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Messages - eri0o

Engine Development / Re: AGS engine Linux port
Mon 06/03/2023 16:08:04
Thank you @cibersheep !! If you find any problems, please let us know!
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine Linux port
Mon 06/03/2023 13:38:26
@cibersheep , can you test if it's solved in the new AGS release for you ( release) ?
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine Web port
Sun 05/03/2023 14:17:41
So, I briefly played a bit with an iphone but I don't have one at the moment for further debugging. It zooms around like crazy when clicking the gears, or any button in the modal or the close button.

I never saw this before but perhaps is default Safari, I got a feeling it needs some way to tell it that the canvas works and that maybe some css rule is not being respected and something else is grabbing the events. Need to think a bit.

I also used iOS 16.2 iPhone. I tried in an older iOS version (13 something) on a different iPhone and it crashed right at start. So somewhere between these two versions the wasm added got actually stable.

I also noticed that when I inspect an element with the Safari Dev Tools (connect to the iPhone) and leave, then the cursor position updates. Not sure what this means...

Edit: After trying some ideas, I almost think this is something that changed on Emscripten side, need to think if there is a version that would be possible to rollback. I saw a different issue related to timing in iOS Safari on the Emscripten bug tracker and they just suggest waiting for Apple to catch-on sorta, so maybe some breakages are expected. Perhaps seeing how far back I can roll and still keep SDL2 updated and being able to build old Freetype... Need to think a bit here. Edit: ok, so the first release in Emscripten with my sdl2 upgrade is 3.1.26, need to test rolling back to that.

Edit: tried rolling back to Emscripten 3.1.26 and it didn't fix. I tried removing some recent added things and it also didn't fix. I remember using it in iOS in old versions of the web port, but I don't remember which version.
Looking at the module code "GotThere" just means you have to code your check for whatever means that character is there.


Code: ags
// module header

import bool IsInPosition(this Character*, int x, int y, int pad = 2);

Code: ags
// module script

bool IsInPosition(this Character*, int x, int y, int pad)
  return (this.x > x - pad) && (this.x < x + pad) && (this.y > y - pad) && (this.y < y + pad);

and then use this to check if the character is in position.
Editor Development / Re: AGS Build Server
Sun 05/03/2023 10:40:05
Just to update now that this thread is linked

AGS builds from Master branch of the repository are here

The pipelines are configurated by the yaml file .cirrus.yml at AGS repository root. It uses a bunch of docker files to configure the images (which are cached) that taken from the ci/ directory in AGS repository.

I highly recommend to not pick a random build from there and use unless either you really know what you are doing or CW told to do so in the Editor Release thread. If you do, please have backups of your game before doing so.
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine Web port
Sat 04/03/2023 14:02:57
So, specific devices and browsers have different behaviors. For instance, I know SOME versions of Safari in SOME iPad devices lie about IndexedDB support, and despite giving no errors or exceptions, it doesn't store information either. And in SOME Safari in other iPad it does save things in IndexedDB, but deletes things after a seven day period.

If you can say the exactly device and OS version I can try to get my hands on one to reproduce, to investigate what causes the error precisely - there is a lot of places the error may be.
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine Web port
Sat 04/03/2023 13:26:24
@Dungeonation can you give me the specific link for your game?

I tried to make my own little test thing here:

But it worked on my phone.

Engine Development / Re: AGS engine Web port
Thu 02/03/2023 22:02:11
Well, I will need to create an account and check it out what is going on. This may take a while.
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine Web port
Thu 02/03/2023 17:19:28
If you could share the website, it would be perfect for me to figure what is happening.

My guess though is the website is loading in an iframe, and I don't think this is supported on mobile - the guess comes from Itch always running mobile games in their own page, I imagine they had a reason for this approach. Other than this, the website may be injecting some JavaScript that alters the behavior.

I have tested on different devices with Android and didn't have issues, but if it's not the website than it could be something device/os/browser specific.

I would like to note that Chrome is the main target, and then comes Firefox and Safari. Anything beyond those, is really probably not going to work - I note it mostly works in Tizen browser/devices, but Tizen has it's own fork of Emscripten and my guess is there is a reason for this. Afaik, opera is not in the browsers Emscripten is tested with. Emscripten project uses resources from the Chromium project, and their CI only tests with Chrome and Firefox.
Oh man, I didn't notice I never answered the rest of Chomba questions at the time.

I don't have a computer right now, but I see you haven't shared how you are tackling your custom dialog rendering.

One suggestion though, there is a module from abstauber that is pretty good, it's called Custom Dialog GUI.

