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Messages - donkeymilk

i died  numerous times before i figured out how to avoid that dam cyborg/robot after leaving the sewers :)
anyone know where to download Falling Skywards by ben304.
There's lots of articles ,but no link.
Quote from: Kaffka on Fri 20/06/2014 10:44:15

I was just wondering if anyone would happen to have a copy of the game "Harrys Strange Day" (link) ? I'm the creator (not something I'm proud of ...) but I lost the original files, and the game has been missing for years. It's a lousy game, but it'd be fun to have a look at it again after all these years, so if anyone does have a copy I'd appreciate it if they could send me a PM or something.

Kind regards

Code: ags

i saw this in an old thread here ,i think it has an ed2k link on the page that might still work.

it might be long dead,i can't check ed2k links ,coz of my 3g connection.
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 12/06/2014 23:35:14
The one and only Purity of the Surf!  RON perfection. :-D

Had tried nagging Dave into doing a sequel, but no joy. :-\

The quality can really vary from one ron game to another.
Some of them have really top notch graphics style and others not so great.
But sometimes the gameplay/story e.t.c can be a lot of fun ,even though the graphics style might not be great.
BarOne game series

I was reading a thread here on the forum yesterday.
If anyone knows where to download the games,i think there was maybe four or five games in the series.
I have no idea if they are good games,but i was interesting after reading about them.
Quote from: Frodo on Thu 21/11/2013 19:07:02
I wish I knew.  :sad:  I was a backer too, but I have no idea what's going on.  Really wish the auther would give an update.  :sad:

Quote from: Stupot+ on Thu 21/11/2013 18:51:41
Since my question was rather rudely shut down in the game's own thread I'll ask here:

Has anyone heard anything about the game Alum?  As it's been three months since they won backing on Kickstarter, and as far as I can see there has been no news.

I just played the Alum demo.
There's a link on the kickstarter page.
There is two demo's floating around .
I think the newest one has a folder called 'compiled' ,which u will see when open the zip file.
I sent a comment ,coz i couldn't download from his medifire link and he sent me a firedrive link for the latest demo.
I think it's looking like it's gonna be a good ags game.
Thanks very much ,CaptainD.
i'm looking for aan old Dave Gilbert game called A better mouse Trap.
I tried the search here ,but it came up "zero"
Yeh,the demo thing is a bit confusing.
But as i said ,the F.A.Q explains their reasoning.
Another good place for old cds is
It's a difficult to navigate around,but full of archived cds.
The links are in HTTP and torrent.
oh,and also 3ds adventure has a sister site:

Moderator: Sorry, but you may not put links to sites that distribute current commercial games illegally.
Quote from: Arj0n on Tue 17/12/2013 18:19:36
That's only the demo, which can be found at several places around the web.
Are u sure?
They call full games demos over there.
They have an explanation somewhere on the site about why they do it.
I reckon it's the full game ,i'd put money on it :)
They only upload old games up to 2005(if i remember correctly)
Their forum legendsworld is good too,u can get help with running old games.
Sometimes u have to wait a bit  for a reply,but the guys there are very knowledgeable.
It's a great site ,not just for games ,but other old multimrdia type cds.
I've read posts from gamedevs ,who've found long lost games or cds there.
HERE U GO...(in F.A.Q)
Download links explanation.

1.) "Level Demo". This means an actual demo from the developer or shareware usually limited to 1 level or sometimes with a time limit.
2.) "Full Demo". This is more commonly known as a rip meaning that certain elements such as music, movies or speech were removed or "ripped out" in order to make it smaller and quicker to download.
3.) "Iso Demo". This means a cd-image of the complete game on cd which you can burn and get an exact copy.
We use the word demo for all of our game uploads, because it's important to us that the downloads are really used as a demo . If you like the game then go and buy it; the developers deserve it.

Full and iso-demos are either our own uploads or lead to Oldgames- & Abandonware sites  (usually from 1981-2000). Direct links to downloads from other sites/boards are of course also not included .

Moderator: Sorry, but you may not put links to sites that distribute current commercial games illegally.
i just saw this thread after posting a topic about this site.
it had an old dave gilbert demo.
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