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Messages - eri0o

What do you mean SDK path is correct? Which Android Studio version you are using? What's the used path? Where's your sdkmanager.bat?
v9, probably final revision. Makes the app not require any permission at all since all the game is inside the app and assets packaged in the game itself, there's no need to external disk access.

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Fri 25/02/2022 19:25:25
yes it's Dune! That was... Quick! You go! :)

I watched the old movie before the new one and at least in that front it felt a huge improvement. :p
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Fri 25/02/2022 09:37:29
I could not finish that movie for the same reason too! lol! And same for Ozark, I barely made episode 1 and gave up...

Here's a new movie.

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 23/02/2022 12:26:13
It is Uncut Gems, isn't?
I am not 100%, but the walking and some details look very agsy.

The game is not available yet - and the rest is too french for me to understand  :P
Finally managed to add the Keystore Generation in the Editor.

I updated the links on the first post. Now in the Editor Preferences, there is a new Tab called Android!

In this tab, you can set JDK path, SDK path, and keystore information. If JDK and SDK are set correctly, test should indicate that they are found.

There is also now a button Generate Keystore where you can write your keystore information and generate one. After it's sucessfully generated, if you click OK, it will fill your preferences settings with this information, if you click cancel, then nothing happens. After you also click OK in the Preferences, settings are applied and  new builds will use the newly set keystore. I tested a bunch, but if you find something wrong, please report.

Edit: did a few improvements on this pane, updated to v4.

I think the only part missing now is getting the icons in place, once that is done, the building part should be alright and then once any merging issues are fixed I will look into touch input details. Probably in a new thread...

Edit2: finally got icons working! Updated it to v5

Now I only expect bug fixing in this. The features I meant to have at this time with Android Building are all there.

Edit3: renamed Package Name to App ID, in v6. This is to match more recent android documentation that now uses Application ID when referring to it.

I also updated the screenshots and text in the first post.

Edit4: Ok, updated it to v7, now it only keeps the cmd.exe screen if the build fails for some reason. Successful builds will automatically close and report the build success.

Edit5: disabled Gradle daemon by default, but added an option to turn it back on. I highly recommend turning it on, specially if you intend to build to android lots of times. Version is now v8

@Mehrdad, have you ACTUALLY tested with Software mode? Can you confirm by using the setting and confirming with Ctrl+v that you have the same graphical glitch with both Software and OGL renderers? I can't reproduce, but I am trying to figure out what could be the case - haven't actually figured nothing yet...
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Fri 18/02/2022 14:37:20
Quote from: heltenjon on Fri 18/02/2022 14:34:42
When someone asks for help in the Hints and Tips thread, but puts the entire question in Spoiler tags. Then you have no idea if this is the same place you are stuck yourself, and must risk either asking something someone else asked before, or unintentionally reading about something occurring later on in the game if you reveal the spoiler. And you don't know if you can help, either, unless you have completed the whole game.

Hahahahah I thought it was just me.  :-D
I am working on a keystore generation GUI... It will be a little while before everything is rightly working but...

AGA, I didn't meant to pressure you in any form, you do a lot already. I think you do an amazing job keeping this forum going, web maintenance is hard and the internet is an agressive place. Slow is always better than burnout. Take your time.
You forgot to set the package name of your game in the general settings! If you did and still got that, it's a bug! :)

Edit: adjusted to get clearer error messages on wrong/missing config of ANDROID_HOME, JAVA_HOME and Keystore path. Also I had forgotten to set the app name you see when browsing apps and now it should correctly pick your game name you already use in game windows. Updated the file links on the first post.
ANDROID_HOME is set to the SDK path (should be a dir named Sdk, see first post!)

JAVA_HOME should be the path to JDK, which is confusingly a directory that ends in jre (but it's not JRE!), and this one is on the Android Studio directory (again, see first post)

Question: which Android Studio you have?

I can try to come up with some heuristics to try to search and find out both above, so I can automatically fill ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME but I don't know at which point I should run this.
On the top post there's a FAQ, in the first entry I mentioned the SDK, it's a bit weird, but I need to have something installed to get the sdkmanager. Once the sdkmanager is in place I can use it to install other things.

It does come with a little yes script that can be used to accept following licenses, perhaps I could use and assume that everyone trying to use agrees with the licenses - just need to check the script works on Windows.

Anyway, AGS Editor above should try to install things after a sdkmanager is installed, if it's not doing that, it's a bug.
🔐 Keystore

I can put a menu for creating the keystore, but I have no idea where to put such menu.

