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Messages - eri0o

Hey @LostTrainDude

1) Great suggestion, I will ask the question when clicking New Game! Oh, the tutorial is a module, and each click type is disabled before their respective text is shown (there's and if before processClick that goes like if(TutorialModule.isRightClickDisabled()) return ). The idea was that the tutorial can be enabled in any level - the why will be explained in the Future. :)

2) Ok, ditched actionPopups, tried something different now, I thinks it breakes the immersion less:

3) Thanks, will reduce info dumps. And nice website! Bookmarked!

4) The mouse icons are context based. They surely will be needed for joystick support in the future (with different graphics) but I am not sure too on they being available for mouse. I guess I will ditch them for mouse later on.

Thanks for the feedback! 8-)
AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Thu 19/10/2017 21:52:46
Gameplay Video (with comments)
Warning: the video contains the first 7 minutes of gameplay, if you want to be in without having any idea on the game, don't watch.

Hello everyone,

We decided it's a smart decision to share the gameplay of the game we are making and get feedback on what we are doing. Below are some questions, maybe someone has some ideas for one or all of them.

1 - I want to target the game for people who likes point and click adventures, but I want the game to be able to introduce to someone who has never played anything in the genre to it. Is this basic first level making sense?

2 - The action popus explained in the video, are they a good or bad idea? Are they a good idea but they need to be implemented differently? I came up with them because people playing the game couldn't grasp in the first ten minutes the right click and left click functions (look/interact). Jumping in mario is obvious because mario jumps!

3 - Are the dialogs too long or are they good in size?

4 - Suggestions on the basic UI? I am planning on re skin the BASS template and add some buttons for the phone menu.

5 - Any other comments, or ideas or encouragement is also appreciated!

Oh, and the video has subtitles, we noticed some voice was hard to understand but the world was too noisy to re-record the audio.
AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Sun 24/09/2017 14:39:34


Small update here, showing the process an idea becomes a sketch, mock-up and gets coded inside the game, the idea here being the game menu as a part of the game itself.

Also, in YouTube, you need at least 100 subscribers to get a pretty url that's easy to type for the channel, so please subscribe to our channel!

Another option :-\

I Wonder what people who releases games on Steam does or if it's not needed at all and users are ok with it.  ???
Apparently CAcert can provide free certification and using the signtool I can apply the certificate afterwards. I am a newbie on Windows coding, but mostly googling refers to visual studio... :( Is it possible to do this from AGS on the build phase?

Every time I test my game on Windows 10, when it tries to run, it defaults to Not Run for me. And then I have to do a small click in the box and then have to tell it's safe to run the game or the winsetup for config.

Is it possible to make the game.exe file and maybe also the winsetup.exe trusted executables? And is there a way to configure the Publisher Name ?

AGS Games in Production / Re: The Witch House
Thu 07/09/2017 12:26:09
Hey rongel! I like this game premise a lot! Re read the Cthulu mythos in a pretty book recently last week and I really like your screenshots. Your art reminds me of  Edward Hopper's Nighthawks. You seem to be advancing fast, which is awesome! I really want to play your game! :-D
AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Thu 31/08/2017 22:49:24
Hey guys! So here's a small update, this time I wanted to show the game music! ;)

Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Wed 30/08/2017 22:04:56

is it just me, or the embedded youtube videos appear as text now instead of being embedded ?

"[embed=x,y] video link [/embed]" are the ones I am referencing... Like here: Blackwell Epiphany trailer embedded.
AGS Games in Production / Re: Future Flashback
Mon 07/08/2017 04:16:24
Guys you are all great, thanks for the positive responses! This community is awesome! :-D

The release date is a bit in the future, I know. We have already planned the whole game, we broke it in how many AGS rooms we are going to have, and extrapolated the time to end development from the time we spent in each room we already developed, so hopefully this is reasonably realistic.

The game interface will allow the player to interact and look using the mouse, and have an inventory to store and use items, we started from the BASS template and have been iterating from there. The game resolution is going to be 320x180, so it will scale nice in 16:9 screens.
AGS Games in Production / Future Flashback
Sun 30/07/2017 04:03:54


Behold a future where a drug is capable of recreate vivid memories. Untangle the obsessive mind of an ex surgeon, that after an accident starts reliving the memories of a girl he never met, seeing her past, looking into her dreams and unfolding the mysterious future they share together.

Expected Release date: 2020

Story by Guilherme Henrique
Programing by Erico Porto
Art by Ricardo Juchem
Music by Jordan Pool


Blog | YouTube Channel | Facebook Page | Twitter @futureflashbck | presskit() | indieDB

Update Log:
0 - 30 Jul 2017 - Game Announcement
1 - 31 Aug 2017 - Theme Music Reveal
2 - 24 Sep 2017 - Game Menu is a Smartphone
3 - 02 Oct 2017 - Characters Portrait Reveal
4 - 19 Oct 2017 - Gameplay video of First Level
5 - 28 Oct 2017 - Title Screen and updated Theme Music
6 -  4 Nov 2017 - We Have a Website
7 - 10 Nov 2017 - The evolution of a background art
8 - 14 Nov 2017 - Social Networks + Ship of Theseus Development
9 - 17 Dec 2017 - Screenshot and New Background
10 -  8 Apr 2018 - More Screenshots
11 - 10 Jul 2018 - One more screenshot, art streaming and Future Flashback in a game event!
12 - 21 Aug 2018 - Geek & Game Rio Festival 2018
13 - 17 Sep 2018 - Going to AdventureX
14 - 18 Nov 2018 - Future Flashback on AdventureX
15 - 15 Dec 2018 - Library Screenshot
16 - 31 Dec 2018 - 2018 Recap
17 - 13 Feb 2019 - Steam Capsules poll
18 - 13 Jul 2019 - A small update of themes
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