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Messages - eri0o

Quote from: Laura Hunt on Sat 12/02/2022 21:01:01
I installed everything though Android Studio, the latest version 2021.1.1 Patch 1. The path is correct, C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre.

Thanks, I found the error! I will upload a new version that should take care of this, just need to check if I made any more mistakes on this part. :/

Edit: actually turns out it was 3 errors. I am still checking to see if there's something more I missed.
This usually means that JAVA_HOME is set to directory where JDK was not installed. Did you set up Java through a separate installer or are you using the one that is provided along Android Studio? If you are the one with android Studio, can you tell me which version?
@Laura Hunt, I added the keyboard toggle and extra keys on the above (updated the download on the link too), you should be able to reach it by using either the back button or the back gesture (depending of android version/config) when in game.

I hope I can get rotation working later this weekend.
It's already doable with agspak and scripts, you even wrote one .bat script at some point - I have it in my computer, but I can't find it on GitHub.


Back on Android, it appears that while the first level of a menu is drawn behind the SDL surface view no matter what I do, it seems the second level is always drawn on top. The caveat is the second level of the apparently blocks the application. So it seems the doable way is when the menu opens, open programatically an option, and then have all menu options under this one, and also delay all actions done from the selections by using timer with the action on the callback. I need to test this to verify that this really works alright on different devices...

Edit: Android is too mystical and the above didn't work. I found a way that is blowing up the game screen, drawing the menu, and picking up the game screen back after the menu is closed. It looks terrible but it worked.

Edit: done!
I agree 100% with moving to ags4 right after. Just to clarify, we can really do the tools there and backport if needed, I think it's the better way too.
I have been thinking about rotation, perhaps it could use an auto config for now. If the game has height bigger than width it sets portrait, and if not, landscape.

I would like to redo how the build process of AGS works, but I am not sure I can do it fast enough and bug free enough to be something that gets in 3.6.0, but ideally I would like to be possible so you can selectively exclude rooms or set macros and things and build different versions of game data, possibly paired with different versions of acsetup.cfg and then can choose what gets build to which system and things like that. But there's already a plan to get after 3.6.0 is done a version of the editor that uses command line tools to build AGS games so I think I would prefer to have that happen at that time. So currently there is no reasonable panel to place things like an adb interface or a gradle interface. :/
Honestly the ags player as is I would rather let ScummVm take the throne there.

But still on the keyboard, what we need is support System.ShowKeyboard instead. Also a reminder, we can't use the back button anymore on Android, since it's now handled by gesture - back button is gone in latest Android versions.

We should first and foremost support developers doing their mobile ports, multitouch would allow making a GUI controls for on screen joysticks. Supporting players who have put their games there come latest in my opinion. If we switched this mode of thinking the agsplayer could be repurposed more as a companion to the Editor, similar to the original Phonegap app, where it let me type the local IP address of the PC the Editor is running, and then we can have things like debug, log, ...

But going back a bit, we need to get rid of the android.cfg and use acsetup.cfg instead, this is the first priority. And add a rotation config there, in acsetup.cfg.
No, but in detail:

1. I would much rather support touch up, touch move, and touch down events, and have multitouch in some GUI elements (buttons). I have a writeup here:

I think adapting mouse to touch is bad, the developer should handle touch input differently.

2. Keyboard is not there, the problem is this was done through a menu, but SDL2 is done in a way that it grabs the surface and draw and it's over painting any control I throw on top. If we had something like dear imgui I could make a nice UI in c++ itself but as is I haven't yet figured any way to do in Java. I would rather have proper 1 and let people implement this in-game.
No problem CW, go ahead!

I think after we are done with this version, we really should look into moving on from our old FreeType to a newer FreeType, so integrating Harfbuzz is easier.
I haven't yet integrated the Editor to write the proper android config yet, I was interested if people would be able to install Android Studio and it, and getting this working on the computer.

As soon as I integrate the config it should be just a menu entry for rotation.