Not sure if you have looked into it or not. This module has a demo game, I recommend testing it's demo and experimenting with it before, just to see if the module does what you want.
@Crimson Wizard if you want an extra plugin pack in the ags release I could do that, I haven't gone through that route yet because some plugins I believe are more legacy and not necessary currently like AGSflashlight, and some are too hard to do currently (like AGSlua), but perhaps we could start with the AGS sprite font plugin.

Overall, in separate repository it would need it's own CI, and CI is something that can take a while for AGS constraints (unsupported version of Windows, 32-bit Linux, ...). For the web and Android platform, it's also easier to have a minor selection of plugins supported or built-in than setting up CI individually - specific to the web, the existing dlopen implementation is quite different from the other platforms, which is why I opted to just throw some plugins builtin, which is the case for the mentioned SpriteFont plugin.

OTOH, I think the SpriteFont plugin is probably the only one still relevant we maintain, so perhaps some of it's functionality should be a feature in the engine?
@Crimson Wizard in Kathy Rain, there is a small part of the text being cut at the bottom for letters that go down the text line (like g and y), do you think this change you mentioned could be related to that observed behavior?
@Honza which sprite font binary are you using? If you built, how was it built?
@Crimson Wizard , just for information, here is the fake gamma I mentioned:

The idea was that fake gamma was safer than real gamma - meaning, it would not affect other things in the monitor.
Ahn, maybe I totally misunderstood the question you sent me. Is the delay in the plugin something we want or not?  :-\

About the Steam mention, does this need some special Steam specific protocol (steam:// ??) or is just a link to the store steampowered website?
That's good! For now I am logging the messages that says why something fails - perhaps I could span error messages, at least until some logging feature makes into the Editor.

I believe until next weekend I can make some prebuilt binaries to be available beyond the Windows one and then need to setup CI in the project to automate the builds of the plugin.

I am forcing the protocol selection through enum to enforce using it to open webpages, and maybe if someone makes a case for other specific protocol we may allow or not - of course there's nothing blocking someone from modifying the plugin source to do whatever.
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine Web port
Mon 27/02/2023 11:59:41
Thanks for the response @Dungeonation , the fixes will be in the next version.

I have been thinking about the file download thing and if only downloading your save files but not being able to upload it back makes sense. I think I can handwrite a zip library that simply uses no compression to generate a zip of the save files.

But I wonder if as soon as make this, people will expect to be able to upload a zip back in. The problem with zip is there are multiple compression algorithms, and supporting them will take precious space in the file download of the game and also coding this to make sure the filed end up in the correct directory. The other thing is games may simply be different, for a game that has a matching web a desktop builds available, I guess it makes sense to download the file, but for a game that is like a web demo that sounds like something that will look unusual.

Overall I want to hold on before adding multiple options and having to maintain all of this, as I am trying to make the code of the JS part not become too complex.
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine Web port
Mon 27/02/2023 00:52:58
One thing of the webport that I don't like is the loading. If anyone has ideas in either how to make the loading prettier or some alternative way to do it.

I think some engines allow to override the loading with an image, but it would be nice to still show some progress. I don't like how the font is always alien to the game font, but not sure how to fix that either... Overall, I totally would like things to look prettier, but I don't have good design ideas...

Specific to itch: I am still investigating, but it appears that if you add a .gz at the end of the binary file names that are loaded in my_game_files.js and then also gzip them and have the name of the gzipped file be exactly the name as before, with the .gz added at the end, then the deflate happens in transit. (from itch docs)

QuoteIf the content of the file is detected as gzip compressed, the content-encoding header to gzip. The content-type header of the file will detected and set by the extension, removing .gz if necessary.

According to the same docs, js and wasm is already compressed, so no need to do anything there.
theoretically yes, but hopefully people can move to ags 3.6.0. But like, if SDL2.dll is on the same directory it should work already, at least on Windows.

And I had made a mistake on the original release, but made a quick fix and reuploaded things.
A small plugin to open URL in a browser, made for AGS 3.6.0 and beyond. (the plugin uses SDL2, so if you are using a previous version of ags, you have to add SDL2 somewhere) |

You call it like this:

Code: ags
AppOpenURL(eAUrlProto_https, "");

And it should open the itch website in a browser tab.

The idea is to use this plugin instead of the agsshell plugin - for safety reasons and better cross-platform support. It uses SDL2 behind the scenes, so it can't run in older versions of AGS. (well you would have to add SDL2 somewhere if using an old ags version)
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