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Messages - eri0o

Hey Eric, I think the link on the first post needs to be updated , since it doesn't show all assets (reading on mobile!)
The Rumpus Room / Re: What's on TV?
Sun 19/08/2018 14:51:58
The Good Wife, it's Tascione
AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Tue 10/07/2018 04:34:05
One more screenshot, art streaming and Future Flashback in a game event!

Whoa! Thanks HanaIndiana, Blondbraid, Privateer Puddin' and horusr We will try to keep up with more screenshots (look down in this post for one more! More to come reaaaally soon)! ;)
Cassiebsg, maybe it's the future 8-0! JSH, ToxicTuba, FireFlower, thank you, we will try to update here more!  Noted your observation too _InCreator_! :-D

- . - . -

Ricardo Juchem streamed his art for a background from Future Flashback here on Twitch!

Here it is in game!

- . - . -

Also, in a local event here in Brazil we took our game for people to play! It was very cool!

Read more on how it went on our blog...

- . - . -

We also created a game poster! Click on the image below to follow and download it from our blog!

Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Mon 09/07/2018 12:24:00
Hey CW, you nailed , I was using the same three hyphens without spaces :)
No. Like, if you want to go right, but you are facing a diagonally defined wall, like / , I would expect to go right and up. But without solving this, the character will just get stuck.
Is this the most update version of this module?

I've been thinking a lot about it since with joystick plugin this module essentially enables walking around in non point and click games. It just doesn't solve slopes well.
Just curious, what is AGS Archives? And why is it going offline?
Did you had to fork and do new stuff to get it working? Are your modifications public? I am.going to start messing with OSX build soon. Can it run plug-ins? I was interested into trying to add joystick support.
Hey Radiant! Did things eventually worked out for you?
AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Mon 09/04/2018 03:54:27
More Screenshots!


Small update! Adding some more screenshots below!

(last one is kind of a small error on player.ChangeRoom ... )

You can see some more screenshots on the game blog or @futureflashbck on Twitter!

We have been testing a slightly change in the game interface that will hopefully make the game better. 8-)
I have used scrivener in the past, but I later discovered Google Docs was easier because it has apps that work everywhere.
This is Twine 1? I am testing the most recent Twine (I think 2.2 something?). I saw people using Google Spreadsheet for planning, with passages being made inside cells.

My actual game is being made in a mix of pen and paper, libreoffice, google docs and mspaint. I try to use dialogs in AGS for dialogs and cutscenes.
Question. I may go to NYC in May. Can someone suggest me a good hotel? My definition of good is a nice bed for me and my girlfriend, has a bathroom in the room, has wifi and either has breakfast or is near a bakery or coffee shop that offers breakfast.

I am going for leisure, will visit museums, and other stuff.
AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Sat 30/12/2017 18:32:19
Thanks Lasca!

We are working hard to make this a good game! I hope in 2018 I can provide more updates here in the thread! (nod)
AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Tue 14/11/2017 22:15:48
Hey we added lots of links to the homepage of the project, so I will add them here if you haven't checked! Social Networks!

Blog | YouTube Channel | Facebook Page | Twitter @futureflashbck | cartrdge | presskit() | indieDB

On the blog, I recently posted on development (with some help from Gurok):

Ship of Theseus Development

We are taking a top-down approach for Future Flashback. We wrote a story, and telling it in the adventure genre felt natural. When looking for tools, I eventually found Adventure Game Studio. It has all the ready-to-use objects that I like from RPG Maker, but for adventure games. It's also powerful enough to let you ditch any ready-made objects so that you can create your own, with a very easy to use scripting language.

You can use the default adventure elements to prototype the story and the environment, then take your time refining the gameplay and replacing default objects and methods with what works best for the game. It works really great with pixel graphics too, which is a plus since it's the aesthetic that we are going for. While I didn't know Adventure Game Studio or its scripting language a year ago, it has a friendly learning curve that means the hardest part is often deciding what design works best instead of what can I code.

This is my favorite development strategy, the "ship of Theseus strategy" (as coined by eri0o), where I have a good set of defaults for creating and I can replace each part at my own pace. New parts can be different and enable me to move forward, while the old parts provide a safety net that, if something is too hard to replace, I can leave as-is and work around. This approach gives me a predictable development path where I know I can advance if only a little each day.

The predictable pace of development gives me the tranquillity to explore and iterate on the design, while being able throw ideas (and code) away because I know they are easy to explore. Since I am not the only person using the tool, I also have access to ready-made code that helps me iterate faster until I'm ready to cut the unneeded parts or polish them to fit our vision for the game.

AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Sat 04/11/2017 21:39:31
Hey @ClickClickClick, I am sorry, no real time travel, only memories. The description in the website actually is the one we opened this thread with. There is a feature list in the presskit, but I am not sure yet if we can do a better writing there on our intentions in the project :)
AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Sat 04/11/2017 20:00:38
We have a website!

We are creating a website and also now we have an official twitter @futureflashbck. We hope to use those as ways to connect to people interested in the game so we can feel if there is interest! Please provide feedback on the website. 8-)
Hey @Eric Matyas! I love your Virtual Cinema, with the ocean. If you ever have time, can you do some quick panoramic shoots of cityscapes? Thanks :]
AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Sun 29/10/2017 15:25:37
Hey thanks ClickClickClick and Cassiebsg! About the nitpick, I agree with you, I did a small adjustment... :-\

AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Sat 28/10/2017 21:45:10
Theme music updated!

Hey small update, just wanted to show the Title Screen with the new version of the theme music. If anyone has the habit of listening to music through YouTube on TV, you may want to listen to the following video.

If you haven't subscribed, please do, if we get to 100 subscribers we can have a proper channel URL. 8-)

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