The apk is made for local testing, but I believe Cafe Bazaar uses the aab + non-embedded asset (same as Google Play), this would be the upload format.

About 2, I could make that version, yes, but I can advance that the Unicode version doesn't support font ligatures yet. Font ligatures requires the Harfbuzz library and we haven't gone there yet. If no font ligatures is fine for now I can create that build, but probably only Friday. Please test the Unicode version separately though, we are probably going to be integrating both later but knowing what works and what doesn't helps polishing the features.
Android Build in the Editor

⚠️⚠️This feature is merged and available in 3.6.0 releases⚠️⚠️

running on your computer may have visual differences ... (I am too lazy to update this gif)

Please test and report. Here's the step by step:

  • Install Android Studio, the latest version available
  • Note down the directories it is installed (probably C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio) and where it installed the Android SDK (probably C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk)
  • open AGS Editor and either create a new game or load a copy of a game you want to test. Don't use your actual game files with this editor since it will add information to your project settings that are not compatible with other 3.6.X versions.
  • On Editor preferences, Set JAVA_HOME to where your JDK is installed, if you have Android Studio, it' s probably C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre
  • On Editor Preferences, Set ANDROID_HOME to where the Android SDK was installed, it probably is C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
  • Still on Editor Preferences, set your Android Keystore information. If you don't have a keystore, use the Generate Keystore button. On the keystore generation screen, everything under Certificate is optional.
  • Go in general settings, find the Android entry there and adjust as needed(aab, APK, ...), then on build, select Android among the platforms
  • Hit Build Exe in the Editor and wait things to happen. This will take a lot of time on the first time since it needs to install a lot of things, it should be much faster afterwards


At your project root, create a directory named icons with a directory named android inside. Then you need to add the following files ( template here):

  • icons/android/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png 48x48 pixels, RGBA png icon
  • icons/android/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png 72x72 pixels, RGBA png icon
  • icons/android/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png 96x96 pixels, RGBA png icon
  • icons/android/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png 144x144 pixels, RGBA png icon
  • icons/android/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png 192x192 pixels, RGBA png icon

If you want to support round icons, additionally create ic_launcher_round.png files in the same directories. If you need help creating those files, try this online AndroidAssetStudio.

  • Q: I am missing the Android SDK!
    A: after installing Android Studio, load Android Studio and click in the top menu in Tools, and then in SDK Manager, at top, hit Edit

    In the next screen, set the adequate location and hit next.

    You can hit next here, just note down that the SDK Folder here is what is set as ANDROID_HOME in the Editor preferences, and JDK Location is the JAVA_HOME on the Editor preferences. <<<<

    And then it comes one thing you have to do, if you want to use it, you need to accept the licenses! There are two licenses you need to accept in this screen, so scroll down and hit accept, switch to the next one, scroll down again, and hit accept again.

    We are going to be using SDK 29 in here for now, so if something complains about it, make sure to comeback to the SDK managed and find and click in Android 10 (Q), API Level 29 and then proceed to installing it. If you don't, AGS Editor may try to download and install it anyway if needed when building your app for the first time, after ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME are set!

  • Q: I installed Android Studio using JetBrains Toolbox! But I can't find it... What do I set in ANDROID_HOME ?
    A: OK, if you did this way, the toolbox entry of Android Studio has an entry to show it in file explorer. If you can't find it, it usually uses a directory similar to below:

  • Q: How do I set the screen orientation or rotate it?
    A: Screen Rotation has to be configured in Default Setup, currently there are three possible options: Unlocked (player may rotate device screen freely if he unlocks it), Portrait (game can only be vertically oriented) and Landscape (game screen is horizontally oriented). Default is Unlocked.

  • Q: Why is my app name app-mygame-release.apk? Can I change this name?
    A: You did not change the property Android App ID in General Settings. Set it to something like com.incredibleproductions.indianagame and you will get app-indianagame-release.apk.