About the error message, I thought I had put a check for that but apparently it didn't got committed somehow. I am going to fail the build earlier if the keystore settings are empty/invalid.

Edit: there's now a Generate Keystore button in preferences to load the keystore generation dialog.

â˜'️ Requirements

About the requirements, it's:

- SDK is needed for the Android API that is accessible through Java or Native. We will always need it. It matches the compile API target. This one changes at least once per year because of Google Play policies.

- Build Tools are the tools for building. Ideally we always want these to be the latest as possible. They are not dependant of the target you are building or the SDK. The emulator it comes is probably some interface, but it doesn't download any images. We will always need it. We can change this only if there's a bug building newer SDKs.

- NDK may be needed too. We are not directly using it to build C++, but some minification of native code apparently needs it. Theoretically it should be possible to build the runtime library project to a jar and then depend of this jar elsewhere, but I could not figure out a sane way to do this (without needing to push this as a package in Maven). I don't want to pursue eliminating this now and going the jar approach. NDK is similar do build tools in being independent of target version. I also may be wrong here and we don't depend on NDK already.

These versions are all anotated in the Gradle build scripts. The Editor requests and install them.

The current minimal target is set to 29 because of SDL2 version we are using. For Play Store this needs to be 31 minimum. This requires some minor updates in the manifests which I plan to do later. See

I know how to ask for installation and it should ask for installation, but if it asks about license approval I could not figure out how to not use Android Studio for accepting the licenses.
Ah, this reminds of something that I saw the other day (not media related though):

About the website redesign there was this thread:

But I think it needed more participation from community members to get the content updated, generate new screenshots, and possibly the idea was to use the Wiki that Hobbes did a ton of updates with AGA, to also host the base documents for the main website, but not many appeared to fill the blanks. Tampie85 did make an amazing design which I think can be seen through the links in the thread.
Hey Mehrdad. I don't have that issue on my phones so far. I tried a few ideas but could not reproduce. In the back button, the keys entry, one of them is Ctrl+V, if you hit it, it should load a display with some information. Can you capture a screenshot of that when you have that problem? Or does it "clean" the screen as soon as you hit back button?
I just added a minor FAQ on the first post. I surely would like to automate things a bit more but I am afraid Google may change some things just too fast. I haven't yet figured the signing problem (I just blew up my install and started from scratch and it's working, so I could not reproduce it yet), if someone else hit it too, please let me know.

I also haven't yet figured what to do about the icons. This has how they look like. I am thinking of simply asking for a directory in the project called AndroidIcons with the contents of this zip prepared for your game. Not sure on this yet. If anyone has any ideas, please share.
I meant more there's an hyphen in your game dir, after a space character, I don't know if this may trigger something somewhere to think the directory may be a parameter. (Yes, I should escape characters as needed, but I am still writing the escaping code so for now it's not good :/)

Anyhow, if you set the password for the keystore and the keystore location in the AGS Editor -> Preferences -> Advanced -> the things under Android, when setting the Android Keystore path the Editor do checks to see if it's really there. There's also a very weird thing that Android Studio asks now is that the keystore and the key passwords are the same. I haven't tried using different ones to see what kinda of error message it outputs. I am out of home now, will check when I get back.
@Laura Hunt, I will investigate, it may be something like special characters on path, spaces on a folder name or something else not related. I will try to reproduce here and see if I can figure it out.

@Mehrdad, the image is weird, I don't know what could be yet. Have you tried changing the renderer, like do you get that same image with both OGL and Software renderer? I have no idea what could be to cause that image yet.

About control scheme I don't fully understand what you mean yet, but again, multi touch or a more natural touch scheme is not something I am going to look into now. This would require touch specific events which would allow the developer to script whatever scheme they feel they want, instead of hardcoding any behavior at all.
@Laura Hunt, I think I fixed all the errors (erh, at least the reported ones, if there are more, please tell me!). Thanks for the screen caps and the error messages! They were very helpful! I setup from a new install in my PC here and it appears it's working. I updated the files on the google drive linked in the first post!

Ah, right, about the sound, what CW said. It should be fixed soon.

@Mehrdad, I added the rotation config through Default Setup and updated the main post. It should be working now. About the click, I agree there are necessary enhancements for touch input. I wrote the general gist of what I think here, but I won't be working in this just right now. For now I want to get the build working.
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