyd, like Shine On You Crazy Diamond and the Animals album as well.  A little later, Radiohead's epic Paranoid Android blew me away, like a futuristic version of Floyd.

Quote from: manannan on Thu 30/04/2020 12:04:35
This one? Yeah, I always liked it, too.
Quote from: manannan on Thu 30/04/2020 12:06:27
This one was also cool:

Yeah, that movie had a cool soundtrack.  Great stuff, like Seal's Kiss From a Rose, Offspring's Smash It Up, Michael Hutchence's amazing cover of Iggy Pop's Passenger, and good stuff from Sunny Day Real Estate, Flaming Lips, Nick Cave, and PJ Harvey.  Too bad the movie was shit (despite a solid blockbuster cast for that era).  This one reminds me of another soundtrack, actually:

Incubus & DJ Greyboy - Familiar

OK, well the concept for the soundtrack was cooler than the album itself, but I love that track.  And the movie was better than Batman Forever, but could have still been improved.

Had to go listen to this while I was typing:

Sunny Day Real Estate - Pillars

Third Eye Blind had a surprising number of hits for how brief they were at the top of the charts.  Semi-Charmed Life, Graduate, How's It Going to Be, Losing a Whole Year, and Jumper from the self-titled album and Anything and Never Let You Go from Blue were all pretty big, but that was basically a 2 year span and they faded from the forefront as quickly as they came.  I mean, they were / are still around, but they were never nearly as popular as they were in 1997 or so.  Pretty edgy for radio friendly pop stuff, though.

I liked Losing a Whole Year, but Anything is my favorite of theirs.  A quick 2 minute blast:

Third Eye Blind - Anything

A few other songs I love that are short but intense...

Quicksand - Backward

Boysetsfire - Cavity

Chevelle - Mia

Sense Field - Outlive The Man

The mid-late 90's were awesome for hard rock.

But my bad, you were posting 90's pop-rock.  Here are a couple of memorable mid-90's tunes:

Deep Blue Something - Breakfast At Tiffany's

Del Amitri - Roll To Me

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