  • Q: I got a "validateSigningRelease FAILED" message and my build did not work...
    A: It's possible that the keystore was not set, if that is the case go into Preferences, and on Android tab set the correct keystore information. If you don't have a Keystore, please generate one using the Generate Keystore button, and click OK after successfully generating one.

  • Q: Build is a bit slow, can I do anything to speed it up?
    A: In Editor Preferences, under Advanced tab, in Android, select Use Gradle Daemon and mark it true.

There is still room for improvement, but this should do the general things...

Also when possible please try these experimental versions of editors that appears in this board, the feedback given can help make ags better. After the feature is already in, some things get a lot harder to change.


Additionally, I recently started thinking about build matrixes in AGS, if someone has any design idea for this. It looks something like this (this is a different editor than the above):

Thank you! I was very curious about how the game looked like after you mentioned blender, but the images were not loading for me before.  (wtf)

Now I can see it! It looks gorgeous, very neon! Love it! I am curious how the game works in motion. 8-)
Can you use the regular makefile generator and build with make?

I checked sdl2 source code and no changes suggest changes in these particular flags that are specifically MacOS related as far as I can tell.

To clarify, if this is a bug and not something wrong in the environment it needs to be reported upstream, but I was able to load a Monterrey computer and build with CMake+make, which is why I asked.

I want to add what CrashPL describes up to before the codesign+notarization directly in AGS Editor at some point soon, by I lack an actual Mac computer with M1 to test (they are really really expensive in my country). The codesign+notarization then is left as an exercise for the reader - I mean, we probably could make a tool to just do those commands, erh, maybe.
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine Web port
Wed 02/02/2022 00:53:21
Hey, I know I need to add more information here and answer some questions, but just a heads up. The Emscripten port has been merged in AGS repository :)

It should be available in a future 3.6.0 release.
Hey, you made into Kotaku!

About the font problems, I am aware. I will try to post about it in the web port topic soon about it.

About the keyboard though... That's news to me, I need to explore game jolt a bit more to see what is happening. I made most of my tests locally, and later on my own server and also in, but I made fewer tests on game jolt. I will look into it.

I will investigate and update the information in the web port topic to avoid adding information here not related to the game. :)
Wuhu! Very fun little game :)

Thank you for using the web port!  ;-D It's good to see more people using and finding out how well it works. Curiosity, the title music you rendered to an ogg file?
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine Web port
Thu 27/01/2022 16:30:43
I am not sure, but it should obey the settings from acsetup.cfg, so if you say it should stretch, it will, if you say it should respect the aspect ratio, then it will and so on, I don't remember if the default setup in the Editor writes these, but the file should be easy enough to edit by hand, here's is how acsetup.cfg works:

I will at some point in the future figure something like winsetup for the web but I haven't yet figured how it should look like.

One thing that I would like to do at some point is merge both the single game launcher and the any game launcher, so that if nothing is specified in the my_game_files.js it would then offer a file drop input so games can be uploaded (and the browse button too since phones don't support file drop). I do could use help with the html, css, js and such of these since those are a bit hard for me.
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine Web port
Thu 27/01/2022 11:42:36
Hey, I made a new package here in case it's useful

I am on a phone right now, so I don't have how to debug much right now.

Edit: ah, now I see it worked. I see you mentioned your own server. I am not sure, but I think some browsers may require https for running Web Assembly.
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine Web port
Thu 27/01/2022 10:40:25
Hey, that's weird. In the browser you are using, it should be possible to load the console by going through the menus (I think AGS will be trying to catch all inputs so something like f12 may not work).

With the developer console, it should hopefully give useful hints as to why it's not working. AGS and the Emscripten "OS" stuff log error messages there.

I am currently in the process of getting the web port into main AGS branch so it should soon be integrated in the AGS Editor, and when that happens it should be easier to get it working.

I am out of home now, but if you send me a link to a build of your game I can check it out tonight what's going on.
The Engine has already log groups and log level, so I added this in the logging pane:


I also added a debounce, so the received logs are accumulated before showing up in the panel, it appears to work alright too!
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