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Messages - derboo

Sounds fun. How should be handled who's next? First come, first serve?
Actually, with the RPG Maker Engine, I'd have much more Problems to do what I'm imagining...

FIFE would be a good engine probably, but it seems far too complicated for me...
1. I guess that might be the only way right now, though it would be nice to be able to go with the Engine, not against it...

2. Actually, I would like to use hotspots... though it certainly would be cleaner to be able to set the hotspots in runtime, too.
I'm trying to create a tile engine for AGS, thought it might fit in here as well.
What i'm doing right now is using a Black background, getting it as a Drawing Surface and use .DrawImage to get the tiles on it. This leaves me with 2 Problems:

1. Is it possible to define walkable areas through the script during runtime in a similar manner? I gave switching walkable areas on and off a thought, but since one is limited to 16 areas per room, that is not an option...

2. If I'm going to load a new black background image for every room, I'll be wasting a lot of space. Is there a possibility to use the same image for multiple backgrounds? Maybe like you use objects' graphics from the game's sprite pool?
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