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Messages - eri0o

Made the feature here , targeting 3.6.1. Edit: it's merged!
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine Web port
Wed 12/07/2023 21:48:22
So far AGS has no way to communicate to the outside world, and as far as I can tell most people are ok with this - they can play games without depending on a server that may die. So there's a conceptual question there - and also the maintenance of this as platforms keep changing, there's a whole new burden of maintaining this all and cementing them in engine versions often doesn't make sense. There is also the compliance with privacy laws, what does it mean, do we need to ask user permission?

If what you mention is simple, the easiest way to do is to make yourself an AGS plugin, build AGS with it built-in for in the wasm build of the engine and use it. This will make you have it your way and avoid any philosophical discussions.

I don't feel strongly towards it, I am usually the kind of person that blocks cookies, ads and anything that pings home. :/

There is a way to do it that is just a bit of JS for achievements. You get the achievements before the game is loaded and then write in the MEMFS a text file with the said achievements. Later when the player gets an achievement, you edit this file adding a new achievement. Then in JS tou check in the fs sync call for the file.

Use FS.readFile and FS.writeFile from here:
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine Web port
Tue 11/07/2023 22:32:21
For now you would need to rebuild ags from source with your plugin added there.

Last time I checked there wasn't a reasonable way to load wasm from other wasm - there is a hacky dynload way in Emscripten that has issues in working crossplatform, and any JS calls need to have been implemented on the main binary (so you can load dynamically for the purpose of saving user bandwidth but you still need to beforehand know everything you can load and have the JS bindings already there). This can be alright if it's a purely logical plugin that does no direct access - e.g. no "filesystem" access -, like agsblend.
I mostly prefer 1, but that's because of how I manage overlays currently in my scripts where I maintain an in script mirror of their properties and update only later to avoid script <-> engine calls which have some overhead and impact performance.
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine Web port
Mon 03/07/2023 00:54:54
Experimental fix to Safari Fullscreen problem (PR link) |

You can test in the above link and placing a local game or using the downloadeable package at right locally to replace your launcher html, ags.js and ags.wasm.

What it does is, for Safari, it disables the regular AGS handle of Fullscreen (and SDL and Emscripten too), so switching to fullscreen/windowed in game will do nothing. But the button for entering fullscreen has its behavior working differently in Safari, where it should work with macOS Safari.

There is a problem though that for iPhone, even though it doesn't support fullscreen, fullscreen actually works, but it has the default impossible to override behavior of exiting fullscreen on down swipe... Which will make your game exit fullscreen pretty quickly if you do swipe-like gestures in your game. There is also an issue that apparently, on iPhone, this Fullscreen only works in other browser than Safari itself, even though they are all Safari behind the scenes.  ???

I didn't have an iPad to test, but on newer models it looks like the Safari there is a bit between iPhone and macOS in features and it should have the Fullscreen working - but possibly with the swipe down to exit Fullscreen enabled too...

The implementation is not clean, ideally I think this needs to be fixed upstream (SDL or Emscripten), but I can't figure it out where things are wrong...

(about sound on iPhone I am trying to figure it out wth is going on...)

Ah right, the game can't show a keyboard in the web port (for mobile) but you also can't have an in-game keyboard or iPhone will detect and show a pop-up "keyboards are not allowed in Fullscreen" and then exit Fullscreen and show another pop-up asking if the website is trying to ask you for passwords. So avoid any sort of text entry. :/
@TheVolumeRemote Hey, sorry for taking a little while, the ideas I had didn't change much beyond that build I sent, can you give the x,y position of each character, the game resolution and the room size? Just so I can properly reproduce the issue.

The workaround idea I have is to temporarily disable the smoothcam, pan using Tween on the Camera, and then later turning it back on.
@TheVolumeRemote Can you try this version here and see if it improves something for you?

What I imagine can be a problem is if the difference in y distance is small, it may not give enough kick in the lerp, the version above should by default try to kickup in smaller distances - it also has an optional parameter so you can manually set the CameraLerpFactorX and CameraLerpFactorY, but lets try first the defaults and see what happens.

@AndreasBlack it sounds like the previous issue (forum comment, github link) from Tarnos that was fixed with the new AdjustCameraOnRoomLoad property, that defaults to true. Are you using the 0.2.2 version? Does using the above version changes anything for you?
I had something in mind for this month but I don't think I will be able to finish in time. I hope to release outside of MAGS still.
 The wiki here in the forums is back at being in working state, it could be made there? It's also same login as the forums. Some pages currently in the manual were stolen carefully selected from there.  :)
Quote from: RootBound on Wed 14/06/2023 16:40:24

This looks great. I like the idea to use labels with the GUI, nice idea!

About tutorials its possible to do the reverse, make the game and then later reverse engineer it in a tutorial, but overall I really like the direction @RootBound mind is going!
@aKro can you link the specific game you are having issue, with a way to download it
hey, are the talks going to be archived for watching? I could not watch the event in realtime.  :undecided:
Did you make an actual hyperlink or is this the autogenerated ones that I think are not possible to disable? (
Could you share the PNG?
I guess now that ags4 has real alpha releases people may actually try this, so if you have trouble or questions please ask and I will try to at some point do an actual release of this as a module too!
You people are freaking amazing at coming up with great themes.  8-0
@edmundito made a test for download here, where the color palette, sprite manager, inventory and lipsync panels should be scaling correctly. Could you try to see if I am on the right path?
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sun 28/05/2023 18:56:19
Happy birthday @Rulaman !!
Thank you for all the people who voted in don't give up the cat and all the work out in the ceremony! It was a great time! :)
Uhm, that is weird, I did the change because I always do this setting manually on Win10 by right clicking the AGS Editor executable and selecting the scaling option by hand to get rid of the bluriness of the script editor. I don't have the side effects, like in theory some things could be fixed by using a layout instead of hardcoded positions, but things like the tabs and other details that I see in your print screen should already just scale correctly. When running AGS Editor through wine (in Linux or macOS) you can set font scaling options and the text in the tab appears to scale correctly - without being cut in the bottom like in your screenshot capture. We can rollback that change until someone can figure a better way to test for these. :/

Edit: for some reason I thought it was windows 11, I see now you have windows 10 too. I don't have a monitor with the same resolution or some way to reproduce it.  :sad: 

Edit2: wait a minute, now I see you mentioned you have scaling set to 200%, so possibly this is something I can set here to see what happens. I know in theory moving to NET 4.8 gives access to a different windows forms that could possibly improve this situation but maybe it's something better in ags4.
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